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Guess the Pole 2015 results for Abu Dhabi and 2015 final standings

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#1 Makarias

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Posted 28 November 2015 - 14:21

Pole position: 100.237 seconds by Nico Rosberg.

Abu Dhabi results

Name               Total  Precision Top10 Driver  Time
scheivlak            43    18       25     0    100.124
Anderis              31,5  15       16,5   0    100.000
TurnOffTheLights     31,5  15       16,5   0    100.000
Brawn BGP 001        26    15       11     0     99.999
d_view7              26    15       11     0     99.999
2aron                23    12        8     3     99.811
DutchQuicksilver     19    12        4     3     99.746
thegforcemaybe...    18    12        6     0     99.750
KWSN-DSM             16    12        1     3     99.711
Flash                15    12        0     3     99.694
AcuraF1              14    12        2     0     99.727
jimjimjeroo          13    10        0     3     99.545
fisichella_2001      12    12        0     0    100.818
GoodSister           12    12        0     0     99.638
mark f1              12    12        0     0     99.695
Costaz               11     8        0     3     99.239
Makarias             11     8        0     3     99.254
Mekola               11     8        0     3     99.265
M2000-5              10    10        0     0     99.501
Marklar              10    10        0     0     99.488
Barty                 9     6        0     3     99.166
kismet                7     4        0     3     99.000
Grayson               6     6        0     0     99.200
Uh oh.

The entries

The stats list:
      <--Reality-->   Number            <-Time Guesses->  <---------Driver Guesses--------->
       Pole   Pole      Of     Average  Too   Spot  Too   Guessed    % Of    Driver  Drivers
GP     Time  Driver   Entries  Score    Fast   On   Slow   Right   Guessers  Value   Guessed  
OZ    86.327  Hami      30      21.766    17     0    13    19       63.3       3       3
MAL  109.834  Hami      26       7.538    23     0     3    23       88.4       3       2
CHN   95.782  Hami      25      15.520    20     0     5    20       80.0       3       2
BAH   92.571  Hami      25      23.200    19     0     6    22       88.0       3       2
ESP   84.681  Rosb      24      14.791    22     0     2     5       20.8       6       2
MON   75.098  Hami      24      24.125     9     0    15    14       58.3       3       2
CAN   74.393  Hami      25      22.040    25     0     0    22       88.0       3       2
AUT   68.455  Hami      25      19.880    19     0     6    21       84.0       3       3
GB    92.248  Hami      24      11.041     6     0    18    20       83.3       3       2
HUN   82.020  Hami      26      23.923    17     0     9    21       80.7       3       2
BEL  107.197  Hami      26      17.076     8     0    18    21       80.7       3       2
ITA   83.397  Hami      26      22.192    16     0    10    22       84.6       3       2
SIN  103.885  Vett      25      19.240     2     0    23     1        4.0      18       3
JAP   92.584  Rosb      26      11.346    25     0     1     3       11.5       6       3
RUS   97.113  Rosb      25      19.160     8     0    17     3       12.0       6       2
USA  116.824  Rosb      25       5.000    25     0     0     4       16.0       6       4
MEX   79.480  Rosb      24      16.875    19     0     5     6       25.0       6       3
BRA   71.282  Rosb      26       8.384    23     0     3    12       46.1       4       4
ABU  100.237  Rosb      23      16.826    22     0     1    10       43.4       3       3
A pretty average round, this. Nico and Lewis were equal in driver guesses again...

The ghost player list:
       <------Popularity Pole------>   <----Fastest Time---->   <----Slowest Time---->
                        Round  Total             Round  Total             Round  Total
GP       Time   Driver  Score  Score     Time    Score  Score     Time    Score  Score  
OZ      86.191   Hami   36      36      84.166    9       9      87.612   13      13
MAL    101.311   Hami    5      41      95.988    3      12     116.166    9      22
CHN     94.952   Hami   11      52      92.999    3      15      97.000    7      29
BAH     92.287   Hami   18      70      91.321    7      22      92.900   18      47
ESP     83.640   Hami    6      76      81.711    0      22      84.987   23      70
MON     75.180   Hami   36     112      74.711   18      40      75.600   15      85
CAN     74.068   Hami   18     130      73.621   13      53      74.390   53     138
AUT     68.409   Hami   46     176      67.222    7      60      70.231    5     143
GB      93.589   Hami    7     183      90.941    8      68      95.334    3     146
HUN     81.930   Hami   36     219      80.999    9      77      82.540   15     161
BEL    107.695   Hami   15     234     105.735    7      84     109.264    4     165
ITA     83.358   Hami   43     277      82.557   11      95      86.000    3     168
SIN    104.603   Hami   10     287     103.456   20     115     105.642    8     176
JAP     91.501   Hami    6     293      90.655    1     116      92.600   50     226
RUS     97.346   Hami   15     308      96.689   12     128      98.000    8     234
USA    101.987   Hami    0     308      95.027    0     128     111.111   25     259
MEX     77.771   Hami   12     320      74.750    2     130      81.666   10     269
BRA     70.411   Rosb   27     347      69.241    5     135      77.166    4     273
ABU     99.668   Hami   12     359      99.000    4     139     100.818   12     285
...so I picked Hamilton for Popularity Pole this time unlike the last one, to balance things out. Two ghosts did OK.

2015 overall standings
Name               Total Precision Top8 Driver
scheivlak           425   242      149    34
thegforcemaybe...   419   268      118    33
AcuraF1             375   218      121    36
MJB5990             360   234       99    27
Makarias            347   218       89    40
GoodSister          344   237       74    33
DutchQuicksilver    337   225       76    36
2aron               325   200       91    34
M2000-5             323   237       59    27
Grayson             322,5 210       79,5  33
Costaz              322   195       94    33
Barty               313   194       82    37
Sheepmachine        302   179       95    28
mark f1             300   201       66    33
kismet              296,5 204       55,5  37
fisichella_2001     286   182       67    37
jjcale              277   170       80    27
d_view7             269   195       46    28
Flash               269   194       38    37
KWSN-DSM            265   197       28    40
Brawn BGP 001       262   187       42    33
jimjimjeroo         259   163       57    39
Mekola              244   169       38    37
Marklar             202   129       48    25
TurnOffTheLights    184,5  98       65,5  21
wattoroos           134    89       27    18
Anderis             122,5  84       20,5  18
Ar558                41    28        4     9
slattie              34    25        6     3
Wander               28    18        4     6
brunopascal          23    17        0     6
rodlamas             21    15        0     6
bernardoBR           18    15        0     3
SirT                 18    15        0     3
TomNokoe             15    15        0     0
argiriano            12    12        0     0
Kev00                 2     2        0     0
Congratulations to the 2015 Guess The Pole Champion scheivlak! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Congratulations also to runner-up thegforcemaybewithyou :clap: :clap:
and third place finisher AcuraF1 :clap:

Seasoned veteran scheivlak figured out that winning the last two rounds was a sound strategy, others should have thought about that but apparently they didn't. Watch and learn, kids!

Average season score: 218.8 points. Up by 72.3 points from last season, probably in part related to fewer players participating now.

The top 30 players (down to Wander) will also score points in the Supercup.

Thank you all for participating this year! Expect the game to return next year, looking very much the same.


#2 Anderis

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Posted 28 November 2015 - 14:36

I thought I had this in the bag this round, but scheivlak beat me with his PM guess. :mad:

#3 scheivlak

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Posted 28 November 2015 - 20:18

Couldn't watch or follow Q and just arrived home.


To say that I'm surprised by the final result is a an understatement  :D




The first one I have to thank is Nico Rosberg - even though I didn't predict him! Thank you Nico for getting in the low '40s!


And of course I have to thank Makarias for running the competiton but also for always producing the results as soon as possible.


Mak, this is for you  :clap:

#4 Costaz

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Posted 28 November 2015 - 22:31

Congratulations, scheivlak  :clap: . Thanks, Makarias  :up:


I missed the top-10 for a mere 0.5  :evil:. Need to try harder next year  :p .

#5 mark f1

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Posted 29 November 2015 - 02:15

Wow...congrats scheivlak!  Another Supercup for the champ? 

#6 thegforcemaybewithyou

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Posted 29 November 2015 - 08:50

6 points, d'oh. Well done, scheivlak, normally overtakes take place on you, this time you are the one who overtook!


Great game, thanks again, Makarias. I'll be back for the next season!



Rule clarification: If i edit my guess before FP1 that starts at x:00 and the edit says "last edited at x:00" is this still OK, or does it need to say "last edited at x-1:59" to be valid?

#7 M2000-5

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Posted 29 November 2015 - 19:26

Congratulations to scheivlak and the rest of the podium, it was a thrilling end to the season. 


@Costaz: places 9 through 11 covered by a single point, pretty exciting. Grayson's poor result was poor enough for me so as to beat him by a mere half point to 9th.


Thanks Makarias for running the show.


See ya next year.

