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#1 A3

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 05:39

Community Assisted Race Sim

Posted Image

Very interesting concept:


Looks amazing:

I don't think my computer can handle this, but I'm keeping an eye on this one. :)


#2 nugat

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 09:28

I bought the 'junior' tool pack for 10 euros yesterday and got it installed. Unfortunately I haven't had time to try it with my wheel yet, but first impressions are very impressive!

I have a HD5770 graphics card and it runs perfectly smooth at 1920x1080.

If anyone is thinking of giving it a go I'd say try it! A one off 10 euro payment gets you access to monthly builds. More expensive pricing options are available if you want access to weekly builds.

At the moment you get a few cars and two tracks, enough to keep you entertained for a few hours. The minimum system specs are quite high, but I guess that's partly to do with the fact that it's not a finished game and hence not optimised.

#3 karlth

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 14:26

What the #$"%"#%& do you pay on their horrendous website?? :mad:

I hate it when a company spends millions developing a project and then seems to try its utmost not to sell it.

Edit found it finally: Go to http://www.wmdportal.com/ and there in the middle of the page in the 3rd newsitem is a link: " becoming a WMD Team Member".

Edited by karlth, 16 October 2011 - 14:29.

#4 pingu666

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 21:35

the car graphics are super nice :D, circuits abit less, look soft to me

#5 karlth

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Posted 17 October 2011 - 00:36

the car graphics are super nice :D, circuits abit less, look soft to me

Yes. It is I think all the special effects in the graphics engine: Bloom, heat haze, complex shadows, etc. It is a bit too much.

The game is though better than I thought.

#6 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 18 October 2011 - 13:57

Just looking at the YouTubes, I *love* the engine sounds. Take note iRacing.

#7 A3

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Posted 18 October 2011 - 18:26


But keep in mind that iRacing has to make sure that many many many people can run the software smoothly.

I don't have a fast enough PC to run CARS...

#8 pRy

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 07:27

Imola Formula B:

#9 arknor

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Posted 22 October 2011 - 21:06

Yes. It is I think all the special effects in the graphics engine: Bloom, heat haze, complex shadows, etc. It is a bit too much.

The game is though better than I thought.

its only early alpha though the game wont be properly released for what a year?

#10 pRy

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 14:08

New footage.. Spa F1:

#11 Peat

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 09:33

Wow. Some big trees.......

#12 Sevach

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 00:59

I'm upgrading my hardware pretty soon and i'm looking forward to project CARS.

Anyone driven the Formula A? i'd like to hear an opinion...
What of the other cars? the old Formulas and prototypes.

#13 MCH

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 18:29

Wow. Some big trees.......

Yes they are indeed. They're also placeholders and will be replaced by accurate scenery once they develop this track further.

#14 chunder27

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 23:40

To be perfectly honest, right now the steering and FFB is so awful you are probaboly better to not judge it too much.

the cars a pretty, the backdrops are lovely in some tracks, and aspects fo the FFb are excellent like the curb feeling.

But the steering feel is terrible, it just doesnt offer the right feeling to the player.

They know it, as every update is full of FFB changes, but I dont think they can quite manage to get on top of it yet.

I dont know, but making a game that predominantly was designed for controllers then trying to convert to a comples settering and FFB deivce is likely to take a redesign!

#15 chunder27

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 09:08

Oh be very wary of these people

If you pass comment, even if it is non abusive about the FBB or steering they will ban you.

I was banned recently simply for a complaint about some of the laptimes posted and the fact that how can you do suck ridiculous laptimes when the FFB and steering are so bad!

No explanation, no reasons why, just banned!

Shameful, wouldnt touch them with a bargepole.

If you want just sit there and enjoy poor sim inputs then they love you telling them how pretty everything is though, so maybe some of you will like it I dont know?

#16 MCH

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 19:47

....the fact that how can you do such ridiculous laptimes when the FFB and steering are so bad!

There's your reason right there. That's a rather non constructive wording of your opinion.

#17 chunder27

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 13:55

And that constitutes a ban does it?

I think not, I am not the first apparently who ahs been critical and banned, it seems to be a daily process with this company

#18 MCH

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 21:22

And that constitutes a ban does it?

I think not, I am not the first apparently who ahs been critical and banned, it seems to be a daily process with this company

You weren't just 'critical', you do realize?

#19 chunder27

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 21:27

Aha, I see, one of those eh?

I guess I will get banned here too.

Bless you and your creation!


#20 kar

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 19:08

I'm in on the project, it has a lot of potential but for me right now the controls feel very bad.

The graphics, sound and immersion of the game though are without parallel.

I just wish there could be some mutant cross between the handling and physics of Rfactor 2 and the graphics and sound of CARS.

#21 pRy

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 16:27

Dynamic time of day lighting changes:

#22 kar

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 09:42

Good to say, the most recent build I've tried 164, has much much better controls now.

Finally starting to get into this game :)

#23 Ham's Cranes Ltd

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Posted 11 March 2012 - 09:32

This video it's gonna make you drool

I love the detail of mirror moving with the air.

#24 Red17

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Posted 28 March 2012 - 10:29

I was following this project at distance (really have no time at the moment to use my wheel, it's an adventure already to watch racing) and apparently they are going to close user investments (or whatever wording they use). I have an account but no toolpack payed for. Is it worth the risk of full member? Or just stay the at junior level?

#25 A3

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 22:15

I decided to join today. It's pretty impressive, but I don't know if it's my PC or the pre-alpha stage, but although it says I'm running at 60-70fps, it doesn't feel smooth, which is annoying.

And I'm a whopping 8 seconds off the pace at the weekly time trial, no idea where I'm losing that much time.

#26 chunder27

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 14:33

Lol, I wouldnt worry about it

Most of those times were set during the very early days of the game when the physics were even worse than they are now!

The game is very basic in physics, but very pretty. The cars have way, way too much grip as most of the detail is left to the graphics, and put simply you are beta testing a console game!

#27 MCH

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 15:23

Basic as in Alpha state indeed, lacking finetuning. The underlying physics model is quite advanced afaik. As for your other conclusions, without arguments they're abject. Have you played a recent build? Seeing how quickly the game is developing that's of importance.

Edited by MCH, 11 May 2012 - 15:23.

#28 chunder27

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 21:25

I can't play the game

I was banned for saying it's awful in their forum.

The end

#29 HAM

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 21:55

Lol, being banned for that says enough > not trying this game out. :lol:

#30 A3

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Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:51

Lol, I wouldnt worry about it

Most of those times were set during the very early days of the game when the physics were even worse than they are now!

Did you read what I wrote? weekly time trial, they start completely blank.

The game is very basic in physics, but very pretty. The cars have way, way too much grip as most of the detail is left to the graphics, and put simply you are beta testing a console game!

Don't agree at all. Have no expeiencewith the ealier builds, but the latest build feels pretty good. Not like a console game at all, I think it'll surpass iRacing in the near future.

You must have acted like a tool to get banned there...

Problem I have with the game now is that I can't run it smoothly, I experience slowdowns in certain areas and hickups. Tried several graphics options, but no success sofar.

#31 Vin

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 12:44

I think it'll surpass iRacing in the near future.

Thanks for the latenite laugh :clap: :clap:

#32 chunder27

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Posted 11 June 2012 - 22:27

Indeed Vin, another WMD fanboy me thinks.

I tried it again as a diff user recently, still a pile.

But if y'all wanna PAY for doing WMD beta testing on a game you will never be able to play properly then off you go.

Edited by chunder27, 11 June 2012 - 22:28.

#33 ermo

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 19:14

Project CARS recently passed the 400th WMD member build and is still going strong. Since the new Seta Tyre Model (aka STM) landed in early October of last year, it has slowly but surely been developed into a pretty decent state with more to follow of course. The biggest issue with the FFB atm is that there is a very pronounced dead zone around Top Dead Center (which will be looked at and addressed later in the development cycle), but the handling and the road feel of the cars is rather good and is improving by the build thanks to the continuous STM iterations and detailed testing and feedback by a dedicated core of knowledgeable and experienced WMD members as well as Nic Hamilton and Ben Collins. In addition, a very comprehensive set of FFB knobs have been exposed, and in the community, work is ongoing to find the sweet spot in FFB settings for various wheels and various cars.

In addition, mulitplayer is in, dynamic time of day is in, dynamic weather is in, the track list is rather nice at this point, new cars are continually being introduced, the Formula B car (initially based on the Superleague car, now a car with no direct equivalent) and the single speed kart (thus spanning the range from high downforce, high torque and massive cornering loads to light weight, low torque and low cornering loads) are being used as test mules for STM carcass flex and deformation development work and there is a specific focus on fixing 3D rendering bugs and doing basic cleanup and optimization at the moment.

And yes, pCARS is still very much in development, so of course it has bugs and it is by no means to be considered finished or even feature complete. Despite the advanced state of certain car and track assets, pCARS as such is still being considered Pre-Alpha:

Definitions change but Alpha according to anyone we've worked for means all content in and testable. Some might be WIP and most require some polish. (...) we are pre-alpha, no matter how polished 'some' of the content is. (...) Beta is when all features are in and complete and only bug fixing remains. Occasionally some polish can be carried out but very superficial if anything. No features are added at beta. That would be pre-alpha.

EDIT: Updated with definition of Beta.

Edited by ermo, 28 February 2013 - 13:51.