RIP Guy Buckingham
B: Oxfordshire, 11 February, 1921
D: Haddenham: 18 November, 2015
Guy, with a life that included clock making, WW2 RAF, lifetime band trumpeter, motor racing starting in the days of the 750 Motor Club, moving to NSW, Australia, founder of Nota Engineering in 1956, constructor of well over 100 Nota open wheel, sports and closed racing cars before returning to England in 1971 had a very interesting life indeed.
The original form of Nota Engineering involved the whole-hearted support of first wife, Barrie, mother of first son Chris and Michael Martin. Michael was with Guy in England and came to Australia with the family. Barrie is deceased from many years ago. Chris has continued the business to this day
Returning to England,
Guy married Jean with whom he had son Lee and daughter Lynne.
Guy remained fully healthy through almost all of his 94 years, having only recently given up on his band trumpeting and playing with vintage aircraft.
May we all have lives as interesting and productive as his. I will leave this write up hopefully as a seed for which others can provide in fill.