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Montoya tries to put Kimi in the grass

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#1 Teez

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:30

I'm curious where all the anti-Schumacher troops are. Why aren't they busy complaining about Motor-Mouth Montoya's attempt to punt Kimi into the grass? Can you imagine the number of posts about it there would be had Michael done exactly what JPM did?


#2 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:31

puuurrrleaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :rolleyes:

#3 Enkei

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:32

Well it was a little bit to close for comfort, but hey that's racing. They're racing drivers, overtaking is their job! It was the only nice overtaking move that lasted about half a lap and you want to judge JPM for doing so :confused:

#4 Teez

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:33

Originally posted by LuckyStrike1

puuurrrleaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :rolleyes:

Heh. Just as I thought: the silence is deafening.

So tell me, Mr. LuckyStrike1, sir: can you honestly tell me you would not have complained had Michael Schumacher done exactly what Montoya did to Kimi? Yes or no.

#5 Ricardo F1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:34

Montoya didn't do anything to Kimi but overtake him. Kimi fought tooth and nail to try and stay with JPM which is why he went on the grass. DUH :rolleyes:

#6 BuonoBruttoCattivo

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:35

Originally posted by Teez

Heh. Just as I thought: the silence is deafening.

So tell me, Mr. LuckyStrike1, sir: can you honestly tell me you would not have complained had Michael Schumacher done exactly what Montoya did to Kimi? Yes or no.

We would have already seven threads about this and Ronzo would have been frantically firing up his "I need a clarification" e-mail to race stewards and FIA.

#7 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:36

I wouldn't complain at all - because I like tough but fair racing. Kimi and Montoya were tough but totally fair to each other and we saw a nice gbattle and a nice overtaking manouvre. That was great and that's why I'm a racingfan. This move would have been great no matter which drivers were involved (of course it didn't do matters worse that I'm a Montoya fan and it was JPM who was the succesful one in this move ;))

BTW - I never saw any faults with Magny-Cours and SChumi and Kimi, just for your records.

Jeezz - sometimes some Schumacher fans really can be paranoid ;)

#8 wawawa

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:37

Relax guys. As soon as I see a clip of this, I'll let you have my educated opinion. (Geez, I'm sounding like Grumpy)


#9 juanftoro

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:40

Originally posted by Teez
I'm curious where all the anti-Schumacher troops are. Why aren't they busy complaining about Motor-Mouth Montoya's attempt to punt Kimi into the grass? Can you imagine the number of posts about it there would be had Michael done exactly what JPM did?

Jeeez. You are PATHETIC. Thanks god there are more drivers different than MS on the grid so that we can appreciate these racing battles without someone getting into the grass, gravel. Kimi and JPM had a terrific battle and they were FAIR. Your attacks on JPM have become quite predictable and quite boring. Please move on....

#10 911

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:49

The main difference between MS & Kimi at Magny Cours and JPM & Kimi in Germany is that the latter were heavily dicing - side by side - for position. JPM was well on the kurbs at the apex of that corner and that pushed him wide on his exit.

#11 HP

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:53

I can't see what was wrong with Montoyas move. Looked spectacular, but it was inevitable that he would retake his position.

#12 KinetiK

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 14:58

Montoya could have given Kimi more room on the final bend there I suppose but without that bit of grass to slow Kimi up the battle would have continued for corners more. JPM did what he had to do to pass Kimi, it's no different than what MS did in order to pass Kimi in France.

BTW, what caused Kimi's retirement anyway, driver error again?

#13 HP

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:12

Originally posted by KinetiK
BTW, what caused Kimi's retirement anyway, driver error again?

He spun out, but there were some loose body parts seen after his tyre blow out. So his car was damaged

#14 Teez

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:13

Let me be clear. I have no problem with Motor-Mouth's move on Kimi. The purpose of this thread is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the anti-Schumacher brigade. I'm convinced that if Michael pulled the exact same move on Kimi this forum would be crawling under the weight of dozens of posts and at least six threads about what an unfair bastard Schumacher is and how he tried to run poor Kimi off the track.

I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.

#15 logic

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:13

Originally posted by Teez
I'm curious where all the anti-Schumacher troops are.

The question is where are all anti-JPMs? Do they exist? :wave:
Why would anti-Schumachers cry about great battle?

#16 KinetiK

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:14

Originally posted by HP
He spun out, but there were some loose body parts seen after his tyre blow out. So his car was damaged

Yeah, I just saw the McLaren news pop up on Atlas, no driver error at all. Good, we'll have a real fight in 2004 between Kimi, Juan and the ever present Michael.

#17 tifoso

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:14

Originally posted by KinetiK
BTW, what caused Kimi's retirement anyway, driver error again?

Until we see the team quotes, it's too early to speculate. After having to drive the car almost a complete lap with a disintegrating tire, his retirement could have been caused by that earlier damage...that just got worse as the race progresses.

#18 Foxbat

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:16

Originally posted by HP
He spun out, but there were some loose body parts seen after his tyre blow out. So his car was damaged

The rear end of the left sidepod, including the winglets, were pretty heavily damaged. I wouldn't be surprised if that caused unbalance during cornering, or even secondary damage to the suspension.

#19 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:25

Originally posted by Teez
Let me be clear. I have no problem with Motor-Mouth's move on Kimi. The purpose of this thread is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the anti-Schumacher brigade. I'm convinced that if Michael pulled the exact same move on Kimi this forum would be crawling under the weight of dozens of posts and at least six threads about what an unfair bastard Schumacher is and how he tried to run poor Kimi off the track.

I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.

I think you present a very sad image of yourself here. If I were you - a Ferrari and Schumi fan god forbid ;) - I would celebrate a Schumacher victory today and his fifth title since the week ago. Not go on in a stupid thread looking like a bad looser and a bad winner no matter what. :down: Instead you complain about something no one really understands what it is. Is Jerez 97 really such a bad memory for you or is it sour grapes over how the title was clinched this year at Magny-Cours and the Austria fiasco or what is it?


#20 Alien

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:26

Originally posted by Teez
Let me be clear. I have no problem with Motor-Mouth's move on Kimi. The purpose of this thread is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the anti-Schumacher brigade. I'm convinced that if Michael pulled the exact same move on Kimi this forum would be crawling under the weight of dozens of posts and at least six threads about what an unfair bastard Schumacher is and how he tried to run poor Kimi off the track.

I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.

Teez in wonderland :rolleyes:

What the hell are u talking about, chill out. Michael Shumacher has nothing to do with Montoya overtaking Kimi, don´t drag your paranoia into this. "Anti-shumacher brigade", :rolleyes: please get a grip.

Montoya´s move on Kimi was clean and he gave him enough space, it´s called racing.

#21 gerry nassar

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:27

The JPM/Kimi battle was entertaining and fair! A great battle between two great up and coming talents (and my two favourite drivers) - who may one day have an epic rivalry which we so much crave. I think we can count ourselves lucky if we get to see JPM and Kimi battle the reigning master MS for the championship in the next few years!! :up:

#22 berge

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:28

Originally posted by LuckyStrike1

I think you present a very sad image of yourself here.................. or what is it?

Does seem a bit compulsive/obsessive about Montoya, doesn't he?

#23 Teez

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:29

Alien and LuckyStrike1: I'll archive your posts for future reference. Thanks! :wave:

#24 berge

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:31

Originally posted by Teez
Alien and LuckyStrike1: I'll archive your posts for future reference. Thanks! :wave:

archive this.

'get help'.


#25 Mrv

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:31

Originally posted by Teez
I'm curious where all the anti-Schumacher troops are. Why aren't they busy complaining about Motor-Mouth Montoya's attempt to punt Kimi into the grass? Can you imagine the number of posts about it there would be had Michael done exactly what JPM did?

Just think how big this thread would have been if it was Schumacher that did that to Kimi. It is racing, but most on this forum will jump at anything that Schumacher does. :down:

#26 B747

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:32


Let me be clear. I have no problem with Motor-Mouth's move on Kimi. The purpose of this thread is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the anti-Schumacher brigade. I'm convinced that if Michael pulled the exact same move on Kimi this forum would be crawling under the weight of dozens of posts and at least six threads about what an unfair bastard Schumacher is and how he tried to run poor Kimi off the track.

I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.

teez is right, people finds all the time absurd conpiracies for MS, no matter what he does, so it was a good comparison today's JPM move on Kimmi as an example. I also thing he did nothing wrong, just what he is suppose to do, racing.

logic quote:
Originally posted by Teez
I'm curious where all the anti-Schumacher troops are.

The question is where are all anti-JPMs? Do they exist?
Why would anti-Schumachers cry about great battle?

you got a point, why would anti-Schumachers cry about great battle, the strange thing is they do, all the time, whenever MS is involved, wins, pass or just don't do anything, still they cry.

#27 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:34

Originally posted by Teez
Alien and LuckyStrike1: I'll archive your posts for future reference. Thanks! :wave:

Well then I might give you a little tip of the search engine on this BB. You can actually go and search for posts from any of the members here and see what they write. It's all in the archive. Now with a three-week break to the next GP, I sugges you go and search for posts so your archive for "future reference" can get really big. Enjoy and good luck to you :wave:

#28 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:35

Originally posted by B747

teez is right, people finds all the time absurd conpiracies for MS, no matter what he does, so it was a good comparison today's JPM move on Kimmi as an example.

Compared to what? I don't get it.

#29 Teez

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:38

Originally posted by LuckyStrike1

I don't get it.

This is quite apparent. :wave:

#30 Mrv

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:38

Originally posted by LuckyStrike1

Compared to what? I don't get it.

Compared to what Michael did to Kimi at Magny Cours. :D

#31 B747

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:42

kyStrike1 quote:
Originally posted by B747

teez is right, people finds all the time absurd conpiracies for MS, no matter what he does, so it was a good comparison today's JPM move on Kimmi as an example.

Compared to what? I don't get it.

comparted to any normal situation in a race involving MS, the fact that it involves MS seems to be enough to create all kind of conpiracys and accusations against him, no matter he is in the receiving end or viceversa, if he is not involved things are considered what they usually are, normal racing situations.

#32 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:42

So you guys have such sour grapes over Magny-Cours - where Michael btw did nothing wrong to Kimi IMHO - so you just can't drop it and celebrate a great season for your favourites?

I tell you this, if it was Montoya and Williams who had the season Ferrari and Schumacher are having (minus Austrian fiasco) I would be happy and enjoying it right now instead of being paranoid ...

#33 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:43

Originally posted by Teez

This is quite apparent. :wave:

Yeah well I don't think your posts here has made much sense, that's all.

#34 B747

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:44

I am enjoying very much this seasons! :clap:

#35 Tomecek

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:48

I was just waiting for the similar silly thread
:down: :down: :down:

#36 Amir_S

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:49

Originally posted by Teez
Let me be clear. I have no problem with Motor-Mouth's move on Kimi. The purpose of this thread is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the anti-Schumacher brigade. I'm convinced that if Michael pulled the exact same move on Kimi this forum would be crawling under the weight of dozens of posts and at least six threads about what an unfair bastard Schumacher is and how he tried to run poor Kimi off the track.

I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.

You are dead right. THe level of hypocrisy by some of the forumers in here is pathetic. However I found nothing wrong with MS move a week ago and I found nothing wrong with JPM:s today. It was a brilliant, brilliant overtaking move. I'm really impressed with this guys fighting spirit.

#37 GDoering

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:51

Originally posted by KinetiK
Montoya could have given Kimi more room on the final bend there I suppose but without that bit of grass to slow Kimi up the battle would have continued for corners more. JPM did what he had to do to pass Kimi, it's no different than what MS did in order to pass Kimi in France.

MS didn't push Kimi off the track he was already there. JPM did push Kimi off today on the exit but that's racing. I thought Kimi actually drove better than JPM there despite the fact that he lost his position. I have noticed that a lot of JPM's passes rely on the other driver lifting off or taking evasive action to avoid a collision.

#38 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:53

Originally posted by B747
I am enjoying very much this seasons! :clap:

Good, you should. Because I will enjoy Montoyas titles when they come ;)

#39 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:54

Originally posted by GDoering
MS didn't push Kimi off the track he was already there. JPM did push Kimi off today on the exit but that's racing. I thought Kimi actually drove better than JPM there despite the fact that he lost his position. I have noticed that a lot of JPM's passes rely on the other driver lifting off or taking evasive action to avoid a collision.

No he didn't push him off. It was fair racing between them two where they werer fair but tough too each other.


#40 Oachkatzlschwoaf

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:56

Originally posted by B747
you got a point, why would anti-Schumachers cry about great battle, the strange thing is they do, all the time, whenever MS is involved, wins, pass or just don't do anything, still they cry.

that's probably why they're called anti-schumachers :cat:

as far as i'm concerned this thread is no better than any anti-MS thread

#41 B747

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:58


notice one thing, and maybe thats why this post make a lot of sense, in any anti-Schumacher thread there are a thousand insults and accusations against him before any real argument or fact can be seen, no matter the title of this thread, there is no one insulting Montoya, instead you see most MS fans and some anti-JPM praising him for his racing, so this thread could call to reflect about how unfair is the attack on MS most of the time, notice does Prost did mention some days ago something about MS been attacked because of been the best.

#42 AndreasNystrom

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 15:59

Im a big fan of Raikkonen, but doesnt think JPM did anything wrong at all. He just locked the door. I think Kimi knew he wasnt able to make it, it just looked a bit more dramatic due to the wheel lock.

It was really simple : FAIR and CLEAN fighting. They gave eachother room when it was needed.

#43 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:02

Originally posted by B747

notice one thing, and maybe thats why this post make a lot of sense, in any anti-Schumacher thread there are a thousand insults and accusations against him before any real argument or fact can be seen, no matter the title of this thread, there is no one insulting Montoya, instead you see most MS fans and some anti-JPM praising him for his racing, so this thread could call to reflect about how unfair is the attack on MS most of the time, notice does Prost did mention some days ago something about MS been attacked because of been the best.

What I have noticed here that there seems to be some MS fans that instead of taking pleasure in succes starts a thread with the content being that if it had been MS this and that and bla bla bla would have been said. Why start it in the first place?

But maybe that is because I'm not anti anything in F1. I just happen to be pro a team and a few drivers that I like more than the others.

#44 GDoering

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:02

Originally posted by LuckyStrike1

No he didn't push him off. It was fair racing between them two where they werer fair but tough too each other.

I'm not saying it wasn't fair but watch the pass again and tell me where was Kimi supposed to go but into the grass? I'm pretty sure he didn't drive into the grass because that's the fastest route around that corner.

#45 Teez

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:04

Originally posted by LuckyStrike1

But maybe that is because I'm not anti anything in F1. I just happen to be pro a team and a few drivers that I like more than the others.

Great. So since you're not in the target group of "anti-Schumachers" why is it that you seem to be taking such offense at this thread?

#46 100cc

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:04

actually to me it did look like montoya could've easily given more room to kimi on the exit, because he seemed to first be pulling back to the right but then made another move to the left...to get kimi on the grass/gravel.....but I only saw the replay once, so I don't know....I'll have to d/load it when its available.

But great racing though!!! :up: No big problems, the move jpm pulled on kimi seemed similar to what ms did to kimi at magny, only kimi was rejoining the track at magny.

#47 GDoering

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:04

Originally posted by AndreasNystrom
Im a big fan of Raikkonen, but doesnt think JPM did anything wrong at all. He just locked the door. I think Kimi knew he wasnt able to make it, it just looked a bit more dramatic due to the wheel lock.

It was really simple : FAIR and CLEAN fighting. They gave eachother room when it was needed.

Most people are referring to the corner before Kimi had to lock up his brakes. The reason JPM was ahead at that corner was because he pushed Kimi onto the grass.

#48 tifoso

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:06

I'll admit I'm wary about chiming in...

I thought the pass was exciting, hard yet fair. However, the thought did cross my mind that had it been Montoya and Schumacher vs. Montoya and Raikkonen this forum would have been in an uproar with all the usual suspects in full fury. :blush:

#49 Hendy

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:06

Kimi is getting schooled by the two most ruthless drivers in Formula 1 about how to be commited when passing someone. This can only serve to be a great lesson to him. If he wants to be up front, then he had better give them a taste of their own medicine. If that means that they come together, then so be it. If you give JPM and Michael, especially, too much credit, then they will steam roll you every single chance they get. He has had the hint of what it feels like to lead and battle up front thanks to McLaren and Mercedes stepping up their game, now he's to figure out how to deal with these two.

BTW: Ralf does not deserve that ride. I was not impressed with his drive today. He deserved what position he finished in. Strike that down to another bad weekend for Ralf. Juan was also not up to the task this weekend, but that is the first weekend in a while. every now and again isn't too bad. Ralf was setting fastest lap after fasteset lap and didn't dent Michaels lead at all. He was a pussy through traffic and wasn't commited to any of the passes that he was making. Shame.

#50 B747

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Posted 28 July 2002 - 16:06


Why start it in the first place?

have you notice that the most entertaining ones are this kind of threads? (whenever they don't get violent) I just enjoy them. :D