Help with 1950s rally results, please
Posted 01 May 2006 - 09:54
j would like to know if someone could help me, to find any of these old results:
1951 Swedish rallye ( Midnattssolsrallyt)
1952 Travemunde ( Deutschland Rallye )
1955 Adriatic Rallye
( if possible the top ten or more , and the big retired )
Thanks in advance
Posted 02 May 2006 - 19:22
1. W. Engel (Mercedes 300 SL)
2. Nathan (Porsche 1300S)
3. Georg Meier (BMW)
4. von Westerholt (Porsche 1300)
5. Schlutter (DKW)
6. Schwind (BMW)
GT over 2L
1. Engel 0 p., 2 Rodica (Alfa Romeo) 9 p.
GT up to 2L
1. Nathan 0.72 p.
2. von Westerholt
3. Holle (Porsche) 10 p.
Touring cars over 2L
1. Georg Meier (BMW)
2. Schwind (BMW)
Touring cars up to 2L
1. F. Imbert (Alfa Romeo 1900) p. 7.32 2. Vukovic (Fiat) p. 44 3. Saletning (Fiat) p. 62.73
Touring cars up to 1300cc
1. R. Sebastiani (Fiat 1100) p. 22 2. von Loesch (Peugeot 203) p. 53.31
Touring cars up to 1L
1. Schlutter (DKW) 2. Mayer (DKW) p. 27
Touring cars up to 750cc
1. Brandolini (Fiat)
As for the other races, dates could help
Posted 02 May 2006 - 20:10
Kategorie A Sportscars:
1. Helmut Polensky / Walter Schlüter (Karlsruhe), Porsche
2. Edgar Kittner / Adolf Brudes (Lübeck), Porsche
3. R. Meumann / Graf Schweinitz (Lübeck), Porsche
4. Ursula von Hanstein / Ingrid Bretz (Schladen), Porsche
5. H. Düngelmann / G. Ahrens (Stuttgart), Porsche
6. Hans Herrmann / Erwin Bauer (Stuttgart), Porsche
7. Werner Engel / H.J. Prahl (Hamburg), Porsche
8. P. Tietsch / Austin (Hannover), Porsche
9. O. Pfeiffer / K. Pfeiffer (Berlin), Porsche
10. Werner Krabiell / G. Bensinger (Badenweiler), Porsche
Kategorie B Touring Cars:
1. Hein Krings / H. Beyel (Fröndenberg), Gutbrod Superior
2. Walter Scheube / Paul Gierke (Köln), Ford 12M
3. Graf Westerholt / H. Steiner (Westerholt), Goliath
4. H.W. Bönsch / Wolfgang Gutbrod (Altbach), Gutbrod Superior
5. Heinz Grimm / F. Kaufmann (Hamburg), Mercedes 170DS
6. H. Hadtstein / G. Ried (Köln), Ford 12M
7. H. Fenner / W. Vehse (Berlin), Mercedes 170D
8. Dr. Hinrich Theden / R. Hatlapa (Hamburg), VW
9. Dr. H. Schwind / Dr. L. Diener (Königstein), Gutbrod Superior
10. H. Wathling / H.E. Wahrlich (Hannover), Peugeot
(in brackets the hometown of the drivers)
also ran:
Svend Edelsteen / O. Petersen (DK), Cadillac
Gert Seibert / H. Sander (SAAR), Peugeot
Margot Krauthahn / Liselotte Baumgarten (Berlin), Goliath
Buschmann / Lohkamp (D), Porsche
Starters: 61 (sportscars: 23, all Porsche); at Finish: 53
Posted 03 May 2006 - 16:29
Thanks very much for your help.
Best regards
Posted 03 May 2006 - 18:42

Posted 03 May 2006 - 19:20
1. Gunnar Bengtsson, Lago Talbot 5p
2. Ove Stålheim, Citroën 6p
3. Stig Gruen, Peugeot 6p
4. Sam Gillberg, Citroën 6p
5. Anders Tengbom, Citroën 6p
6. Gunnar Olsson, Austin 7p
7. K.E Johansson, Citroën 7p
8. Iwan Hartley, Ford 8p
9. Rune Andersson, Ford 8p
10. Nils Segeman, MG 8p
11. Raymond Sjöqvist, Citroën 8p
12. Martin Carstedt, Simca 9p
13. Helge Josefson, Volvo 9p
14. Pehr-Fredric Cederbaum, Austin 9p
15. Severt Sundberg, Citroën 9p
16. Arne Hemmingson, Healey 9p
17. David Bärgman, Chevrolet 11p
18. Anders Herdin, Ford 12p
19. Thure Melin, Ford 12p
20. Carl Berglöf, Citroën 12p
Class victors:
Class 1 (over 2000cc) G. Bengtsson 5p
Class 2 (1501-2000cc) R. Sjöqvist 8p
Class 3 (1101-1500cc) S. Gruen 6p
Class 4 (751-1100cc) Eric Tornvall, Fiat 18p
Class 5 (-750cc) Eric Bjurling, Renault 75p
Ladies: Greta Molander, SAAB 36p
Club: KAK 1 (Sjöqvist, Segeman)
Car: Austin A90 ( Cederbaum, Hedin, Lindström)
160 entered cars; 153 starters; 121 finishers
Posted 03 May 2006 - 20:28
J have another question for you, please du you know the name of the drivers placed from 10° to 15° of
Midnattsolsrally 58 - 59 - 60 - 61
Thanks in advance for your help,
Best regards
Posted 05 May 2006 - 06:38
(I don't have the overall result list for the '58 rally, only for the different classes. So this one is a construction)
10. Åke Kildén/ Lennart Ström S SAAB 93B 20,0
11. Johnny Wiberg/ C. E. Sundquist S SAAB 93 20,0
12. Hans Ingier / B. Gundersen N Volvo 444 20,8
13. S.G. Rehn/ K.E. Schlegel S SAAB 93B 21,6
14. Ivar Andersson/ Lennart Simonsson S Mercedes 219 21,7
15. Erik Lundgren/ Ulla Lundgren S Alfa Romeo Giulietta TI 21,8
Midnattsolsrallyt 1959
10. Gunnar Bengtsson/ Carl Lohmander S Mercedes Benz 220SE 240
11. Olle Bromark/ Lars Höglund S SAAB 93B 257
12. Hans Lannsjö/ Ingo Evertsson S Volvo P544 259
13. C.G. Hammarlund/ Erik Pettersson S Porsche Carrera 262
14. Henry Karlsson/ Siegfried Eikelmann S DKW AU 1000SP 264
15. Rune Bäcklund/ Helmer Broberg S Volvo 267
Midnattsolsrallyt 1960
10. Henry Carlsson S AU 299
11. Harry Källström S VW 307
12. Kjell Olofsson S Volvo 315
13. Hans Lannsjö S Volvo 315
14. Ivar Andersson S Mercedes 333
15. René Trautmann F Citroën 347
Midnattsolsrallyt 1961
10. Evert Christoffersson S Volvo 542
11. Bjarne Lundberg S Volvo 565
12. Peter Riley GB Austin 567
13. Sune Svedén S Volvo 567
14. Ivar Andersson S DKW 579
15. Hans Lannsjö S Volvo 590
Posted 05 May 2006 - 20:10
Thanks very very much
Best regards
Posted 18 May 2006 - 09:45
Posted 18 May 2006 - 10:17
Next rally specialist on TNF.
Posted 18 May 2006 - 19:26
I have results from '50 and '52, but only for the separate classes. And for 1950 only the placings in the classes. I think the whole rally was decided with a brake-test at Kiruna.
Could it be of any interest?
Posted 18 May 2006 - 20:59
Originally posted by Tomas Karlsson
I have never been interested in the rally sport, but I have copied what I have found about Midnattsolsrallyt, because there were so many racing drivers that participated.
I have results from '50 and '52, but only for the separate classes. And for 1950 only the placings in the classes. I think the whole rally was decided with a brake-test at Kiruna.
Could it be of any interest?
Of course, Tomas.

Posted 19 May 2006 - 06:21
125 starters 12 cars retired
1. A. Hemmingsson Healey
2. S. Engström Cadillac
3. H. Lindström Austin
4. A. Tengbom Citroen
5. N. Lundström, Austin
1. Pehr-Fredrik Cederbaum/ BMW (overall winner)
2. T. Nilsson Citroen
3. Nonte Karstrup Citroen
4. M.P. Skarring BMW
5. Owe Stålheim Citroen
1. Thedde Svensson HRG
2. Nils Segeman MG
3. E.Persson Volvo
4. Cecilia Koskull Porsche (ladies winner)
5. Ingeborg Stille Simca
1. J.Fürstenberg Porsche
2. Rolf Mellde Saab
3. E.Jönsson Fiat
4. G. Hardenberg Porsche
5. K.B. Holm Fiat
1. Cecilia Koskull Porsche
2. Ingeborg Stille Simca
3. Brita Norling Volvo
Posted 19 May 2006 - 06:39
Class1 >2000cc:
1. Owe Stålheim/ Mats Öberg Citroen 3
2. Arne Hemmingsson/ Carl Lohmander Aston-Martin 3
3. Johan Hertz/ Åke Waldolf Aston-Martin 3
4. Bo Sandström/ Wilmar Wiklund Ford 4
5. David Bärgman/ Rolf H. Jonsson Chevrolet 4
Class2 <2000cc:
1. John Bengtsson/ Per Callenberg BMW 4
2. Ingemar Wollert/ Lars Lohmander Alfa Romeo 7
3. Pehr-Fredrik Cederbaum BMW 7
4. Arne Fredlund/ Mats Henry Franzén Renault 11
5. Niels B Lauritzen/ Rottböl Örum DK Citroen 17
Class3 <1500cc
1. Olof Persson/ Olof Norrby Porsche 1 (overall winner)
2. Arthur Wessblad/ Carl-Gunnar Hammarlund Porsche 3 (second overall)
3. F.H. von Hahnstein/ Wölfle D Porsche 3
4. Ivar Andersson/ Hans Larsson Peugeot 3 (seventh)
5. Martin Carstedt/ Gulli Carstedt Simca 4 (tenth)
Class4 <1100cc
1. Rolf Mellde/ Helmut Fahlén Saab 12 (46th overall)
2. Greta Molander/ Helga Lundberg N Saab 21
3. Bengt Blomberg/ Karl Kronegård Saab 23
4. Carl-Erik Larsson/ Arne Askne Saab 23
5. Gunnar Yourstone/ Gunnar Skånberg VW 26
Class5 (<750cc)
1. Sten Björklund/ Stig Björklund Renault 31
2. B.B.E. Oker-Blom/ B. Rettler Renault 53
3. Olof Possman/ Arne Gussander Renault 97
1. Margareta Melin/ Saga Björklund Volvo 20
2. Märta Torell/ Ursula von Hahnstein Porsche 21
3. Greta Molander/ Helga Lundberg N Saab 21
Posted 19 May 2006 - 16:38
According to that book co-driver to PF Cederbaum in 1950 was Bertil Sohlberg and you wrote Jacob Douglas. Anybody can help to explain who is right about that?
Looking at the points scores in 1952 we can guess that Hanstein, Stalheim, Hemmingsson and Hertz were classified in 3rd to 6th positions. Anybody can inform us more precisely on it?
Same about Sandström, Bärgman and Bengtsson. They probably were 6th, 9th and 11th, but who was on which of these positions? Who knows?
Posted 19 May 2006 - 17:25
Posted 21 May 2006 - 12:58
Posted 22 May 2006 - 06:31
Midnattsolsrallyt 1953 class IVB
1. Jonnie Dahlström/ T.Westrin MG 21
2. Ivar Andersson/ H. Ohlström MG 22
3. Joakim Bonnier/ KG Kanrell Porsche 26
4. Rune Sköld/ B.Holm MG 38
5. Prins Friedrich Karl von Preussen/ G. von Heuduck D Porsche 56
6. Å. Sjunneson/ S. Claesbom Porsche 59
There were some problems before these results was official, because Bonnier protested against the MGs. They were examined and found to be legal.
Class 1
12. Carl Berglöf/ Herbert Gustavsson Citroen 31
Posted 22 May 2006 - 11:46
By the way what is the proper name of the rally: Midnattssolensrallyt or Midnattsolsrallyt?
Posted 22 May 2006 - 19:42
David B
Posted 22 May 2006 - 20:46
Posted 22 May 2006 - 20:47
By the way what is the proper name of the rally: Midnattssolensrallyt or Midnattsolsrallyt?
In '51 I have seen: KAK:s Midnattssolsrally
And from '52 it seems to have been called just MIDNATTSSOLSRALLYT.
But I think that the numberplates still had: SVENSKA RALLYT TILL MIDNATTSSOLEN printed on them, so I am not sure of the official name. But anyway, it was called Midnattssolsrallyt.
I seem to have omitted one "s" in all my earlier posts... I hope my old Swedish grammar teacher isn't a TNF member.

Posted 22 May 2006 - 20:49
Posted 22 May 2006 - 20:59
Posted 22 May 2006 - 22:03
Originally posted by januszsz
Looking at the points scores in 1952 we can guess that Hanstein, Stalheim, Hemmingsson and Hertz were classified in 3rd to 6th positions. Anybody can inform us more precisely on it?
Same about Sandström, Bärgman and Bengtsson. They probably were 6th, 9th and 11th, but who was on which of these positions? Who knows?
this is wjat I have:
3rd, Stålheim
4th, Hanstein
5th, Hemmigsson
6th, Hertz
8th, Sandström
9th, Bärgmann
Posted 23 May 2006 - 02:47
Originally posted by januszsz
To be more precize RAC Rally 1954 and British International Rally 1954 was the same event. It was named 4th RAC British International Rally 1954.
Thanks, I had sort of suspected that but I have two pictures of the car taken in 1954 with two different rally plates!
David B
Posted 23 May 2006 - 05:56
Posted 23 May 2006 - 06:24
Continuing subject of Svenska Rallyt Till Midnattssolen 1953 do you know where was the start and the finish of the rally as well as how many cars started the event and how many cars reached the finish. Do you know dates of the rally? I have information that it started 13th of June 1953 but when it was finished?
The 53 rally started with what was called a "startrip", where the drivers drove from different places to the "real" start. I only know that one of the pre-starts was at Gothenburg.
The real start was at Rättvik in Dalarna, from where the drivers drove north up to Jokkmokk and then returned south to the finish at Saltsjöbaden outside of Stockholm (the route changed a lot over the years).
142 cars started from Rättvik June 13th and 118 reached the finish at June 16th.
Do you know start and finish cities and dates of start and finish of the Midnattssol 1952? ...and number of starters/finishers?
The '52 rally started from Stockholm and finished at Rättvik. But before that the drivers had started from some different cities in Sweden to meet up in Stockholm. 172 started and 137 reached the finish (one source says 141...). I have no note on the dates for '52, apart from June, sorry.
Posted 23 May 2006 - 22:06
Originally posted by Tomas Karlsson
The 53 rally started with what was called a "startrip", where the drivers drove from different places to the "real" start. I only know that one of the pre-starts was at Gothenburg.
The real start was at Rättvik in Dalarna, from where the drivers drove north up to Jokkmokk and then returned south to the finish at Saltsjöbaden outside of Stockholm
There were three more starting points: Malmö, Stockholm & Sundsvall
Posted 25 May 2006 - 08:03
11) S ?/S Jansson, Lloyd
Th same situation is in 1958 class Standard 1.001-1300cc:
8) ? / Fred Bolin, Alfa Romeo Giulietta TI
Who can help to fill the missing names?
Posted 26 May 2006 - 12:51
Posted 27 May 2006 - 05:05
Beginnings of July
- 1200cc Class: 1, Václav Bobek (Škoda Popular 1101)
- Manufacturers' Team Prize: 1, Aero Minor - 2, Škoda
Posted 27 May 2006 - 10:49
The 14th International Rally of Polish Automobile Club - Grand Prix of Poland was held from June 26th to July 4th 1948. There were 80 starters and 58 finishers. All what I know are class results without point scores.
class I (-750)
1 Ivan Hodac CS Aero-Minor
2 Jaroslav Vlcek CS Aero-Minor
3 Viktor Mraz CS Aero-Minor
class II (-1200)
1 Vaclav Bobek CS Skoda
2 Jaroslav Netusil CS Skoda
3 Josef Cemper CS Skoda
class III (-1500)
1 W.Perkowski PL Lancia Aprillia
2 Stefan £¹czkowski PL Opel
3 Julian £¹czyñski PL Lancia
class IV (-2000)
1 Frantisek Dobry CS Bristol
2 Zbigniew Borowczyk BMW
3 Kustosz PL Willys
class V (-3000)
1 Jiri Pohl CS Jaguar
2 Jaroslav Hausmann CS Tatra
3 Wasilewski PL Willys
class VI (3000+)
1 Józef Sucharda PL Jaguar
You can see that competition was dominated by Czechoslovaks, so it is why I hope the Czechoslovak sources should contain more information, more results and more details.
Posted 28 May 2006 - 15:27
j would like to know if someone could help me, to find any of these old results :
Sestriere 8° to 15°
Rac 8° to 15°
Volta de Lisboa 8° to 15°
Viking 8° to 15°
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Posted 28 May 2006 - 18:54
8. Sports cars +1500 / 05 Frank Grounds / J.B. Hay GB Jaguar XK120 +6,05p.
9. Touring cars 1601-2600 / 03 George R. Hartwell / F.W. Scott GB Sunbeam-Talbot 90 -0,49p.
10 Touring cars +2600 / 01 Denis Scott / ? GB Jaguar Mark VII -2,07p.
11 Touring cars 1601-2600 / 04 Robert Dickson / Dr J.G. Waugh GB Standard Vanguard -3,39p.
12 Touring cars 1601-2600 / 05 Jack Reece / Peter Reece GB Ford Zephyr -3,43p.
13 Touring cars 1601-2600 / 06 Norman Garrad / J.A. Cutts GB Sunbeam-Talbot 90 -8,79p.
14 Sports cars +1500 / 06 Walter C.N. Grant-Norton / M.J.G. Carson GB Jaguar XK120 -10,09p.
15 Touring cars -1300 / 02 Reg Holt / B. Brown GB MG -11,43p.
Posted 28 May 2006 - 18:58
8. Peder Bertelsen / Jørgen Myking Ford V8
9. Aage Bye / Sverre Ekorness Fiat 1100
10. Leif Toftedal / Kjell Backe Plymouth
That's all I can help you
Posted 28 May 2006 - 22:06
'53 Sestriere:
13, Helmut Polensky / Gilberte Thirion, Porsche 356 Coupé 1500 (1st in Class)
14, Graf Heinrich von der Mühle / Hans-Hugo Hartmann, Borgward 2400
'53 Lisboa:
8, Sheila Van Damm, Sunbeam-Talbot 90
9, A. de Burnay, DB-Panhard (1st in Class)
10, Lucien Bianchi / Jacques Herzet, Ferrari
'53 Viking:
13, Haaken Mathiesen / Per Steffereud, Jaguar Mark VII
Posted 29 May 2006 - 12:30
I have two more questions concerning Midnattssol Rally. In the book "Full fahrt genom Sverige" authors of the book didn't mention name of driver classified 11th in class V (högst 750cc) /1955/ there is only: 11) S ?/S Jansson, Lloyd
Sorry, but in the lists that I have there is only ten results from that class.
Th same situation is in 1958 class Standard 1.001-1300cc: 8) ? / Fred Bolin, Alfa Romeo Giulietta TI
The author of the book has probably the same source as me, because the printer has messed up the result list and there are some lines missing in the magazine "Racing" from '58. So I can't help you.
Posted 31 May 2006 - 05:33
Thanks very much , for your help
Best regards
Posted 05 June 2006 - 13:16
Posted 05 June 2006 - 14:32
Originally posted by januszsz
I am looking for RAC 1955 overall results. I have just only top 4 and top 3 in classes.
I've only top-10:
5, Goff Imhof / Ian Mackenzie, Allard, 615.4 pt
6, A.H. Greig / T.A.M. Pigott, Triumph TR2, 829.4 pt
7, Ian Appleyard / J. Mansbridge, MG TF 1500, 904.4 pt
8, E.V. Baker / R.P.N. Stark, Ford, 921.7 pt
9, D. Done / J.E. Storrar, Fiat 1100 TV, 937.5 pt
10, C.M. Seward / A.C. Johnson, Triumph