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Troy Rogers RIP

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#1 Jerry Entin

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Posted 09 May 2013 - 22:16

Posted Image
Troy Rogers at the Chaparral Museum

I am sad to report that Troy Rogers lost his battle with Cancer at his home on May 7th, 2013

Photo: Rogers Family collection

Edited by Jerry Entin, 11 May 2013 - 18:47.


#2 group7

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Posted 10 May 2013 - 01:55

very sad news, my condolences to the family and the rest of the team. I met troy on a couple of my frequent visits to the chaparral cars south of midland, after they had closed the race shop. he was in the process of restoring the 2E and I believe the 2H. really a nice guy, proud to show me around the shop. he even remembered me when I was at the chaparral reunion at elkhart lake a few years later. as a great chaparral fan it was a thrill to visit the place where it all took place, and on one visit to meet jim hall as well. one could not have met a nicer group of people. the doors were thrown open for me, and I was left alone to wander & photograph this historic place. even given a lap around rattle snake race way by billy, who was working there at the time. a great loss.

mike in canada

#3 E1pix

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Posted 10 May 2013 - 05:35


#4 JacnGille

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Posted 10 May 2013 - 12:49

Sad news.

#5 TIPO61

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 03:32

Much Aloha, Troy.

#6 Doug Nye

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 07:36

Very sad news - unfortunately not unexpected. Quiet, deeply competent, discreet Troy played a core role in the Chaparral story and was one of the few always given full credit for that by Jim Hall. I am sure that many folks in Midland will be grieving for him right now. Sincere condolences to all his friends and family.


#7 brianhermonthomas

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 14:43

Now in my 54th year of racing, and having been privileged to to drive for some of the best teams in the business, non were better than the superb Chaparral team of Troy Rogers, Franz Weis,
the late Davy Evans and Tony Connor. Led from the front by the brilliant Jim Hall.

Due to the hard work, dedication and expertise of the crew, from 1973 through 1976 we were the team to beat in the tough U.S. F5000 series.

At a time when the 500 h.p, 5 litre Chevrolet racing engine was not completely reliable, in four year we had one engine failure, and one suspension failure, both in practice.

When not at the track, we had fun......I remember one Sunday night around midnight, after the race at Watkins Glen we were at a well-known local motel. The owner, never the most amiable of hosts,
appeared in the bar shouting and yelling that the police had been called and "one of your guys has raided the liquor store and you're all going to jail". Opening the door to the store, revealed Troy,
blissfully asleep among the bottles!

Rest in peace Troy, we will always remember you.

Your friend, Brian

Brian Redman

#8 Jerry Entin

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 18:52

Posted Image
The Rogers Family placing a ribbon by Troy's photo at the Chaparral museum
Linda Mills and Gwen Howell and Rodney Rogers and Rita Marquess and Jerita Rogers seated
Posted Image
Rodney Rogers and Laurel Rogers and Jerita Rogers and her grandson John Rogers

photo: Rogers Family collection

Edited by Jerry Entin, 11 May 2013 - 20:55.

#9 Jerry Entin

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 18:57

Posted Image
Troy Rogers thanking all the Forum members for their kind words

photo: Rogers Family collection

#10 David M. Kane

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 20:41

Now in my 54th year of racing, and having been privileged to to drive for some of the best teams in the business, non were better than the superb Chaparral team of Troy Rogers, Franz Weis,
the late Davy Evans and Tony Connor. Led from the front by the brilliant Jim Hall.

Due to the hard work, dedication and expertise of the crew, from 1973 through 1976 we were the team to beat in the tough U.S. F5000 series.

At a time when the 500 h.p, 5 litre Chevrolet racing engine was not completely reliable, in four year we had one engine failure, and one suspension failure, both in practice.

When not at the track, we had fun......I remember one Sunday night around midnight, after the race at Watkins Glen we were at a well-known local motel. The owner, never the most amiable of hosts,
appeared in the bar shouting and yelling that the police had been called and "one of your guys has raided the liquor store and you're all going to jail". Opening the door to the store, revealed Troy,
blissfully asleep among the bottles!

Rest in peace Troy, we will always remember you.

Your friend, Brian

Brian Redman

Great story Brian, I only saw Troy up close once! That was at the very first Pro Race at Bridgehampton in 1968. They had one car for Jim Hall on a single trailer with a Texas tag on it. How things have changed! He must have been something else to produce that kind of reliability record. I was at that race in Watkins Glen as a spectator, sounds like I/we missed a great party. If you've never lived or been around Texans you can't really appreciate the nuances of a Texan.

American racing owes a lot to guys like Troy Rogers.

Jerry thanks for alerting us. I don't what else to say other than three of my race cars have been white because of his team.

#11 Jerry Entin

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 17:32

Posted Image
Jim Edwards and Jay Watson and Sandy and Jim Hall and Franz and Kathy Weis
This was at Troy's service.

photo: Rigers Family