So it's only 309 and the 336 was due to transponder malfunction? It's that what it says?
This, unfortunately, makes a lot more sense. It was hard to reconcile how Ferrari set the fastest middle sector(the twisty bits) and was down on the other sectors to such a large degree while having such a high top speed.
And its definitely worrying that the Mercedes powered cars are all a good deal faster. This is hopefully just because Ferrari is behind on their program and isn't running anywhere near full power and not because its an inherently inferior engine.
That sounds like a bizarre and confused theory to me.
1. You really think at the start of a new era of F1 car dynamics after a huge rule change - there is less scope to develop now than at the end of an established cycle, such as last year???
2. TEAMS will be in a development race on the engines - which (a) don't fall under their jurisdiction and (b) development is contained by homologation???
3. If a team starts out with a "large" aero advantage, does that not mean there is an area of development for other teams to chase??? According to the law of diminishing returns, it gets harder for teams further into the development cycle to find more advantages.
4. The race packages won't be drastically different to testing??? That's just miles off, lets compare cars in the summer to the ones now. RBR may even have a B spec car by then.
Why compare summer packages when I'm talking about the start of the season? :/
And I never said there is less scope to develop, I just don't think the cars will be gaining like seconds with a new package or anything. Nothing will transform a mediocre package into a race winner or anything. Like I said, the cars are probably already at a somewhat developed stage.
As for the whole diminishing returns thing, it sounds good on-paper, but seemingly gets proven wrong almost every year. If it were true, the field would all slowly converge and the leaders would continually have a smaller and smaller lead over the next best team. And that just doesn't happen all that often. This is likely because each team has a different car and different development potential. If everybody all had the same car and the race was to see who could develop it the fastest and there was only one general development path to go down, maybe *then* you'd see these diminishing returns fairly regularly, but its just not like that.
Edited by Seanspeed, 25 February 2014 - 14:04.