TNF Hertfordshire UK Film Show
Posted 09 April 2015 - 16:28
Posted 10 April 2015 - 19:28
Shame I can't make it - the pull of the WEC at spa was too strong.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 06:17
Ditto, but Donington Historic for me.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:59
Pleased to announce our next show 2nd May will tell "The Connew Story"
For the first time ever Peter and Barry will relate the tale from 1971 until the end of 1973 when they built and raced their own design and constuction Formula One car the Connew-Ford PC1 in the world championship. Something we can never see happening again.
So full day with films , slides . BBQ lunch , quiz,.and lots of talk
Founding member of the original Nostalgia Forum group Don Capps is flying over specially from the USA to come and talk to the audience in the afternoon about motor sport history and his life.
Afternoon tea and cakes,quiz results and chance to talk to friends.
All being well Doug Nye will be with us , to both sit and talk to all the interviewees all day and in the afternoon present some of his recently discovered gems of historical motoring and motor sports research, in his friendly and hugely popular style- always a joy to have Doug with us.
So a packed day 9.30-5.00pm here in Herts. Saturday 2nd May 2015
So if you would like to attend email or pm me for details to be added to newsletters and to book. Only 3 weeks to go! Be quick this will be popular I feel sure.
Edited by RTH, 11 April 2015 - 18:30.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 15:47
Forgot to mention Peter and Barry will be bringing the monocoque and suspension parts from the car to put on show in the hall.
The idea eventually to build the Connew back in to a complete and original static exhibit.
They are missing a gearbox or at least a dummy to do this - so if you know anyone with say a damaged casing doing nothing under a bench they could make great use of it and hasten the process of getting the whole car on show .
Posted 11 April 2015 - 18:59
Hi Richard!
Have you seen my PM?
Best regards from Sweden
Posted 12 April 2015 - 09:47
Yes I did reply by pm
Send me your email address and i will send it again directly
Posted 13 April 2015 - 08:25
Hi all!
I´ll fly in from Sweden on the evening of Friday the 1st
and stay at the Days Inn in Bishop´s Stortford.
Is there anyone who is willing to pick me up off Junction 8,
M11 on your way to the Film Show?
Best regards
Posted 13 April 2015 - 08:37
Posted 23 April 2015 - 09:29
Just over a week to go, still time to book a few places left for the Connew story, Don Capps and Doug Nye email me back. Sat 2nd May, Herts all day.
Posted 30 April 2015 - 11:11
A quick bump becauase RTH's e-mail yesterday hinted there were still seven places left.
Apologies if I'm wrong and they've already gone; you can't have my place, I'm looking forward to Saturday!
Posted 03 May 2015 - 05:20
What a great day yesterday. The speakers were fascinating and the films excellent.
My thanks to Peter Connew, Barry Boor, and the younger gentleman who helped them present the Connew parts for display and put together the witty slideshow.
Don Capps gave a lot of us food for thought and Doug Nye's films and commentaries were great.
To see DSJ's Mille Miglia trophies only 60 years and one day after the great victory with Stirling Moss was terrific. I was particularly pleased to see the connecting rod from the 300SLR engine that I held for a long time back in the 1970s. Magical.
All that and good food too! Thanks to Richard and the organising team.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 07:11
Congratulations to all concerned.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 08:27
Edited by sterling49, 03 May 2015 - 08:29.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 08:52
I would like to thank Richard and his crew, Peter Connew and his son,
Barry Boor, Don Capps, Doug Nye, Frank and Jenny Batten who drove
me to and from the Village Hall and all the members of the Table 9 Quizz team.
I had a wonderful day out and it was well worth the flight from Sweden.
I hope to see you all again in an not too distant future.
Best regards
Posted 03 May 2015 - 09:33
As ever, a great day's entertainment.
Peter Connew was an inspiration, his achievement in creating the car typical of a man who said in reply to a question, "Why not start with Formula 1, I don't know any thing about Formula Ford and they're all just bits of metal anyway!" Thanks for coming Peter,Barry et al, and allowing us to jump in the car...well, ease oneself in!
His subsequent life spent fostering over 100 children speaks volumes.
Doug's magic bag containing the invaluable Moss & Jenks stuff could have come straight from the Hatton Garden Heist.
Richard and front of house plus catering corps....thank you again.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 09:48
It was a great pleasure to meet Christer and David Beard and of course huge thanks go to Jane, Christine, Bill and Richard for all their hard work.
Can't wait until October.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 10:21
It was our first visit to a Herts Film show and we thoroughly enjoyed it.. Just sorry I didn't identify a few more TNFers and that we had to leave a little early. I echo the praise and thanks already given by others.
Some more photos here:
Edited by David Beard, 03 May 2015 - 10:25.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 13:10
Many thanks to all of you who came here yesterday. Without your support we would be unable to continue. Thanks to Peter Connew and Barry Boor - not only for their superb presentation and talk - but for the 3 months of hard graft in cleaning and preparing the car as an exhibit. It captured the imagination of the audience - indeed a wonderful story brilliantly told. Thanks too to Ralph Colmar who constructed the excellent film of rostrum stills so expertly edited together with Barry's great narration - involving flying out to Malta. As well as other physical assistance with the car. Peter's son Chris was a great help on the day too , not least his computer skills. Don Capps flew in from Washington DC - just to see us and talk about motor sport history - fantastic effort and very much appreciated by all of us. Doug Nye - his knowledge and presentation skills are always a joy as is the material he always brings with him and the artifacts , quite amazing, many thanks. Jane & Bill - their usual fantastic effort to give us such delicious homemade food all day. Christine keeping us all in order, to time, and constantly mopping up all the vital little tasks that make the day work. A very special thanks to those of you who stayed behind and put away all the tables and chairs - this really is the most enormous help and we really do appreciate it- many thanks indeed. But chiefly yourselves for your enthusiasm, kindness , help and for being prepared to travel such distances it never ceases to amaze and delight me , We had people come from Sweden, Paris, the United States,Bahamas, Malta, Wales, Bristol Southampton, Ipswich Northampton, Oxford and all the home counties - you really are all stars many thanks for keeping it going. This was our 19th such gathering since January 2009. Just a taster for the next on 17th October, just one of the items will be on the Vanwall story and Tony Vandervell and allied companies in the area.Features on MG prewar and Brooklands.
Edited by RTH, 06 May 2015 - 05:53.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 15:48
Oh indeed , friend of Barry's and great enthusiast Joe Duca made the pilgrimage all the way from Malta to see and hear the Connew story.
How about a book now Barry - with all the photos and a final chapter which sees the car rebuilt, running , and doing a demonstration up the Goodwood hill and at Silverstone classic.
By the way did I mention the Connew 2015 team really need an F1 DG300 gearbox even something damaged/cracked etc not suitable anymore for actual racing but workable for demonstration - same goes for a Cosworth DFV.Even faulty with worn out internals Peter is prepared to put anything apart to get the car to drive at sensible cost. Any donations or leads very gratefully received.
Making the car a runner even at low speed is now an ambition.Anything we can to to hasten this process would be great.
Edited by RTH, 06 May 2015 - 05:59.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 15:51
Pretty well everyone back then was running a DG.300, including us.
Posted 03 May 2015 - 20:47
Great show.
That's me standing on the right looking to get into the Connew next.
I got talking to Peter and reckoned we were both at Brands Hatch in 1970 when John Surtees was testing his new Formula 1 car TS7 as John invited me to watch the testing. I had written to him asking to visit his factory,aged 17 and instead was invited along. .
Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:18
Thought you might like to see the cartoon we had specially drawn to give to Peter & Barry -by the the best cartoonist in the world - Rod Waller - yet another brilliant piece of work - thanks Rod .
Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:59
L to R Barry Boor, Peter Connew, Doug Nye.
Posted 04 May 2015 - 07:29
Lotus 11 and Lotus 6
Stephen Lee's 1930 Talbot 90 just back from finishing the Flying Scotsman rally
Inside Connew PC1
Edited by RTH, 06 May 2015 - 06:01.
Posted 04 May 2015 - 12:04
Posted Today, 06:18 by RTH;--
Thought you might like to see the cartoon we had specially drawn to give to Peter & Barry -by the the best cartoonist in the world - Rod Waller - yet another brilliant piece of work - thanks Rod .
Rich, I just try to draw the odd smile but you draw a bloody long bow! Thanks anyway. Glad everyone enjoyed the show and wouldn't it be good to see the Connew back on four wheels one day!
Posted 05 May 2015 - 06:32
It was surely amazing for Don Capps to fly all the way from D.C. to attend.
I understand that he was one of the founding fathers of this forum in a previous version.
He is obviously a real, dedicated & passionate historian as evidenced by his talk.
I think I am correct in saying that this & other forums no longer meet his exacting requirements from his professional point of view.
If the original forum was originally launched as a pure history exchange, then by the very fact that it is, or became public, would certainly cause it to evolve into what it is today.
Perhaps better to have kept it more private? (But then again, how else do you contact like minded people?)
Which is why I find it so amazing & generous of his time to 'pop over'.
Privilege to see/hear him.
Posted 06 May 2015 - 05:42
Don Capps with Doug Nye
In the style of that heartwarming feature film 'The world's fastest Indian' it has been suggested that - 'The Connew Formula One Story' could be equally produce a feel good movie.
......So who should play the characters ?
Posted 07 May 2015 - 08:28
Don Capps with Doug Nye
In the style of that heartwarming feature film 'The world's fastest Indian' it has been suggested that - 'The Connew Formula One Story' could be equally produce a feel good movie.
......So who should play the characters ?
Samuel L. Jackson, Dick Van Dyke, Charlton Heston, Vinnie Jones......
Posted 12 May 2015 - 18:53
Belated thanks to everyone who made May the 2nd an unforgettable day including Peter and Iris Connew who kindly put with me on several occasions while I was polishing a few bit's of metal and drilling the odd hole, Barry who kindly followed through with my suggestion of making the film 5 years ago, Rob who was present through his excellent penmanship, Richard for coming up with the film shows, Don for coming up with TNF in the first place, Doug for his infinite knowledge and supply of DSJ momentos, Tim and Glyn for their help with the quiz, the participants in the quiz who made it all worthwhile, not forgetting Jane and Bill for their culinary skills that alone would be worth the trip from Bristol and Malcolm Ricketts for bringing his Lotus 11
Apologies to anyone I have forgotten to mention.
What's next Richard ?
Posted 13 May 2015 - 07:08
Many thanks Ralph - but a large part of this one goes to you for help and especially encouragement to Peter & Barry. Getting it all out and producing what was a magnificent exhibit and vastly exceeded my expectations added a colossal amount of interest on the day. This year's Goodwood FOS the theme will be small F1 constructors - so just maybe the project can move another step and it could go on display there too perhaps ? I am not expecting to top this one at our next meeting on Saturday 17th October but we will have a mixture of interesting items I hope. Thanks to you and everyone who helped on the day - it would not be anywhere as much fun or quality without you.
Posted 13 May 2015 - 17:17
Hi Richard and all,
A belated thanks from me once again. It's not that I appreciated this one any less, it's just that I've run out of superlatives!
So simply very many thanks. I never dreamed that I'd meet so many motor racing legends, heroes and unsung heroes.
Posted 13 May 2015 - 22:10
Your consistant support is much appreciated Gary.Just bought 2 new radio microphones this week which will help I hope.
Edited by RTH, 13 May 2015 - 22:11.
Posted 08 July 2015 - 14:11
Re: The Connew :-
Someone somewhere, must have a DG 300 gearbox not in use, however poor/broken /empty the casing ,however incomplete ,and /or with useless internal components.
They were in nearly all F1 cars of that period, in sportscars in F5000 cars and more - hundreds must be in circulation.
If anyone has any ideas at all .......do please follow it up and let us see if between us we can find them something at least they can start to work with no matter where in the world it is .
Peter & Barry are pushing the rest of the car along nicely but a DG300 gearbox holds the back end of the car on and without it they can go no further.
Initial aim is a car on 4 wheels that looks complete and original for display .
Beyond that the final ambition is a running car that for instance could run and be demonstrated ( not raced) at such places as Goodwood, Cholmondley etc and other spectator events.
So any ideas anyone ? Surely we must be able to help them !
The next Film show is Saturday 17th october 2015
Another mixed bag of items films and guests do please put it firmly in your diaries now.
Edited by RTH, 08 July 2015 - 14:12.
Posted 04 September 2015 - 12:25
Pleased to announce bookings have just opened for our next film show and talk day on Saturday 17th October 2015
Our special guest speaker will be former international rally driver Rosemary Smith.
Who was a works driver for the Rootes Group in the 60s & 70s did the London Sydney london Mexico and was outright winner of the Tulip Rally in 1965 as well as countless class wins and ladies prizes plus racing in Britain, Le Mans ans Sebring.
In the afternoon local Historian Robert Cooper will be giving us a talk on Vanwall, Tony Vandervell and the motor industry in and around Maidenhead.Plus all the days usual features.
Should be a fun day email or PM me to book your places here in East Hertfordshire.
Posted 07 September 2015 - 11:11
Half of the places are left so far, so if you are thinking about it best decide soon.
Posted 24 September 2015 - 05:34
Just over 3 weeks to go.
10 places left if you are still thinking about it email or pm me to book places.
Posted 03 October 2015 - 11:41
Just 2 weeks today to go. Just a handful of places available.
Meet Rosemary Smith and hear her story of international rallying in the 1960s & 70s.
Robert Cooper telling us about the motor industry in Maidenhead and Vanwall and the Vandervell products factory in particular.
Posted 07 October 2015 - 14:22
Due to cancellations from illness we still have some places available to book for the next film show and talk day in Hertfordshire in 9 days time on all day Saturday 17th October.
Rosemary Smith will be here to talk to you and we will have an afternoon feature on the Vanwall Formula One team plus meals, quiz and all the days usual features.
If you would like to be there and/ or you have fellow enthusiasts, friends , relatives to bring along etc then please just private message or email me back to reserve your places.
It should be a relaxed and fun day, we look forward to welcoming you.
Posted 14 October 2015 - 13:05
Sorry to have to report that Rosemary had a fall at home on Friday and was taken to hospital with multiple fractures now back home but she is likely to be out of action for the next 4 months - never having sustained any injury in 20 + years of full time rallying.
Very kindly two splendid chaps ex Ford Motor Company Competitions dept at Boreham Essex have stepped forward Mick Jones and John Griffiths and Graham Robson will be talking to them about their time international rallying with Ford .
Otherwise we proceed as normal.
We have places available it is in 3 days time Sat 17th October private message or email me to book.
We will certainly get Rosemary back next year , she is so disappointed not to be visiting us all.
Posted 14 October 2015 - 17:42
There was a warm-hearted article about Rosemary in the Irish Examiner earlier this year:
which includes some interesting snippets of the post-competition history of an already-remarkable lady.
Posted 14 October 2015 - 17:53
Richard, please do pass on our very best wishes for a rapid recovery to Rosemary, and I hope that her visit can be rescheduled when she's better. However, another visit from the wonderfully entertaining Mick Jones will go down very nicely indeed.
Posted 14 October 2015 - 18:23
Posted 16 October 2015 - 07:48
Best wishes to Rosemary for a speedy recovery.
You pulled a rabbit or two out of the hat again Richard, look forward to seeing you tomorrow
PS Sterling you better read do some extra motor racing history homework tonight there will be a test at lunch time tomorrow
Posted 16 October 2015 - 15:50
Really going to enjoy Mick's tales tomorrow! Bravo Richard!
Posted 17 October 2015 - 19:43
Another triumph, Richard (and crew)! I don't think we'd have noticed the hastily re-jigged agenda if we hadn't been told. It was particularly nice to have Willy's reminiscences as a little extra to add another angle to the rallying tales.
Another notable highlight was Charlie Martin's segment at the end: a most inspiring story. It's shame there wasn't time to hear a little more from Charlie; I don't think it was obvious to all just was a self-motivated, self-funded, solo effort her hillclimb campaign is - driver/mechanic/truckie/support team duties all done alone, at some distance from home.
I'm sure that Rosemary Smith would be very impressed too.
Thanks again to all who made today's event happen.
Posted 18 October 2015 - 07:07
Wonderful food as always, and good luck to the amazing Charlie Martin in her future career.
Thanks to Richard and the team for another great day out.
Posted 18 October 2015 - 07:21
Richard, you and your team continue to set and achieve high standards for yourselves, congratulations are due to you all.
Posted 18 October 2015 - 07:49
To the young guy that won the quiz, you did well, Mick and I had Graham Elsmore as the answer, if only we had scribbled it down! Good quiz Ralph, I hope your new role does not prevent you from further mindbenders mate !
Another great day, thank you all.