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Lemaitre -- Georges and/or Albert

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#1 Peter Knight

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 13:15

Hello, I apologise if this should be included in some other forum, but searching for Lemaitre seems to find zero results. The internet includes results for both Georges Lemaitre and Albert Lemaitre (and Lemaitre) driving Peugeots in French meetings during 1890s-1900s - but was it one or two people?

- 8W (http://forix.autosport.com/8w/bdb.html) speaks of 'Lemaitre' for Paris-Rouen, 1894.
- Team Dan (http://www.teamdan.c...3/1899.html#sud) speaks of Georges Lemaitre and Lemaitre for the 'Nice-Castellane-Nice' and 'Pau-Bayonne-Pau' of 1899
- GrandPrix Winners 1895-1949 by Hans Etzrodt (http://www.kolumbus....ellman/gpw1.htm) talks only of Albert Lemaitre for the 'Nice-Castellane-Nice' and 'Pau-Bayonne-Pau' of 1899.
- Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia....aître_(motorist)) is only a secondary or tertiary source for George Lemaitre.
Does anybody know if they were two people? Were they related? or is Georges Albert Lemaitre slithering down the cracks and vagaries of French history?
Many thanks in advance.
Peter Knight

Edited by Peter Knight, 30 July 2012 - 14:54.


#2 Tim Murray

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 13:59

In this earlier thread the conclusion was that there was only one Lemaître, and that his first name was Albert:

Lemaître and Giraud

#3 Peter Knight

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 16:20

In this earlier thread the conclusion was that there was only one Lemaître, and that his first name was Albert:

Lemaître and Giraud

Thank you, I think my flakey internet connection must have struck again. Shame about the lack of a clear answer. Regards. Peter

#4 robert dick

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Posted 31 July 2012 - 10:22

The well-known Peugeot and Mercedes driver was Albert Lemaître. He was born in 1865 in Ay, a few kilometres in the northeast of Épernay/Champagne, and was a champagne dealer. In 1901 he married Lucie Duminy. In May 1906 he killed his wife and tried to kill himself. In September 1906 he was acquitted.

Albert Lemaître had a brother, but I don't know if his name was Georges. In any case Georges Lemaître came from the same family.
Georges was married to Blanche Mercier, and was co-owner of Champagne Eugène Mercier et Cie./Épernay.

#5 Peter Knight

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Posted 01 August 2012 - 13:42

The well-known Peugeot and Mercedes driver was Albert Lemaître. He was born in 1865 in Ay, a few kilometres in the northeast of Épernay/Champagne, and was a champagne dealer. In 1901 he married Lucie Duminy. In May 1906 he killed his wife and tried to kill himself. In September 1906 he was acquitted.

Albert Lemaître had a brother, but I don't know if his name was Georges. In any case Georges Lemaître came from the same family.
Georges was married to Blanche Mercier, and was co-owner of Champagne Eugène Mercier et Cie./Épernay.

Many thanks Robert, very interesting. Is there a reference for this family information? I have just been reading your excellent book - Mercedes And Auto Racing In The Belle Epoque, 1895-1915 - and intend to use such facts improve the Albert Lamaitre article on Wikipedia.

Many thanks again.

#6 robert dick

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Posted 02 August 2012 - 07:17

- 2 x Albert Lemaître affair from Le Figaro/Paris, 8 May 1906 and 7 September 1906 :

Posted Image

Posted Image

- 2 x Georges Lemaître from La Presse/Paris, 28 December 1903 and 23 August 1903 :

Posted Image

Posted Image

- Georges Lemaître married to Blanche Mercier - for example :

#7 Peter Knight

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Posted 02 August 2012 - 10:58

Fantastic. Thank you Robert. This will test my French, but it will be worth it. Regards.

Edited by Peter Knight, 03 August 2012 - 05:38.