This slightly crumpled roll of film was given to me by my Old Man quite a long time ago, but I only got round to scanning it the other day. It appears to show a pre- or post-British GP cricket match, with Graham Hill entering into the spirit of the occasion and Jim Clark looking on in amusement (or bemusement, perhaps!). Also featuring S. Moss as umpire! Not sure about chap in final shot in boater, McLaren maybe? I'm sure someone will put me right/shoot me down in flames if it isn't! Any other postive IDs welcome...

Hill and Clark

Hill and Moss, not sure about other umpire.

Hill strafes the crowd while Clark looks on...

The opening pair come in to bat, with Hill looking particularly purposeful!

Erm, that's some shirt you're wearing sir...
Since I'm assuming (always a very dangerous thing!) that my OM took the photos himself, I'd better lay claim to all images being copyright Robert Oliver!