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Monza 2008: Post Race Comments

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#1 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:41

Vettel :up:

Lewey found his balls. Totally dominant and agressive racing, but strategy didn't favor him. :up:

Massa raced hard all day and finished where he started? : Lame. Lewis is gonna destroy him at Singapore.

Kimi :rolleyes: Heikki :lol: Don't know which is the bigger loser of these two. Has to be Heikki today.

R. Kube :smoking: well done.


#2 Enkei

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:45

Vettel man of the race. Kubica very good as well.

My top 3 drivers of today:

1. Vettel, commanding drive. He will be fighting for more wins shortly.
2. Kubica, coming from the back to a nice third. Didn't see a lot of him this race, but solid performance.
3. Hamilton, good recovery from his troubled qualifying. Damage limitation to the max.

#3 ensign14

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:45

Vettel :up:

What more need be said? He was imperious, like Alonso's first-ever win.

But more gratifying - the first victory ever for Minardi. A team that first started in F1 before Vettel was even born...and in Italy to boot.

Hamilton went from 15th to 7th on a sub-optimal strategy. Kimi from 14th to 9th with a car that may have gone the wrong way on set-up. Massa went from 6th to, er, 6th with a fresh engine.

#4 Pharazon

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:47

seems to me that the torro rosso is the only car that works in all weather conditions..

great race from Vettel though..

through the 3 stages (wet, drying wet, inters)

Hamilton - Awful - Awesome - Awful again
Massa - Mediocre - Good - Mediocre
Raikonen - Awful - Awful - Awesome
Kovialinen - Mediocre - Mediocre - Mediocre

Honda - Abysmal as ususal
Kubica - Lucky (only needed 1 stop)

#5 BugTomek

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:48

Vettel :up:
BMW :up: :up: a great (but risky) strategy for Robert, first to go with intermediates for Nick (for sure they have a balls there)
Hamilton :up: :down: awesome first stint, not so good in the second one, strategy failed as they had to go for another pitstop to change to intermediates
Ferrari :up: :down: Massa did his job but could be better

But what's best we saw an awesome, epic and historic race!

#6 Atreiu

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:48


Great race.

#7 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:49

Originally posted by ensign14
But more gratifying - the first victory ever for Minardi. A team that first started in F1 before Vettel was even born...and in Italy to boot.

There are Minardi crews in that team but resource and car wise they are very different now. While taking nothing away from Vettel you have to accept that the car STR have been gifted is better than anything Minardi made for themselves.

#8 bogi

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:51

Next one who says ''McLaren is supporting Hammy much more than Kovalainen'' needs to get banned.

Btw, great victory Vettel :up:

#9 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:51

Originally posted by Atreiu

Great race.

That thread was for people who are unable to use the Live forum.

Please, after every session someone/anyone start a distinct thread for comments so that one does not have to wade through the real-time stupidity posted by excited race fans. :D

#10 stuck-in-first-gear

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:51

VETTEL - DER NEUE REGENMEISTER :clap: :clap: :clap:

#11 KWSN - DSM

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:53

Guess that we finally can stop hearing the comments about Vettel being overrated.

Great race by Vettel and Hamilton, and a good one from Kubica and Alonso.

Must have been heartbreaking for Bourdais sitting there and not being able to take the start.

Toro Rosse jump past Red Bull in constructors standings and Vettel now in the top 10 for drivers.

A race like today make for really really loving F1 again, seeing a 'small' team taking a win, which really were not on the cards when the season began, and really should not be possible today either. But a strong car, a strong engine and great drivers makes it possible. Vettel and Toro Rosso today showed why the pay driver is a dead end.

May not be greatest win since Panis, but the 'best' since then.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 2008 Italian Grand Prix.


#12 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:54

Originally posted by bogi
Next one who says ''McLaren is supporting Hammy much more than Kovalainen'' needs to get banned.

How did you come to that particular conclusion after today's race? They were so far apart on track that the two Mclaren drivers were no threat to each other.

Heikki should be a embarassed given Lewis raced and gained so many places........whereas he started and finished in 2nd. :yawn:

#13 fnz

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:54

Very very good driving by Vettel, but i feel so bad for Bourdais!!

Heikki dissapointed me a little, he didnt have the pace
Alonso was rather slow on the wets causing a train behind him, once he was on inters he found some pace.

Kimi... what to think...in clean air he was extremely fast, but he really had some difficulties overtaken ppl. The one who absolutely had no problems overtaking was Hamitlon, the boy has incredible car control. But once more he did some realy discutable moves: Pushing glock of track, chopping Alonso after he overtook him (i think he even touched Fernando) and forcing Webber off track. Kinda sure smth broke down on Webbers car.

Vettel :up: :up: :up: Hope Red Bull give him a realy competitive car!

#14 brunopascal

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:54

Very good race, exciting all the way! :up:

Vettel great :up: :up: :up:
LH good :up:
KR & FM ok :up:

#15 Francesc

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:55

Williams strategists (Nelson) :down: :down: :down: ):

#16 marchi-91

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:56

Vettel amazing. Truly truly amazing.

Kubica was extremely lucky.

Kimi was bland but went nuts when he was given the car to do it.

Hamilton. Actually. bit of a failure. Easily had the pace to get on podium but got screwed by McLaren strategy.

#17 brunopascal

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:56

Did I hear right??? Did Vettel say they had THE BALLS during the PC???!

Incredible comment if I heard correct, haha, better than his race even :up:
Cool guy!

#18 GiancarloF1

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:56

Heikki was abysmal again. Hamilton should have been 2nd instead.

#19 Tigershark

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:58

Considering the unfortunately timed first stop and the handful that the Ferrari seemed to be, this race wasn't all that bad for Massa. What really matters is that he scored a +1 compared to Hamilton. :up: It could have easily gone the other way as Hamilton was really impressive once the race got underway. :up:

But anyway - great result for Vettel and for F1 in general. :) :up:


#20 Timstr11

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:58

Originally posted by fnz

Vettel :up: :up: :up: Hope Red Bull give him a realy competitive car!

I have news for you, Red Bull already gave him a really good car this year.

Next year he will get a Red Bull, again...but the one with the weaker engine :p

#21 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:58

Originally posted by fnz
Hamitlon, the boy has incredible car control. But once more he did some realy discutable moves: Pushing glock of track, chopping Alonso after he overtook him (i think he even touched Fernando) and forcing Webber off track. Kinda sure smth broke down on Webbers car.

Some of those moves weren't necessary strictly from the point of view of retaining or gaining a position, but it does leave a psychological wound in the minds of other drivers.

All these guys are now afraid of Lewis (if they weren't already). I do not think anyone has the courage to fight him toe-to-toe on track.

#22 peroa

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:59

Why the f*** again 2 threads?


#23 RedBaron

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:59

Hamilton: "Is it Sebastian who won?" He knows it was, what an arse, can't even give Vettel a proper congratulations without undermining it. New wonder boy in town now... looks like someones jealous.

#24 HP

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:00

That was an exciting race!

Great to see Vettel and Toro Rosso taking the victory none other than in Italy, Monza. Skillful driving, the car was working in all situations Great.

Strategic good and bad decisions made a lot of difference for a few drivers.

The only disappointment were for Bourdais problems at the start, and Kovi. His trademark seem to be mediocrity.

#25 fnz

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:00

Originally posted by Timstr11
I have news for you, Red Bull already gave him a really good car this year.

Next year he will get a Red Bull, again...but the one with the weaker engine :p

Yes, you're 100% correct... my bad

#26 Wouter

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:01

Superb race from Vettel, incredible performance! Future WDC, no doubt. :up:
Pity for Bourdais, never got a chance to show what he could do. Newey again gets a victory for one of his cars - he hasn't lost his touch.

Great race from Kubica as well, again a podium, in very difficult conditions. He and Alonso were on the right strategy, as they got their stop essentially "free" because everyone else had to change to intermediates, as well.

McLaren lost a major chance to overtake Ferrari in the WCC and take a nice cushion in WDC, with yesterday's blunder. If Hamilton had started around Kova's position, he would have challenged for the win. As it was, nice damage limitation, though some hard driving at times (Webber and especially Glock). Hamilton was superb in his first stint, pity he didn't get the "free" pitstop and his pace on intermediates, after being initially impressive, suddenly dropped - Massa had much the same problem, I think. Due to tyre usage/graining, perhaps? Hamilton really animated the first third of the race though, with a fantastic march through the field that was a pleasure to watch.
Still, Hamilton had a bad weekend overall: harder dry tyres, a wet but drying circuit in the actual qual and race: he should have extended his lead instead of having it reduced to nothing. Soon, Ferrari's favorite conditions (soft tyres, dry weekend, heat) may come back and Spa and Monza were the type of weekend where Hamilton should have taken advantage. Title will be difficult, very much so.

Kovalainen really should have won, and on the podium his body language told it all. He's still not fast enough in the race.

Ferrari similarly lost a good chance to profit maximally from McLaren's mistakes: Massa made little impression and Raikkonen was couldn't keep up with Hamilton's march through the field. Their car may not be that good in those changing conditions.

#27 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:02

Originally posted by GiancarloF1
Heikki was abysmal again.

His poor performance is in stark contrast to what Lewis did today. Even David Coulthard used to be a better No. 2 than Heikki :p

Another team with so much difference amongst teammates is Renault. Nelson Piquet is so utterly useless. :down:

#28 FLB

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:02

I'm stunned. I can't really say anything else. I'm just stunned... :D

#29 santori

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:02

:clap: What a drive! One of the most popular wins ever, surely. Good to see him and Robert (another excellent drive) having fun on the podium.

Alonso no longer the youngest winner - but another fine drive puts Renault equal on points with Toyota.

And such a shame about Bourdais!

#30 HMV

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:03

Kova should be driving a Force India car with that kind of performance. Vettel had only one challenger in the top 5 and that challenger turned out to be the biggest loser of the race...

Vettel - great, steady race. No fireworks, just good driving and sound strategy
Kovalainen - No comments
Kubica - again, steady race and sound strategy from the team

#31 Sakae

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:04

Congratulation Seb., two more like this one, and you will be worthy to follow Schumi's trail. Very good, junge!

#32 Chris Glass

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:05

A few things clear after this race. Heikki and the Ferrrari drivers dont deserve there seats. Hard to put into words the incompetence of those drivers today. Kimi started in 14th and was stuck in 14 until the last laps when it dried, just unbeleivable. Ferrari managment getting their just desserts. Massa was just as bad, qualfying 1.3 seconds slower than Vettel with only 3 laps more fuel and out driven all raceJust incompetent.

Great drive from Vettel but its possible he had the best car out there because newey cars are known to be very slippery, and it seems he had a great setup, but he still made the most of it and dominated.

Great fighting drive from Alonso again. He made a great tyre call and embaressed the Ferrari drivers today, and was very quick in the final stages of the race. Highly rated Kubica in a much better car only beat him by 3 seconds today, on a terrible renault track, so he still has a long way to go to be mentioned in the same class as Alonso.

Ferrari better pray for no more rain, their drivers are just no good in the wet. I dont beleive these stories that their car is THAT bad in the wet. Ive never heard of a great car suddenly becoming terrible in the dry. Its mainly just a convenient excuse to cover up their drivers.

#33 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:06

Originally posted by peroa
Why the f*** again 2 threads?

Why do some people start a thread to discuss race before race/qualifying has completed?! :confused:
Use the LIVE link for that. It exists for a reason.
If you really like one megathread for all comments during the race or weekend, then try grandprix.com (They used to have that format last year, at least).

#34 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:07

Originally posted by HP
That was an exciting race!

I could not believe the amount of spray that was in the first few laps! :eek: It looked like the drivers were racing blind in fog. Madness.

#35 hsvone

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:07

I don't think anyone realizes just how good that maiden victory was. I reckon that ranks as one of the best GP wins ever. The kid has only just turned 21 and he's already a GP winner! Astounding! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Kovy hang your head in shame. You just got pwned by a young kid. He looked devastated. :cat:

Great race with many overtakings. :up: :up:

#36 Ferrim

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:09

Originally posted by Chris Glass

Yeah Arrow.

#37 Deeq

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:10

Originally posted by primer

All these guys are now afraid of Lewis (if they weren't already). I do not think anyone has the courage to fight him toe-to-toe on track.

Massa has...did you see when he happened on Filipe how suddenly Lewis lost his fire and stopped his charge toward the front :D :p

#38 MikeTekRacing

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:11

Originally posted by Deeq

Massa has...did you see when he happened on Filipe how suddenly Lewis lost his fire and stopped his charge toward the front :D :p

of course massa has the balls to fight lewis...
if he pulls something dirty and puts both of them out massa isn't losing anything so...

#39 MikeTekRacing

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:12

1. L. Hamilton McLaren 78
2. F. Massa Ferrari 77
3. R. Kubica BMW 64
4. K. Räikkönen Ferrari 57
5. N. Heidfeld BMW 53
6. H. Kovalainen McLaren 51

it's incredible...heidfeld and kova alomost caught up with kimi


#40 pingu666

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:13

vettel just out drove everyone today
lewis was the only one who seemed to have some sort of challenge for him

#41 MikeTekRacing

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:13

Originally posted by Chris Glass

Ferrari better pray for no more rain, their drivers are just no good in the wet. I dont beleive these stories that their car is THAT bad in the wet. Ive never heard of a great car suddenly becoming terrible in the dry. Its mainly just a convenient excuse to cover up their drivers.

remember me where exactly did alonso qualify yesterday in full wet?

#42 Wouter

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:13

Originally posted by MikeTekRacing

of course massa has the balls to fight lewis...
if he pulls something dirty and puts both of them out massa isn't losing anything so...

Though in this situation, Hamilton would actually have gained from a double race-ending collision, compared to the actual finish - one more point over Massa.

I think it wa sa tyre problem, Webber suddenly got faster than both Hamilton and Massa. Graining or something.

#43 Chris Glass

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:14

Originally posted by Tigershark
Considering the unfortunately timed first stop and the handful that the Ferrari seemed to be, this race wasn't all that bad for Massa.:

It was all massa's fault for the fuel load and qualifying so bad. He was only 9 tenths ahead of Alonso with 9 laps less fuel so fuel corrected they were almost even. Thats woeful im afraid.

#44 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:14

Originally posted by Chris Glass
A few things clear after this race. Heikki and the Ferrrari drivers dont deserve there seats.

Felipe is bit like a pussy cat, not at his best in water. So his 6th is acceptable given that he is capable of much worse. Kimi -the "no excuses" driver- was pathetic. As was Heikki.

Both these drivers pray that next years' cars somehow help them become competetive with respect to team-mates. Else both flying finns are finished.

#45 Arn

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:16

Originally posted by KWSN - DSM

May not be greatest win since Panis, but the 'best' since then.

It was much 'greater' than Panis's win, Vettel beat everyone fair and square.

#46 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:16

Originally posted by MikeTekRacing

remember me where exactly did alonso qualify yesterday in full wet?

If you are using this as a build up to slag Fernando's performance, I must say you have chosen the wrong weekend:lol: .

He was quite good all weekend. :up: Look at Nelson P. Jr. ):

#47 selespeed

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:17

Originally posted by Arn

It was much 'greater' than Panis's win, Vettel beat everyone fair and square.

give me a break...panis overtook 4 cars for the win...in monaco!

#48 BugTomek

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:18

Originally posted by KWSN - DSM
Guess that we finally can stop hearing the comments about Vettel being overrated.

No, until he proves himself in normal conditions :p he had shown that he is great in rain, but it was well known fact even before today.
But man, I wish we could have something like Hamilton + Vettel at Macca and Alonso + Kubica at Ferarri - that would be awesome! But we can only dream about such thing.

#49 Hotwheels

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:18

Breaking News - Ron Dennis signs Vettel for 2010 and drops Hekki. You heard it here first.

#50 primer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:19

Originally posted by Deeq

Massa has...did you see when he happened on Filipe how suddenly Lewis lost his fire and stopped his charge toward the front :D :p

Joking aside that was a bit strange: Lewis was so agressive and quick till that moment and from then on he just drove quietly to finish. The tire conditions played a part in all of this.