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F1: Which track is the best for overtaking?

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Poll: F1: What is the best track for overtaking? (104 member(s) have cast votes)

Which track has the most overtaking?

  1. Melbourne (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. Kuala Lumpur (1 votes [0.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.96%

  3. Bahrain (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. Shanghai (10 votes [9.62%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.62%

  5. Barcelona (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. Monaco (4 votes [3.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.85%

  7. Montreal (23 votes [22.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.12%

  8. Austria (3 votes [2.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.88%

  9. Silverstone (3 votes [2.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.88%

  10. Hockenheim (1 votes [0.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.96%

  11. Hungaroring (3 votes [2.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.88%

  12. Spa (26 votes [25.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  13. Monza (2 votes [1.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.92%

  14. Singapore (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  15. Suzuka (1 votes [0.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.96%

  16. Sochi (1 votes [0.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.96%

  17. Austin (2 votes [1.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.92%

  18. São Paulo (24 votes [23.08%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.08%

  19. Abu Dhabi (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

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#1 The Passenger

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 07:46

My first poll. I hope I don't stuff it up.


#2 Bloggsworth

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 07:52

I voted for Monaco, as overtakes there are rare and often the result of a combination of brain and brawn. If, however, the questioner meant "On which circuit is it easiest to overtake...". that's a different kettle of fish altogether.

#3 SpaMaster

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 07:53

Spa-Francorchamps, Interlagos and Hockenheimring are right up there with Sepang, Montreal and Austin not far off.

#4 The Passenger

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 07:47

I voted for Monaco, as overtakes there are rare and often the result of a combination of brain and brawn. If, however, the questioner meant "On which circuit is it easiest to overtake...". that's a different kettle of fish altogether.


Good point.


Either.  I'd like people to vote for the track that they think is best for whichever type of overtaking they think is important (difficult, or often), and state why.  

#5 Kristian

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 08:42

Shanghai and Sao Paulo probably, but that might be because these races are often held in inclement conditions.  


I'm looking forward to seeing if Austria still promotes good racing - hopefully it still has the low-grip asphalt. 

#6 CoolBreeze

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 09:27

Carlos Pace Racetrack, Interlagos. 

#7 Anderis

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 11:09

I think Shanghai is mega. 2010, 2011 and 2012 races were all crazy. I've never seen that many battles and overtakings on the same circuit 3 years in row.


Montreal second place, then Interlagos and Spa. I also get the impression Hockenheim is not that bad, probably based on 2008 race in the era, when it was harder to overtake than today.

#8 Lights

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 11:11

Shanghai is the easiest track for overtaking nowadays.

#9 alfa1

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 13:08

Why do we need to have a poll?


Why not just take a look at the actual overtaking numbers from the last few years?



#10 The Passenger

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 21:09

Why do we need to have a poll?

Why not just take a look at the actual overtaking numbers from the last few years?


Because I didn't know such stats existed. Thanks heaps!

#11 Kingshark

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 21:29

Top 5;


1. Interlagos

2. Shanghai

3. Spa

4. Montreal

5. Monza


Bottom 5;


1. Monaco

2. Hungaroring

3. Singapore

4. Barcelona

5. Suzuka

#12 PretentiousBread

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 21:43

This topic is almost as redundant as asking "who's the best overtaker" in the DRS/cheese tyre era.


Before all the fakery, Istanbul Park's layout was particularly conductive to good wheel to wheel racing. This was the sort of battle I used to watch F1 for:


#13 Spillage

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 21:46

Difficult question. Suppose stats would be the best way to answer it, but just off the top of my head I'd vote for Spa, although Interlagos would push it close. Montreal and the Nurburgring are also pretty good for producing wheel-to-wheel action.

#14 travbrad

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 23:10

Spa probably has the most overtaking, but the overtaking there the last few years has been pretty boring.  Now they just hit their DRS button and fly past people.  There is no real battle on the track.


Montreal and Interlagos have to be way up there too in number of overtakes

#15 George Costanza

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 23:28

Brazil and Canada for me.

#16 SlickMick

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 23:46

My first poll. I hope I don't stuff it up.


Apologies if I'm wrong, but the thread asks which is the best for overtaking but the question specifically asks which has the most overtaking. Hope I'm not being pedantic, but if you agree, then a bit of a stuff up perhaps. 

But no problem, a later post suggests you can play with the poll any old way you want.

So I will :-)  

First : Moanaco

Second : Moanaco

Third : Moanaco

See what I did there? I played with your poll and made it the crappiest three tracks for overtaking. 

Sweet eh?

#17 ReDeYe

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 07:29

Turns 15,1,2,3 and 4 at Sepang can create some exciting action too.

#18 SCUDmissile

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 07:53

The best for overtakes? Interlagos and it isn't close imho.

#19 Jerem

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:26

I remember there was good overtaking in Austria so I voted for this one. That Schumacher-Häkkinen battle in 1998 (1999?) was amazing. The track will probably be a bit different this year but still very different from usual Tilkedromes.


#20 DampMongoose

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:31

Is the poll is aimed at actual overtaking or the number of DRS passes? Two very different things in my opinion.

#21 michal2009b

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:07

Interlagos. This circuit has the best overtaking spot on the calendar - T1. You can get an tremendous slipstream exiting Juncao on the run towards T1. Also there is a chance at Turn 4, you can as well compromise your rival's exit and then outaccelerate him out of the corner. In Montreal you have a lot of opportunities as well, the same for Spa and Sepang, but in the last race it wasn't a lot of action. I hope that's not because of the new rules, but simply of the order after the first lap and big margins between the teams.

#22 RuleyRamundo

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:10

Monaco is a bit too easy really :lol: take it off the calendar. China I picked.

Edited by RuleyRamundo, 02 April 2014 - 11:10.

#23 P123

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:41

Spa, Montreal and Interlagos are probably the three best- the three that have ben ruined the most by the introduction and over-use of DRS.  China and the new Hockenheim also have good layouts that enable overtaking.

#24 sopa

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:45

What about Silverstone? Even more so on the new layout than the old. And the Hockenheim has also been a good circuit for overtaking. And I agree about China and that DRS has made this question more confusing.

#25 A.Fant

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:47

Why do we need to have a poll?


Why not just take a look at the actual overtaking numbers from the last few years?



This clearly shows just how detrimental refuelling was to on-track overtaking, only 1994, 1995 and 2003 are on the list from the refuelling era. And 2003 was one of the seasons with the most rain affected races in history IIRC.


2010 would've been even higher up if we didn't have the idiotic two-compound rule. Instead we had a year where everyone was 1-stopping at almost every race. If not stopping at all was an alternative, the number of on-track overtakes would've increased further as the drivers on fresh tyres were catching the ones on ancient tyres. Then there would be no need for artificially fast-wearing tyres, the need for those is solely born out of this abomination of a rule.


DRS is clearly superfluous under the new regulations, but it would've been a godsend 2006-2009.


E: Looking at the list again, all of the non-refuelling seasons are (significantly) ahead of the refuelling ones. Go figure...

Edited by A.Fant, 02 April 2014 - 11:51.

#26 Atreiu

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 13:53

How can we know? It depends on DRS.

#27 johnmhinds

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 14:42

Why do we need to have a poll?


Why not just take a look at the actual overtaking numbers from the last few years?




Do those stats count pit stop overtakes? It would account for the lower numbers for pervious seasons when refuelling was allowed.

#28 Gyan

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 19:35

Interlagos -


The place is full of overtaking places. The opening turns and then you can throw off the driver you're battling at Descida de Lago. You can overtake with a late braker at turn 8 then and Bica de Plato after that, offers drivers multiple lines for the slow corner, which allows for overtaking. There's another opportunity at Juncao and then you can continue slipstreaming on the straight until you reach the Senna S once again. Great track, absolute classic.

#29 pingu666

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 19:48

fontana is pretty good now its worn out, and you get the added interest of guys rim riding at 150-205mph is good too :)

#30 The Passenger

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 06:35

Why do we need to have a poll?


Why not just take a look at the actual overtaking numbers from the last few years?




To return to this, the poll is interesting now because Silverstone has barely got any votes, but it's way ahead in the livef1 stats compared to Spa which is winning the poll.


Confusing!  :lol:

#31 spacekid

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 10:34

I take the question to mean - which track provides the best overtaking opportunities.

Before DRS - Interlagos was my favourite.

Now it doesn't matter, they're all the same. Push a button, drive past, job done before the braking zone. Looks the same everywhere.