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Franco Gozzi RIP

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#1 Arjan de Roos

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 20:45

Today Dr. Franco Gozzi (81) died in Modena. For years Ferrari's personal assistant. RIP

Edited by Arjan de Roos, 23 April 2013 - 20:46.


#2 Doug Nye

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 21:41

Oh dear - very sorry to read this. He was extremely generous to me over many years - a friendly presence for so many pressmen and other visitors to Maranello and Modena. Do raise a glass to his memory...while I raise a cuppa... Thank you Dottore.


Edited by Doug Nye, 23 April 2013 - 21:41.

#3 jj2728

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 22:02

Tanti saluti e buon viaggio dottore.
A sad day indeed. Shall hoist a glass of vino rosso.

Edited by jj2728, 23 April 2013 - 22:02.

#4 GVborsari

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 02:29

I only met him a couple times, but he was a great guy !!! he even mentioned me in AutoSprint once !!

RIP Franco !

#5 Graham Gauld

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 07:10

That is really sad because he could be great fun. I had a funny incident with him about five years ago at a gathering just outside Modena. I was talking with the late Gianni Rogliatti the journalist and he mentioned some photos of mine he had seen in Franco Gozzi's book on Scaglietti. I told Gianni I had not seen the book so must contact Franco and ask for a copy. A few moments later Gianni came back to say Franco Gozzi was sitting at a table in the room. Needless to say when I found him he rose to his feet gave me a bear hug and immediately apologised for not sending a copy and saying he would post me a copy. However his table companion was Mr Giacobazzi who is one of the finest producers of Lambrusco wine in Modena said he had a copy in his car and he dashed outside and returned with a copy much to Gozzi' embarrasment and amusement. It turned out that Mr Giacobazzi had paid for the printing and publishing of the Gozzi biography of Scaglietti.

#6 Nanni Dietrich

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:31

What a sad, sad news, a few weeks after Giulio Borsari.

A funny and experienced person, sympathetic and good. The Scuderia Ferrari historical memory.

#7 Graham Gauld

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:57

For the record. Franco Gozzi.

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#8 barrykm

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 13:59

RIP Franco.

Imagine how interesting his autobiography would be ?!

#9 Arjan de Roos

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 14:39

RIP Franco.

Imagine how interesting his autobiography would be ?!

Luckily there is:

"Memoirs of Enzo Ferrari's lieutenant"
ISBN-10: 8879112589
ISBN-13: 978-8879112581

#10 Parkesi

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 14:38

Very sad - another one of the old elite of Modena gone.
I had the pleasure to interview Franco Gozzi in September 2010 in Modena. It took a lot of time to get an appointment
("maybe 10 minutes in the bar next door") but at last he invited me to his flat close to Largo Garibaldi.
Mr Gozzi wore a dark blue jacket with a Ferrari logo and we talked to each other in the typically dimly lit Italian salone
with a wall covered with Ferrari souvenirs.
Until then I was in the "driving seat" regarding my interviews for the biography of Mike Parkes but this one was different:
being very much the professional HE took control and told me what to ask next, what he would ask for the research,
what kind of question he would expect etc. - as a dedicated amateur writer I learned a lot this day.
But never did he give the impression that he did not take my project seriously.
Quite the opposite - he was very supportive and shared a lot of insider information with me.
Twice he asked me to switch off the tape recorder to offer a strong opinion about certain events.
After more than 2 hours he very kindly signed my copy of Memoirs of Enzo Ferrari`s Lieutenant:
"to Andreas - in name of the commun passion". A very impressive man indeed. AH

#11 barrykm

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 15:29

Luckily there is:

"Memoirs of Enzo Ferrari's lieutenant"
ISBN-10: 8879112589
ISBN-13: 978-8879112581

Thanks Arjan.