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Lucien Hautvast

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#1 Darren Galpin

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Posted 15 August 2001 - 07:06

I've received a request for information on where and when Lucien Hautvast died - can anyone help? Can anyone else shed any light on his career as well?


#2 Danny1

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Posted 15 August 2001 - 10:05

hoi here i send you some info about L Hautvast

1901 cote de la citadelle de namur 3 june
voiturettes 1é on Vivinus

1901 namur bastogne namur in june
voiturettes 1é on vivinus

1902 1é circuit des Ardennes
24é on Pipe
1903 2é circuit des Ardennes
16é on pipe

1900 Spa Bastogne Spa 25-26 august
voiturettes 4 CV 1é vivinus

#3 leegle

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Posted 15 August 2001 - 10:26

A look at altavista finds a site that mentions him in a race in November 1908.;)

#4 Darren Galpin

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Posted 15 August 2001 - 10:27

Thanks! Also

1903 - Paris-Madrid Trail: DNF (Pipe)
1904 - Circuit des Ardennes: DNF (Pipe), 1 lap
1904 - Homburg Circuit: 6th (Pipe)
1908 - American Grand Prize: 5th (Clement-Bayard)

#5 alessandro silva

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Posted 15 August 2001 - 10:52


1903 Ardennes 16th Pipe
1904 Gordon Bennett 6th Pipe
1907 Kaiserpreis 2nd Pipe (apparently best result by him and the marque)
1907 Ardennes DNF Pipe
1908 GP ACF DNF Clément-Bayard
1908 Florio Cup DNF Clément-Bayard
1908 American GP 5th Clément-Bayard

I have a picture from the last. If you want to post it, e-mail me.

#6 Vitesse2

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Posted 15 August 2001 - 13:16

Led 1907 Circuit des Ardennes from Jenatzy before retiring.

FTD in a Clement-Bayard at Ostend, 1908(?): sprint/trial?

#7 Vitesse2

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Posted 16 August 2001 - 00:19

As mentioned by danny1, Hautvast won the Cote de la Citadelle hillclimb at Namur in 1901 with a Vivinus, although it looks like he won overall; he won the same event in August 1904 with a Pipe. In the same month he also won the Spa-Malchamps hillclimb - he also won that in 1906, again in a Pipe. Info from a Belgian hillclimb website (!!):


#8 Marcor

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Posted 13 December 2001 - 02:57

In his edition dated 27 December 1923, Les Sports published an article announcing the funeral of Lucien Hautvast. The story is a bit sad.

"Lucien Hautvast made a Belgian car's make famous (*). He was also contributor of the Automobile Club of Belgian as timekeeper. And yet we were only a dozen friends behind the hearse and nobody representing the AC of Belgium or a car's make. Baron Pierre de Crawhez, President of the FACPB (Federation of the Provincial Automobile Clubs of Belgium) was present and also MM Josse Rosseels (representing the LVB, Belgium league of cycling), Kuhling, Kinet, ... There was a bouquet over the coffin (from the family) and a wreath (from the Automobile Club of Namur - Luxemburg, for the old friend of the heroic good old days).

Lucien Hautvast started to go cycling. His first feat happened at the occasion of a 150 km race that he finished 2nd behind Van der Eynde with his bike on his shoulders. Advised by his friend Pierre de Crawhez he started motor racing around 1900. He won several races in Belgium. During Paris-Bordeaux he was stopped at Angoulême by the fire of the car of Serpollet. He also ran some Gordon Bennet Cup races and numerous meetings abroad.

He had exceptional technical skills and was very calm. He was talking in a slow and quiet voice. He was seen in the trade and the industry. He dealt a long time with the sale of tyres in Belgium..."

*: Pipe as he finished second in the 1907 Kaiser Preis and sixth in the 1904 Gordon Bennett at the same place, Taunus...