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Sqd Ldr F.A.O. 'Tony' Gaze, OAM, DFC**

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#1 Doug Nye

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 20:23

Sorry to emphasise the sad news that Tony Gaze passed away early this morning in Geelong, Victoria, aged 93, but I feel his stature deserves more prominent mention than in just the 'Gone but Not Forgotten' thread. Godspeed. Spare a thought now for his family and many friends.


Edited by Doug Nye, 29 July 2013 - 20:28.


#2 ellrosso

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 20:52

Agree totally Doug. RIP Tony Gaze, such an important figure in Australian motor racing history. Sincere sympathy to his family and friends.

Posted Image

#3 mfd

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 20:58

Accomplished doesn't really cover it. What a man.

#4 AAA-Eagle

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 21:51

Really sad to hear this :cry: He was a truly brave man.

My sincere condolences to the Gaze and Davison family.

RIP Anthony :cry:

#5 Giraffe

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 22:00

Sorry to emphasise the sad news that Tony Gaze passed away early this morning in Geelong, Victoria, aged 93, but I feel his stature deserves more prominent mention than in just the 'Gone but Not Forgotten' thread. Godspeed. Spare a thought now for his family and many friends.


As forwarded to me by Howden Ganley in the early hours of today....

What a wonderful guy he was - and what an exceptional life .

F1 driver and Spitfire pilot ( 14 victories in WW2 ) - his was an amazing story .........

Squadron Leader F.A.O. [Tony] Gaze, OAM, DFC and 2Bars.

Tony Gaze passed away peacefully in the early hours of Monday morning the 29th July, 2013 in Geelong, Victoria. He was 93 years old.

He had kept good health and happiness in the past 51 weeks since Mum’s death last August, and had stayed in his beautiful home in Barwon Heads up until the past ten days.

So many thanks go to his wonderful carers Susie Burston, Lisa Binder, Jane Wells, Annie Bowen and Melissa Rae, plus the ongoing support of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We will hold private family funeral service for him this week. This will be followed by the memorial service in the coming weeks to celebrate his incredible life, where we invite his many friends and admirers to join us at that time. I will send details of this service within a few days, when arrangements have been completed.

Tony was a highly admired and respected man, and a real life legend to so many, but to us, he was a unique, loving, caring and especially loyal man. We are going to really miss him.

It has been a pleasure and honour to be able to spend so much quality time with him in the past few years, and especially to assist with his happiness and care since Mum died last year.

Please feel free to circulate this notice to his friends, associates and admirers.

Sincerely and Regards,

Chris Davison, on behalf of his family.

#6 cooper997

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 22:13

Saddened to read this news from Chris.

Last time I saw Tony was at Diana's Memorial Service last August and understandably he was looking very frail.

I recall from a conversation with Chris that day, he was keeping a close eye on Tony at the time. I have to admit surprise upon reading that Tony kept his independence as long as he did. But he's of a generation where all experiences were treated with stoic effort right to end.

Given Diana's Memorial at the church had suitable 'motors' sitting outside, in the form of ex Davison & Lawson Alfas. It will only be suitable that this custom also befits Tony's Service. Just wonder whether they can get a Spitfire to do a fly past. Truly befitting of a gentleman of this calibre.

Maybe that will have to be left to Lord March to bring to fruition, as part of a suitable Tribute to Tony Gaze at Goodwood Revival.

My condolences to the Gaze & Davison family and friends.


The following link is to Jon Davison's tribute just posted this morning on Melbourne's Herald-Sun website

#7 Ray Bell

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 23:14

Doug, you're dead right, he deserves more than a 'gone but not forgotten entry or two'...

I was going to dig up Barry Lake's thread about Tony for the purpose, perhaps Twinny could merge this thread with that one?

#8 Ray Bell

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 23:18

The Herald-Sun tribute to which Stephen refers...

GAZE, F.A.O. (Tony)

GAZE F. A. O. (Tony)DFC and 2 Bars OAMThe Davison family mourn the loss of our beloved stepfather. Son of Irving Gaze a member of the Shackleton Trans Imperial Antarctic Expedition 1914/17.

Tony was educated at Geelong Grammar and from there attended Christ College, Cambridge. In 1940 he joined the RAF and flew Spitfires scoring 12.5 kills against the enemy, yet had to endure the heartrending experience of finding his brother Scot, who had been shot down and killed at the age of nineteen.

Some time later Tony himself was shot down over France, but escaped the Gestapo via the French underground and returned to England.

After the war he became Australia's first Formula 1 driver and via motorsport befriended our father the late Lex Davison. In 1977 he married our mother Diana, Lex's widow and resided at Nagambie and of recent years Barwon Heads.

In saluting Tony's heroic life I wish to recognise the efforts of my brother Chris who was always there to provide support and dignity to Tony, whose passing marks the end of an extraordinary era. The Davison family salute you and will cherish our time with you always. Jon, Charles and James Davison.

Published in Herald Sun on 30/07/2013

I've copied this here because these things have a limited life expectancy on newspaper sites.

#9 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 07:34

In July 1952 I became a Tony Gaze fan after watching him take the pre-war 2.9 litre Maserati 3011 to a superb 4th place behind three Grand Prix Ferrari's in the 100 mile Formula Libre support race to the British Grand Prix. It was a wonderful drive which has remained in my memory. I saw Mr Gaze drive many more races over the next few years and in rececent times was lucky enough to meet him at an historic Silverstone meeting where he kindly signed my copy of D.S.J's book on 3011. I shall always be a fan of Tony Gaze.

#10 onelung

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 11:00

We, whose lives have benefited from the sacrifices made by those of Tony's generation salute: VALE!

#11 kayemod

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 13:39

Good obituary for Tony Gaze in today's Daily Telegraph.

#12 David McKinney

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 16:14

I'll save you the trouble, Rob :)

#13 Allan Lupton

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 06:34

If this works it links to a "Talking Heads" TV interview with archive film which tells us a lot about the man and his acivities.
Click to view

Edited by Allan Lupton, 02 August 2013 - 07:45.

#14 onelung

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:43

If this works it linls to a "Talking Heads" TV interview with archive film which tells us a lot about the man and his acivities.
Click to view

Wonderful stuff Allan - thanks for the link. What a guy... we salute!

#15 cooper997

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Posted 03 August 2013 - 09:07

I've just found the following information for those interested in Tony's Memorial Service....

GAZE, Tony. Squadron Leader F. A. O, DFC **, OAM. February 3, 1920 - July 29, 2013 Passed away peacefully in the early hoursof July 29. Devoted husband to our late mother Diana. Loved and respected step-father of Anthony (dec), Jon, Peter, Christopher, Elizabeth, Richard and Catherine. Adored grandfather of Philippa, Claire and Nick, Alex and Will, Charles and James, and Alberta. All the Davison family. "A loving, caringand loyal man"Tony has been honoured in a Private Family Funeral Service. A Memorial Service to celebrate Tony's extraordinary life will be held at the Chapel of All Saints, Geelong Grammar School, 50 Biddlecombe Avenue, Corio on THURSDAY (August 15) at 2.00 pm.
Published in Geelong Advertiser on 03/08/2013
- See more at: http://tributes.geel...h.6qSitNqB.dpuf

#16 gtsmunro

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Posted 04 August 2013 - 08:40

I'm very saddened by the news of SQNLDR Tony Gaze passing. He was an unique and brave individual. Condolences to his family and friends.

#17 Geoff Smedley

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Posted 04 August 2013 - 14:07

With Tony's passing I think it's fair to say the era of the gentleman racers has left us. Tony Gaze along with his good friend Lex Davison were standard setters in Australian Motor Sport the likes of which we will not see in this new world and I, like so many others that can still remember the great days and wonderful people that made the sport what it was in those glory days without the need for 'bells and whistles. A belated thank you Sqd Ldr F.A.O. 'Tony' Gaze, OAM, DFC** and my sincere condolences to all those close to the gallant gentleman now resting 'a hero' in the peace and glory well earned.during his exciting lifetime ........Smed

#18 fivestar

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Posted 05 August 2013 - 07:25

An interesting interview with Tony Gaze from Vintage Race car magazine.


#19 cooper997

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Posted 15 August 2013 - 10:51

I'm happy to report that Tony Gaze received a well deserved Memorial Service today at 2pm.

The Geelong Grammar School chapel was the venue and although not filled to capacity was still well attended with family, friends and enthusiasts. An exclusive school in which Tony's parents had sent him in the early to mid 1930s. Before he headed for Cambridge.

Chris Davison can be rightfully proud of his efforts in giving his step-father a very suitable send off. Eulogies were read by Alec Moore (second cousin of Tony), who covered the early years of Tony's life and in a small part some family history prior to Tony arriving in February 1920. Chris then introduced Stewart Wilson, journalist and Tony Gaze biographer. Stewart regaled some of Tony's war years with the RAF and his Spitfire sorties in the UK and across Europe. Back to Chris, he then brought former F1 driver, Tim Schecken to the pulpit to tell the motor sporting activities Tony was involved in.

Spread amongst the Service was a couple of Hymns and Prayers, plus a Bugler played the 'Last Post' Also step-grandson and current V8 Supercar driver, Alex Davison read a poem. Chris Davison then summed things up with the time he spent with Tony and his first wife, Kay in the UK while playing Rugby and Tony marrying into the Davison clan after Kay's passing. To finish, he then announced that Lord March has agreed for Tony's ashes to be scattered at Goodwood. Indeed fitting.

We then all filed out of the church and gathered just outside the church, near Geelong Grammar's sports field where many chatted. After about 5 minutes, Chris then piped up and everybody went quiet. It was about to be a very special announcement for those gathered and one I had eluded to in post 6 of this thread, but unexpected in the skies over Geelong at the time of writing it. Chris telling us that "On Monday I received a call from Temora Air Museum. Would I like a Spitfire to do a fly over?" He also mentioned that it was their Mk8 Spitfire and not their Mk6. Within seconds of this announcement as we looked to the skies, out over Geelong's Corio Bay there was the Spitfire coming towards us and before we knew it, it had come down to what I would estimate less than 150metres overhead. To the gathered crowds immediate applause. Before sweeping upwards into a loop to the left and do another low fly past across the sports field this time, then out over the Corio Bay. This then brought it back from its original incoming direction and back down over the top of us again. Sweeping to the left to begin what would be the final fly past across the sports field. The Spitfire then headed for the clouds and perhaps with a tinge of irony as we watched it gather altitude, there was another small plane, that from where we stood looked like a collision course for both. Maybe just a salute to Tony's wartime dogfight prowess! But I suspect this one was definitely unplanned for.

A Spitfire over Geelong, who would have thought! I suspect that for many gathered, including myself, it was the first and possibly only time we will witness the sight and sounds of a Spitfire in action.

Overall it was indeed a special tribute to, not only a special Australian, but a man of unique attributes - the likes we will never see again.


PS - I'm happy to scan the 'Order of Service' for inclusion here, if there's someone who will volunteer to post it for all to see.

Edited by cooper997, 15 August 2013 - 10:55.


#20 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 15 August 2013 - 14:47

I'm happy to report that Tony Gaze received a well deserved Memorial Service today at 2pm.

The Geelong Grammar School chapel was the venue and although not filled to capacity was still well attended with family, friends and enthusiasts. An exclusive school in which Tony's parents had sent him in the early to mid 1930s. Before he headed for Cambridge.

Chris Davison can be rightfully proud of his efforts in giving his step-father a very suitable send off. Eulogies were read by Alec Moore (second cousin of Tony), who covered the early years of Tony's life and in a small part some family history prior to Tony arriving in February 1920. Chris then introduced Stewart Wilson, journalist and Tony Gaze biographer. Stewart regaled some of Tony's war years with the RAF and his Spitfire sorties in the UK and across Europe. Back to Chris, he then brought former F1 driver, Tim Schecken to the pulpit to tell the motor sporting activities Tony was involved in.

Spread amongst the Service was a couple of Hymns and Prayers, plus a Bugler played the 'Last Post' Also step-grandson and current V8 Supercar driver, Alex Davison read a poem. Chris Davison then summed things up with the time he spent with Tony and his first wife, Kay in the UK while playing Rugby and Tony marrying into the Davison clan after Kay's passing. To finish, he then announced that Lord March has agreed for Tony's ashes to be scattered at Goodwood. Indeed fitting.

We then all filed out of the church and gathered just outside the church, near Geelong Grammar's sports field where many chatted. After about 5 minutes, Chris then piped up and everybody went quiet. It was about to be a very special announcement for those gathered and one I had eluded to in post 6 of this thread, but unexpected in the skies over Geelong at the time of writing it. Chris telling us that "On Monday I received a call from Temora Air Museum. Would I like a Spitfire to do a fly over?" He also mentioned that it was their Mk8 Spitfire and not their Mk6. Within seconds of this announcement as we looked to the skies, out over Geelong's Corio Bay there was the Spitfire coming towards us and before we knew it, it had come down to what I would estimate less than 150metres overhead. To the gathered crowds immediate applause. Before sweeping upwards into a loop to the left and do another low fly past across the sports field this time, then out over the Corio Bay. This then brought it back from its original incoming direction and back down over the top of us again. Sweeping to the left to begin what would be the final fly past across the sports field. The Spitfire then headed for the clouds and perhaps with a tinge of irony as we watched it gather altitude, there was another small plane, that from where we stood looked like a collision course for both. Maybe just a salute to Tony's wartime dogfight prowess! But I suspect this one was definitely unplanned for.

A Spitfire over Geelong, who would have thought! I suspect that for many gathered, including myself, it was the first and possibly only time we will witness the sight and sounds of a Spitfire in action.

Overall it was indeed a special tribute to, not only a special Australian, but a man of unique attributes - the likes we will never see again.


PS - I'm happy to scan the 'Order of Service' for inclusion here, if there's someone who will volunteer to post it for all to see.

That all sounds wonderful, Thank you very much for posting it.

#21 cooper997

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 10:37

This might be of interest to a few TNFers also... It shows the actual Spitfire that did the Geelong Grammar flyover for Tony on Thursday.


Temora Air Museum's other Spitfire is in Tony Gaze livery. The Museum being part of Westfield Shopping Centre billionaire, Frank Loewe's hobby.


New link added, that hopefully works!

Edited by cooper997, 19 August 2013 - 12:24.

#22 cooper997

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 02:09

The week's Auto Action (29/8 - 4/9/13 #1556) has a 1 1/2 page tribute to Tony. plus Max Stahl has a bit on Tony's Memorial Service.


#23 Patrick Fletcher

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 09:25

Link may work http://www.google.co....51495398,d.dGI

#24 275 GTB-4

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 04:25

According to CAMS news, Tony and Diana have left a $50,000 donation to:


The Australian Motor Sport Foundation, established in 2001 by the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS).


AMSF is aimed at fostering young talent in Oz.

#25 Giraffe

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Posted 16 March 2014 - 10:38

Forwarded to my by Howden Ganley......




 Tony Gaze street and corner with family and friends in Melbourne Albert Park.

Tony Gaze street and corner was christened at Albert Park (Melbourne - Australia) on friday during the Grand Prix week-end 2014 at Melbourne Albert Park in honor of Tony Gaze
Emanuele Pirro representative Vice President  of the F1 Grand Prix drivers Club was present amongst other celebrities to witness the ceremony
Australian Squadron Leader F.A.O. [Tony] Gaze, OAM, DFC and 2Bars. Tony Gaze, was a long time member of the Club who passed away in the summer Monday morning the 29th July, 2013 in Geelong, Victoria. 
He was then 93 years old. 

Tony was a highly admired and respected man, and a real life legend to so many,  and he  was a unique, loving, caring and especially loyal man that all miss. 
No wonder that the Grand Prix organised to christen a street in the Albert Park with his name.