The Cup of Peace and Friendship
Posted 11 August 2003 - 07:39
July, 23
Track: Nevskoe Koltso (the Neva Ring)
Track length: 3.26 km
Race distance: 24 laps (78.24 km)
Fastest lap: Heinz Melkus (1'32.4" = 127.0 km/h)
Drivers started: 14
Race results:
1. Heinz Melkus GDR Melkus-65 Wartburg 38'40.1" = 121.4 km/h
2. Longin Bielak POL RAK Wartburg
3. Frieder Rädlein GDR Melkus-65 Wartburg
4. Laszlo Bognar HUN Melkus-62 Wartburg
5. Józef Kielbania POL RAK Wartburg
6. ?
7. Yuri Andreev USSR Melkus-64 Wartburg –3 laps
8. Viktor Lapin USSR Melkus-64 Wartburg -3 laps
9. Yakov Vartpatrikov USSR Melkus-64 Wartburg -3 laps
10. Evgeny Glukharev USSR Melkus Wartburg
DNF Ants Seiler USSR Estonia-9 Wartburg
DNF Herbert Armstroff GDR Melkus Wartburg
Can anyone add anything to this?
Posted 11 August 2003 - 18:03
1. Heinz Melkus GDR Melkus-Wartburg 38'40.1" = 121.4 km/h
2. Longin Bielak POL Rak-Wartburg 39'28"
3. Frieder Rädlein GDR Melkus-Wartburg 39'46"
4. Laszlo Bognar HUN Melkus-Wartburg 22 laps
5. Józef Kielbania POL Rak-Wartburg 22 laps
6. Tibor Szeles HUN Melkus-Wartburg 22 laps
Posted 12 August 2003 - 07:14

Posted 12 August 2003 - 09:21
If we want to be 100 percent precise, the correct spelling of the Hungarian names are László Bognár and Tibor Széles ;)Originally posted by anjakub
Leningrad 1966
1. Heinz Melkus GDR Melkus-Wartburg 38'40.1" = 121.4 km/h
2. Longin Bielak POL Rak-Wartburg 39'28"
3. Frieder Rädlein GDR Melkus-Wartburg 39'46"
4. Laszlo Bognar HUN Melkus-Wartburg 22 laps
5. Józef Kielbania POL Rak-Wartburg 22 laps
6. Tibor Szeles HUN Melkus-Wartburg 22 laps
Posted 12 August 2003 - 09:58

Also I have to say that Melkus' race time has been counted by my own, being based on the race distance and the average speed. But perhaps the race distance was 78.4 km - nobody knows the exact length of Nevskoe Koltso circuit!
Posted 14 August 2003 - 07:58
Posted 14 August 2003 - 11:36
Unfortunately my magazine collection starts from 1971, so I don't have any results form 1966Originally posted by Alexey Rogachev
One more correction - thanks, Geza!The same question to you, too: did any other Hungarian drivers race in Leningrad? There are two unknown entries left!
Also I have to say that Melkus' race time has been counted by my own, being based on the race distance and the average speed. But perhaps the race distance was 78.4 km - nobody knows the exact length of Nevskoe Koltso circuit!

Posted 14 August 2003 - 11:44
Neva = river in Leningrad (St. Petersburg)
Posted 14 August 2003 - 11:46
'Nevskoe Koltso' means, as I just have mentioned in the first post of this thread, 'The Neva Ring'

Posted 14 August 2003 - 11:48
Originally posted by st59cz
koltso= ring
Neva = river in Leningrad (St. Petersburg)
st59cz = a great expert in Russian language & geography

Posted 14 August 2003 - 12:14
May 16, 1703 - 1914: St. Petersburg
1914-1924: Petrograd
1924-1991: Leningrad
1991- : St. Petersburg
Posted 14 August 2003 - 16:49
Isn't it actually Sankt Peterburg, without an "s"?Originally posted by anjakub
Great Russian history:
May 16, 1703 - 1914: St. Petersburg
1914-1924: Petrograd
1924-1991: Leningrad
1991- : St. Petersburg
Posted 14 August 2003 - 18:06

Posted 15 August 2003 - 07:44
Posted 17 August 2003 - 12:43

But seriously, about 1000 km trip to USSR was always an adventure for not well equipped czech teams. Second reason can be that "comrads" (soudruzi=tovarischi) had not involved this race in his years plan...
Posted 18 August 2003 - 09:55
Note: DOSAAF = Dobrovolnoe Obshestvo Sodeistviya Armii, Aviatsii i Flotu (Voluntary Army, Air Force and Fleet Assistance Society), an analogue of Czechoslovakian SVAZARM.
Posted 19 August 2003 - 11:08

Posted 15 September 2003 - 08:14
July, 21
Track: Bikernieki
Track length: 3.662 km
Race distance: 25 laps = 91.55 km
Drivers started: 22
Drivers finished: ?
Race results:
1. Heinz Melkus GDR Melkus-67 Wartburg 42'33.0" = 129.1 km/h
2. Jaroslav Bobek CZE Škoda-F3 +13.8"
3. Longin Bielak POL RAK-Promot Cosworth +56.5"
4. Enn Griffel USSR Estonia-9 Wartburg +58.6"
5. Yuri Andreev USSR Estonia-9F Cosworth 24 laps
6. Vladimir Grekov USSR Estonia-9 Wartburg
9. Gennady Zharkov USSR Estonia-9 Wartburg
I have to say that the race times of the first five drivers are very doubtful as they’ve been counted by my own, being based on their average speeds. The drivers’ race times were also found, but they haven’t corresponded to their average speeds and to each other!
22 drivers took part in this race. Nine of them were from Soviet Union, five drivers were Polish, four drivers were Czechoslovakian, and four drivers were from East Germany. Can anyone add something to the race results or reveal the unknown entries?
Posted 15 September 2003 - 16:25
1968 Cup of Peace and Friendship, Round 3 (USSR, Riga)
Track: Bikernieki
Track length: 3.660 km
Drivers started: 21
Drivers finished: 16
Race results:
1. Heinz Melkus GDR Melkus 67 - Wartburg
2. Jaroslav Bobek CZE Škoda-F3
3. Longin Bielak POL Promot 67 - Cosworth MAE
4. Enn Griffel USSR Estonia 9 - Wartburg
5. Yuri Andreev USSR Estonia 9 - Cosworth
6. Vladimir Grekov USSR Estonia 9 - Wartburg
11. Józef Kielbania POL Promot 67 - Wartburg
16. Ksawery Frank POL Rak-Promot - Wartburg
ret. Zbigniew Sucharda POL Promot 67 - Wartburg
More in the future.
Posted 16 September 2003 - 10:20

Posted 16 September 2003 - 10:24
Posted 17 September 2003 - 09:03

Even though the picture is rather blurred, I think it will be possible to identify the car. BTW, is this really Jankowski who's sitting near the car?
I've found new fragments of the race results. According to a short race summary published in 'Soviet Latvia' newspaper, Bobek was 5" approximately behind Melkus, and Griffel was 1.4" behind Bielak. Also Vaclav Bobek's retirement has been mentioned.
Posted 21 September 2003 - 09:08
I find the Peace and Friendship Cup competitions very interesting but my knowledge of the series is very limited. When you posted the results of round 3 of the 1968 series at Riga I was dismayed to find I had the Czech round with the same date! It is obvious to me that my piece-meal (!) compilation of these races is seriously flawed.
Would it be possible for you to list the circuits and dates for the races held over the years of this competition? It would be very much appreciated.
Posted 21 September 2003 - 09:43
1 Györ ?
2 Kraków-CzyŸyny 4.6.1967
3 Brno 2.9.1967
4 Dresden-Hellerau 10.9.1967
1 Szczecin ?
2 Štramberk ?.6.1968
3 Riga 21.7.1968
1 Havíøov, Tìrlický okruh 11.5.1969
2 Minsk 5.6.1969
3 Szczecin 9.6.1969
4 Dresden 4.9.1969
To be continued...
Posted 21 September 2003 - 10:24
1 Havíøov, Tìrlický okruh 9.5.1970
2 Minsk ?
3 Szczecin ?
4 Schleiz 8.8.1970
1 Minsk ?
2 Schleiz 8.8.1971
1 Most 9.5.1972
2 Minsk 6.6.1972
3 Schleiz ?.8.1972
1 Most 6.5.1973
2 Minsk 3.6.1973
3 Sachsenring ?
4 Schleiz ?
5 Tiorun ?
1 Minsk ?
2 Schleiz ?.8.74
3 Most ?
4 Tiorun 8.9.1974
1 Minsk 1.6.1975
2 Schleiz 3.8.1975
3 Most 17.8.1975
4 Tiorun 7.9.1975
1 Minsk, Borovaja 6.6.1976
2 Schleiz 7.8.1976
3 Most 29.8.1976
4 Tiorun 5.9.1976
5 Havíøov 25.9.1976
1 Minsk 5.6.1977
2 Schleiz 31.7.1977
3 Most 28.8.1977
4 Tiorun ?.9.1977
5 Albena 18.9.1977
1 Kijev, Èajka 4.6.1978
2 Schleiz 6.8.1978
3 Most 20.8.1978
4 Tiorun 10.9.1978
5 Albena 1.10.1978
1 Kijev, Èajka 3.6.1979
2 Schleiz 5.8.1979
3 Most 12.8.1979
4 Tiorun 9.9.1979
5 Albena 30.9.1979
1 Kijev, Èajka 31.5.1980
2 Schleiz 2.8.1980
3 Most 31.8.1980
4 Tioruñ 7.9.1980
5 Albena 21.9.1980
1 Havíøov-Šenov 17.5.1981
2 Kielce 24.5.1981
3 Kijev, Èajka 31.5.1981
4 Schleiz 2.8.1981
5 Albena 20.9.1981
1 Kielce 30.5.1982
2 Kijev, Èajka 6.6.1982
3 Schleiz 8.8.1982
4 Most 15.8.1982
5 Albena 19.9.1982
1 Kijev, Èajka 5.6.1983
2 Havíøov-Šenov 19.6.1983
3 Schleiz 7.8.1983
4 Poznañ 28.8.1983
5 Albena 18.9.1983
1 Most 6.5.1984
2 Kielce 27.5.1984
3 Riga, Bikernieki 3.6.1984
4 Schleiz 5.8.1984
5 Reœica 9.9.1984
6 Albena 16.9.1984
1 Most 3.5.1985
2 Poznañ 12.5.1985
3 Riga, Bikernieki 19.5.1985
4 Schleiz 4.8.1985
5 Galati 15.9.1985
6 Albena 22.9.1985
1 Kielce 25.5.1986
2 Most, autodrom 1.6.1986
3 Hungaroring 15.6.1986
4 Riga 27.7.1986
5 Schleiz 3.8.1986
6 Resita ?
7 Albena ?
1 Poznañ 24.5.1987
2 Schleiz 2.8.1987
3 Hungaroring 13.9.1987
4 Albena 20.9.1987
1 Most 8.5.1988
2 Resita 29.5.1988
3 Riga 10.7.1988
4 Schleiz 7.8.1988
1 Poznan 21.5.1989
2 Riga 16.7.1989
3 Schleiz 6.8.1989
4 Resita 17.9.1989
1 Poznan ?
2 Havíøov 3.6.1990
3 Riga, Bikernieki ?
4 Schleiz 5.8.1990
Posted 22 September 2003 - 07:32
And in 1968, the four-round championship was planned. The final round had to be held in Dresden in October.
Posted 22 September 2003 - 08:24
Posted 22 September 2003 - 09:03
don't use your native symbol code
you can install central european language support for youe IE, then you can see right letters...
Posted 22 September 2003 - 09:17

Posted 22 September 2003 - 09:45
Thanks for the information. I will have another trawl through my records to see if I can find any missing dates.
Posted 22 September 2003 - 20:31
Following dates found:-
22/07/63 Gliwice
18/06/63 Sachsenring
25/08/63 Brno ( I think this was the Czech round, not certain.)
Was there an Hungarian round?
??/??/?? ( Hungarian round )
26/07/64 Sachsenring
22/08/64 Brno
04/10/64 Krakow
18/07/65 Sachsenring
05/09/65 Stramberk
( Polish and Hungarian rounds not known )
03 or 10/07/1966 Budapest ( In a park )
23/07/66 Leningrad
25/09/66 Prague - ( Strahov stadium )
14/08/66 Schliez
( Was there a Polish round? )
Additional dates:-
23/06/68 Stramberk
28/06/70 Szczecin
06/08/72 Schliez
07/07/73 Sachsenring
05/08/73 Schliez
02/09/73 Torun
02/06/74 Minsk
04/08/74 Schliez
01/09/74 Most
20/05/90 Poznan
29/07/90 Bikernieki
( These two on schedules from Illustrerter Motorsport, I don't know if they actually happened )
Now all we need, besides a few more dates, are the entry lists and full official results, I wish!
Posted 23 September 2003 - 08:43
I doubt that there was a Czechoslovakian CPF round in 1963 as Czechoslovakian drivers began to race in the Cup of Peace and Friendship in 1964 or even in 1965! I'm sure that there was a Hungarian round instead of Czechoslovakian in 1963. Please check your sources once more!
As for the F. Junior race held in Brno on August 25, 1963 - I can say that it definitely wasn't a CPF round! Look here, and you will find a number of drivers from Western Europe in the race results. Therefore it wasn't a CPF event, but a non-championship international F. Junior race only.
There is also a couple of other web-sites that contains CPF race results. The first is http://www.puru.de/motorsport.html - the 1978-90 results, mostly full ones, can be found there. The second is http://home.wanadoo....oviet/fscc.html - a section of 'The GEL Motorsport Pages' by Darren Galpin that contains the results of my research for CPF results. They are very poor, though.
Also you can find here the thread called 'TNF Is a Real Motorsport Encyclopaedia' started by Kvadrat - some detailes regarding CPF were discussed there.
Posted 23 September 2003 - 09:01
posted by Alexey Rogachev
I doubt that there was a Czechoslovakian CPF round in 1963 as Czechoslovakian drivers began to race in the Cup of Peace and Friendship in 1964 or even in 1965! I'm sure that there was a Hungarian round instead of Czechoslovakian in 1963. Please check your sources once more!

Posted 23 September 2003 - 10:16

Posted 23 September 2003 - 16:34
There were rounds of the Peace and Friendship Cup in 1964 and 1965 in Czechoslovakia. The 1964 round was held the day before the International race.
As for 1963 there were 45 entries for the Brno Formula Junior race or races and the "western" press may only have reported on the International race. Possibly there was a race restricted to the Socialist countries the day before as in 1964. It seems unlikely they would have had just one race for so many cars despite it being a long circuit. All the top East German, Polish and Hungarian drivers were listed and, with respect, I don't think they would have bothered to have entered if they were only to race against the "western cars". But, like I say, I have not been able to find a reference to the Peace and Friendship Cup.
Posted 23 September 2003 - 18:12
1965 Czech round was at Brno 25.7.1965, all other races in the day was for motorcycles
... definitely no "eastern" race on 25.8.1963.
Posted 23 September 2003 - 18:23

And, OT, Barry apparently won GT race in same yer, 1963, too, in a Porsche. Now, I never before heard of Barry - not a minor achievement, especially beating Jochen in process. A little googling brought just a few information about Kurt Bardi-Barry but results he achieved seem to be pretty impressive. Obviously he also died in an accident somewhere? As Atlas search doesn't work at the moment I can't find if he was discussed here already?
Posted 23 September 2003 - 19:35
He was killed in a road accident in January 1964
Posted 23 September 2003 - 20:03
So was there a 1963 Czech round of the Peace and Friendship Cup or not? If there was, any idea where it was held if not Brno?
Do we agree the 1965 round was held at Stramberk and the 1966 round at Prague?
I must admit I have great difficulty deciphering Svet Motoru reports!
Posted 23 September 2003 - 21:03
I must admit I have great difficulty deciphering Svet Motoru reports!
That have I too...

Posted 24 September 2003 - 05:56
(3rd round) 25.07.1965 Brno, 8 laps, 111,52 km, winner Heinz Melkus (Melkus-Wartburg) 48.42,1 (137,4 km/h), etc
(4th round) 25.09.1966 Prague, Strahov, 25 laps, 77,5 km, winner Jerzy Jankowski (Rak-Cosworth) 38.13,5 (120,7 km/h), etc.
Posted 24 September 2003 - 09:05
Very interesting! At least we agree on Prague as the 1966 round of the Peace and Friendship Cup.
Looking again at the report of the 25.7.65 in Svet Motoru there is no mention of the titled series. Most of the report is given over to the motor bike races and just one paragraph to the F3 race. However I think you are right.
Looking at the final points table for the Czech national F3 championship it lists four races Brno, Most, Stramberk and Prague. Delving backwards it appears that the first round at Brno was held on 1 May. I was not aware that two meetings were held on the Brno circuit that year.
If you can check the other Cup dates 1963-1971 and confirm I would be most obliged.
Posted 24 September 2003 - 21:10
Originally posted by humphries
sat, dmj
So was there a 1963 Czech round of the Peace and Friendship Cup or not? If there was, any idea where it was held if not Brno?
Do we agree the 1965 round was held at Stramberk and the 1966 round at Prague?
I must admit I have great difficulty deciphering Svet Motoru reports!
Dear John,
in Brno were on 26.8.1962 and 25.8.1963 international Formel Junor races, but no round of the Cup of Peace and Friendship (CPF). 1965 Stramberk race was part of Czechoslovak championship with (for more atractivity of event) invited 4 drivers from Eastern Germany and 4 from Poland. First Brno race in 1964 and 1965 was not on GP racetrack, but on small (1,5km) racetrack between pavilions of Brno Fairs.
Here are dates from F3 times:
Legend - CZ = Round of Czechoslovak Championship, Int = International Race in Czechoslovakia or in other countries,where took part also Czechoslovak drivers, Int-CPF = Round of CPF, Int+CPF = International race with separate clasification for CPF, Int+CZ = International race with separate clasification for Czechoslovak Championship
17.5. CZ Brno - výstavištì
5.7. Int+CZ Jièín - Cena Prachovských skal
12.7. Int+CZ Piešany
25.7. Int-CPF Sachsenring
26.7. Int Sachsenring
22.8. Int-CPF Brno
23.8. Int Brno
13.9. Int Štramberk
1.5. CZ Brno - výstavištì
23.5. Int Jièín - Cena Prachovských skal
30.5. Int Piešany
18.7. Int+CPF Sachsenring
25.7. Int-CPF Brno
5.9. Int+CZ Štramberk
3.10. Int+CZ Strahov
5.6. CZ Štramberk
3.or 10.7. Int+CPF Budapest
31.7. Int Jièín - Cena Prachovských skal
14.8. Int Piešany
14.8. Int+CPF Schleiz
4.9. Int Brno
18.9. CZ Most
25.9. Int-CPF Strahov
1.5. CZ Brno - výstavištì
21.5. Int-CPF Györ (? - anyhow it was an airfield racetrack)
4.6. Int-CPF Krakow
18.6. Int-CPF Štramberk
18.6. CZ Štramberk
9.7. Int Jièín - Cena Prachovských skal
30.7. Int+CZ Piešany
20.8. CZ Prievidza
3.9. Int-CPF Brno
3.9. Int+CZ Brno
10.9. Int Autobahnspinne Dresden
10.5. CZ Havíøov - Tìrlická pøehrada
26.5. Int Bernauer Schleifrennen
2.6. Int-CPF Štìtín - PLR
9.6. CZ Rosice
23.6. CZ Štramberk
23.6. Int-CPF Štramberk
21.7. Int-CPF Riga
28.7. Int Piešany
11.8. CZ Prievidza
18.8. Int Brno
27.4. CZ Olomouc
11.5. CZ Havíøov - Tìrlická pøehrada
11.5. Int-CPF Havíøov - Tìrlická pøehrada
25.5. Int Brno
15.6. Int-CPF Minsk
29.6. Int-CPF Szczecin
27.7. Int Piešany
24.8. Int Jièín - Cena ÈSR a Cena Prachovských skal
7.9. CZ Štramberk
14.9. Int-CPF Autobahnspinne Dresden
28.9. CZ Most
26.4. CZ Olomouc
9.5. Int-CPF Havíøov - Tìrlická pøehrada
14.5. Int-CPF Minsk
24.5. Int Brno
21.6. Int Jièín - Cena ÈSR a Cena Prachovských skal
28.6. Int Szczecin
28.6. Int-CPF Szczecin
12.7. CZ Klatovy
8.8. Int-CPF Schleiz
6.9. Int Autobahnspinne Dresden
13.9. CZ Štramberk
20.9. CZ Most
Posted 24 September 2003 - 22:49
You must be a mind-reader! I was going to ask if anyone could supply a list of all the F3 races held in Czechoslovakia. Your information is very useful but beware I'll be back wanting more!!! Like can you list the Formula Junior races?
Again thanks.
Posted 25 September 2003 - 09:23

Posted 25 September 2003 - 20:06
Originally posted by IMV
Here are dates from F3 times: Legend - CZ = Round of Czechoslovak Championship, Int = International Race in Czechoslovakia or in other countries,where took part also Czechoslovak drivers, Int-CPF = Round of CPF, Int+CPF = International race with separate clasification for CPF, Int+CZ = International race with separate clasification for Czechoslovak Championship
Impressive list, indeed !
Do you know who were the winners ?
Other thing : what do mean the idioms "vystavisti", "prehrada", "skal" ?
Ahoj !
Posted 25 September 2003 - 21:09
Prehrada = Dam
Skala = Rock (Cena Prachovskych skal = Prachov rock prize)
Posted 26 September 2003 - 21:21
Originally posted by Alexey Rogachev
Oh, what a great discussion has begun here on this unpretentious thread!So I repeat my original request: can anyone add anything to the 1968 Riga results? Sat, is there any race report in 'Svet Motoru'? I can say that I've looked through all available sources and found only one German entry (Heinz Melkus) and two Czechoslovakian entries (J. Bobek & V. Bobek). What were the rest of them, I wonder?
Dear Alexey, I didn´t found anything in Svet Motoru, but as far as Czechoslovakian entries, there has to be for sure Miroslav Fousek, the third Skoda factory driver and overall winner of Cup of Peace and Friendship at this year...
Posted 27 September 2003 - 12:07
Posted 17 October 2003 - 10:52
June, 15
Track: Borovoe
Track length: 4.03 km
Race distance: 22 laps (88.66 km)
Fastest lap: ?
Drivers started: 18
Drivers finished: 12
Race results:
1. Vladimir Hubaček, CZE, Lotus-41C Cosworth MAE, 40’03.0”
2. Vladimir Ondřejik, CZE, Lotus-41C Cosworth MAE, 40’09.0”
3. Jaroslav Bobek, CZE, Škoda-F3, 40’34.8”
4. Yuri Andreev, USSR, de Sanctis Cosworth MAE, 40’38.9”
5. Heinz Melkus, DDR, Melkus-67 Wartburg, 41’05.8“
6. Longin Bielak, POL, Promot-67 Cosworth MAE
10. Vladimir Grekov, USSR, Estonia-9M Wartburg
12. Henri Saarm, USSR, Estonia-9M Wartburg
DNF Enn Griffel, USSR, Estonia-9M Wartburg
DNF Gennady Zharkov, USSR, Estonia-9M Wartburg
Any additions and corrections?