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HLWITTLS 2015 - Abu Dhabi Results and Final Standings

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#1 mark f1

mark f1
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Posted 29 November 2015 - 23:18

Well, ah, hmmm......not too sure how to write this one up....


Will managed to complete 21 laps on the lead lap in Abu Dhabi.  One winner this round with a perfect guess, congratulations to 2aron:clap:  Second place and one lap behind is shared between Costaz, kismet and Mekola.


Overall, there is a massive upset as long time leader MJB5990 fails to submit a guess! This means that, um, ah, I win, somehow... With a score of 2 for the round I managed to jump from 4th to overtake both scheivlak and Grayson who both scored 6, and the aforementioned MJB5990, to win by 1 lap.   :blush:  :blush:


I join a long list of illustrious winners...


2002 Flying Panda - Yoong
2003 pungzilla - Verstappen
2004 weasle - Zsolt
2005 Garth B - Kartikeyan
2006 sek - Sato
2007 LB - Speed/Vettel
2008 shays - Fisichella
2009 scheivlak - Sutil
2010 Brawn BGP 001 - Senna
2011 Makarias - D'Ambrosio
2012 AcuraF1 - Pic

2013 Apex - Chilton

2014 scheivlak - Ericcson/Maldonado

2015 mark f1 - Stevens


Have a good break and we will see you all next year for a new season of HLWITTLx.



RACE RESULT                   

Pos. Name             Score

1    2aron              0

2    Costaz             1

2    kismet             1

2    Mekola             1

5    Brawn BGP 001      2

5    mark f1            2

7    maxie              3

8    Marklar            4

8    TurnOffTheLights   4

10   AcuraF1            6

10   fisichella_2001    6

10   Grayson            6

10   scheivlak          6

14   jjcale             9

15   Makarias           15

16   M2000-5            17

17   Anderis            19

18   Barty              21



OVERALL POSITIONS                  

Pos. Name              Total  Dropped Score

1    mark f1            108    41

2    scheivlak          109    46

2    Grayson            109    58

4    kismet             111    45

5    maxie              117    36

5    Brawn BGP 001      117    43

7    Makarias           130    41

8    2aron              132    58

9    Barty              139    49

10   MJB5990            141    55

11   M2000-5            152    45

12   AcuraF1            166    31

13   Mekola             174    71

14   jjcale             184    53

15   fisichella_2001    185    46

16   Costaz             226    56

17   Marklar            380    78

18   Anderis            563    78

19   TurnOffTheLights   587    78

20   wattoroos          662    71

21   DutchQuicksilver   685    71

22   Apex               739    71

23   jimisgod           943    71

24   KWSN - DSM         1015   78

25   RekF1              1018   78

26   sportyskells       1022   78

27   rodlamas           1050   78

28   Wander             1071   78





#2 maxie

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 07:14

:clap:  :clap:  :clap: Congrats to mark f1, aka the host, for the win, and a big thumbs up for a job very well done!!!

#3 scheivlak

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 10:05

What a finish!  :drunk:


Congrats mark f1 and  :up: for the game!