As a result of AUTODIVA publishing this picture recently...

Beat Schenker was very kind to submit some comments about it. That I hereby publish.
"Silvio Moser has never bought a Brabham Cosworth BT42, main reason was the lack of money. Neither had «Bretscher Racing», nor Mr Bretscher (owner of the Swiss-german blinds manufacturer «Bretscher Storen», but living near Lugano in the italian part of Switzerland) ever owned a Brabham Cosworth BT42 or any other racing car.
Mr Finotto (Martino?) bought in autumn 1973 the two Brabham Cosworth BT42-5 and -6, realising quite quickly the power of these cars were above his racing skills. Mr Finotto was the owner of the quite successfull «Scuderia Finotto». He decided to find more able drivers for the cars to race them. There were selection drives at Monza in late October 1973, among the drivers was Silvio Moser (I have no knowledge of other drivers, as I was not there myself). Apparently Moser was the only one with acceptable times, but he had to finance the venue himself.
Now enters Mr Bretscher. I do not know where, when and how Silvio met him. Mr Bretscher wanted to enlarge his company, potentially also abroad. One way was to create the «Bretscher Racing Team», which was responsable for the finances, as well as getting the necessary licenses from the FIA. His engagement was classical sponsoring.
Both Brabhams were maintained and entered by the owner, the «Scuderia Finotto». On the picture with the transporter with Bologna number plates are the two Brabhams with the four Finotto engineers as well as Jürg Dubler as Team manager, engaged and payed by Bretscher. The livery was according to the colour scheme of the company «Bretscher Stores».
Silvio Moser was free to drive races with other cars under the condition they were entered by «Bretscher Racing Team». That was the case with the Lola BMW T294, owned by Tonino Nicodemi, as well as potentially F2 entries with a new March. These entries where made through the «Silvio Moser Racing Team».
Jürg Dubler and the «Scuderia Finotto» might offer more infos."