Ivan, 2010, when he was doing some cams for me. I had been to several well known camshaft companies wanting something developed and they all said they could copy something but couldn't start from scratch. I asked Ivan what to do and he said there was a bloke he used in Chicago who could work it all out by computer for a few thousand dollars. He said you could get nearly as good by working off something that worked already and modifying it to suit the new application and that's what he did for me. I asked him how they did it at Repco and he said they plotted and adjusted the profile full height on the drawing office wall and worked off that.
He had a 'private' workshop above his main factory floor which seemed to be very quiet when I was there. I understod he had made and sold a lot of cam grinding machinery as well as doing this work himself.
Reading the bits and pieces above confirms my interest in a lovely bloke - I wish I had known him more - but I do have some of his cams and they seem to work very well.
Terry Wright
Edited by tsrwright, 03 December 2014 - 12:55.