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Comminges GP-St Gaudens - 1927

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#1 Boniver

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Posted 13 January 2002 - 10:49


1925 GOURY sur BIGNAN 3L 384 km (85,500 km/h)
1926 Louis CHIRON sur BUGATTI 35 414 km (104,991 km/h)
1927 EYSERMAN sur BUGATTI 37 414 km (108,500 km/h)
1928 WILLIAMS sur BUGATTI 35 414 km (136,500 km/h) G.P. de l’A.C.F. :cry:
1929 Philippe ETANCELIN sur BUGATTI 35 394 km (130,16 km/h)
1930 M. DORE sur BUGATTI 37 315 km (124 km/h)
1931 Philippe ETANCELIN sur ALFA ROMEO 315 km (104,117 km/h)
1932 F. ZEHENDER sur ALFA ROMEO 385 km (138 km/h)
1933 FAGIOLI sur ALFA ROMEO 385 km (143,463 km/h)
1934 COMOTTI sur ALFA ROMEO 385 km (150,234 km/h)
1935 Raymond SOMMER sur ALFA ROMEO 385 km (146,125 km/h)
1936 J.-Pierre WIMILLE sur BUGATTI (Formule Sport) 440 km (152,582 km/h)

1939 LE BEGUE sur TALBOT T150 440 km (163 km/h)

1947 Louis CHIRON sur TALBOT T150 330 km (150 km/h)
1948 Gigi” VILLORESI sur MASERATI C8 330 km (150,843 km/h)
1949 Charles POZZI sur DELAHAYE 4,5 L 500 km (141,844 km/h) G.P. de l’A.C.F. :rolleyes:

1952 Alberto ASCARI sur FERRARI F2 300 km (138,682 km/h)

1954 C.-L. STOREZ sur MONOMILL 100 km (109,377 km/h)

Who have more info of the race of 1927 ?


#2 Vitesse2

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Posted 13 January 2002 - 12:36

From Monkhouse/King-Farlow


2nd Masse (Salmson)
3rd M Fourny (BNC)

1925-7 races were handicaps

#3 anjakub

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Posted 13 January 2002 - 13:30

GP Comminges 1927
handicap race (15 laps, 414 km)
1. Eysermann (Bugatti) 5h09.21
2. Masse (Salmson) 5h19.55
3. Gautier (Salmson) 5h25.08
4. Fourny (BNC) 5h26.01
5. Aubignac (Peugeot) 5h42.00

from magazine "Auto" 1927

#4 Hans Etzrodt

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 01:09

Do we have a date for this event?
I overlooked this little handicapper and need to add it to my list.

#5 Marcor

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 01:55

GP du Comminges (St-Gaudens), 07 August 1927
1- Eysermann (Bugatti 35 4808 #30) 5h 9' 21" (3h 49' 21"), 108.5 km/h
2- Massé (Salmson) 5h 19' 55" (4h 29' 55")
3- Gauthier (Salmson) 5h 25' 08" (4h 35' 08")
4- Fourny (BNC) 5h 26' 01" (4h 35' 01")
5- Aubignac (Peugeot 750 cc) 5h 42' (5h 23")

also entered:
Bret (Bugatti 35C 4855 #38)
Chiron (Bugatti)

15 laps = 413.96 km

#6 Marcor

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 02:11

not really OT (especially for Hans), here's the results of the 1 km Montrejean hillclimb race (04 August 1927),which was included in the Comminges week. Some drivers (and cars) also took part in the GP.

Racing car 2 L
1st (and 1st overall)- Bret (Bugatti 35C 4855 n°38) 42" 6
2- d'Ormoy (Bugatti) 48" 4

Racing car 1100 cc
1- Billiet (BNC) 47" 8
2- Saffores (Deyris-Saffores Spéciale) 55" 2

Racing car 1500 cc
1- Billiet (Bugatti) 54" 4
2- Berge (Bugatti) 54" 8

Racing car 500 cc
1- de Rovin (Rovin) 55"

Racing car 750
1- Vidal (Peugeot) 59" 4
2- Aubignac (Peugeot 750 cc) 1' 04" 2

Sport 1100 cc
1- Soulet (Amilcar) 57"
2- Rey (Amilcar) 1' 05" 2
3- Estève (Salmson) 1' 05" 8

Sport 2 L
1- Beausoleil (Georges Irat) 57" 8

Sport 1500 cc
1- Berge (Bugatti) 1' 06" 2

#7 Hans Etzrodt

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 04:11

Thank you for your 1927 information. Can you please give me the source of the date? I need the same information for the 1928 race at Comminges, which is also missing from my list. Can you please help?

I am always receptive for hill climb information, which will be plugged right into my ever growing list. Credit will always be given as long as it is new information. This "sleeper" list is on hold again because I have started on a brand new project.

Would you also please give me the source of your hill climb information, similar like on our history list?

#8 Vitesse2

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 11:32

Hans: the race to which Boniver is referring is the 1928 GP de l'ACF, which was, as I am sure you are well aware :) , a sports car handicap held on July 1st 1928.

#9 Marcor

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 11:44

sources: Les Sports, 1927 (Belgian newspapers).

1928: no Comminges GP, because the ACF choose the circuit for the National GP. 4 Qualifying heats (by cc) and an Handicap final. Sportscars race.

#10 Hans Etzrodt

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Posted 14 January 2002 - 15:52

Thank you all for enlightenment. :)

#11 dmj

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Posted 30 January 2003 - 10:27

I am bringing this up because it is the only thread that mentiones Francois Eysermann. Do we know more about him? I am just reading Antoine Raffaelli's "Memoires of a Bugatti hunter" and it mentions Eysermann and his victory in first Tripoli GP in 1926. Apparently Eysermann lived in Tunisia and ordered a Bugatti T35 for that race from the factory but it arrived late so he couldn't organize a shipping. It was eventually transferred to Tripoli on a fishing boat, "with 650 kg being only slightly heavier than a tuna". Later Eysermann won the race that apparently had not a great grid but was considered a grand Prix anyway, so he is rightfully included in Hans' list of GP winners. Of course, when Mr. Eysermann told that story by his memory he had to beat certain Mantuan driver along the way... but Nuvolari wasn't racing cars back in 1926. So maybe we can doubt accuracy of fishing boat story too?
Anyway I'd like to know more both about Eysermann and Tripoli GP 1926. Any hints?
In Raffaelli's book is also a nice story about Eysermann meeting Benoist once... as well as some nice Jules Goux stories.

#12 David McKinney

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Posted 30 January 2003 - 15:59

Nuvolari first raced cars in 1921 IIRC - certainly well before 1926

#13 dmj

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Posted 30 January 2003 - 16:14

Yes but AFAIK he raced only bikes in 1926?

Correction: his site lists two car races that year, both in Bianchi. Main point was, however, that he didn't race a car at Tripoli GP.