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F1 shops in Tokyo

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#1 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 19 December 2008 - 17:08

Does anyone know if there's any F1 shops in Tokyo, Japan?

I'll be visiting the city in January, considering the Japanese are quite passionate about the sport, I reckon there could be 1 or 2 F1 shops located in Tokyo, it'd be great if I can check them out.

thank you


#2 alfa1

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 01:31

Cant help with general F1 merchandise (anyway, Japan wouldnt be the cheapest place to get that - I saw heaps of cheap F1 items in Hong Kong instead), but you could visit...

Located in Ikebukuro, a multistory car showroom with an F1 car in the foyer, Toyota racing merchandise on sale in the shop, and a big screen TV downstairs that showed F1 qualifying when I visited during a race weekend.

Honda welcome plaza
Located in Aoyama, it had an F1 car in the foyer when I was there, but the main attraction is perhaps the Asimo robot which does demonstrations a few times every day. There is also a shop.


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Posted 20 December 2008 - 01:48

Check this site..

It is near by Ikebukuro(池袋 ) station. :)

#4 MonzaOne

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 01:54

Originally posted by Louis Mr. F1
Does anyone know if there's any F1 shops in Tokyo, Japan?

I'll be visiting the city in January, considering the Japanese are quite passionate about the sport, I reckon there could be 1 or 2 F1 shops located in Tokyo, it'd be great if I can check them out.

thank you

I have one word for Japanese formula 1 supporters. NAFF!!!!

#5 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 04:59

Originally posted by AMUSE
Check this site..

It is near by Ikebukuro(池袋 ) station. :)

thank you very much, I'll be staying in Shinjuku, which i believe is very close to Ikebukuro - I'll definitely check out the place.

#6 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 05:01

Originally posted by alfa1
Cant help with general F1 merchandise (anyway, Japan wouldnt be the cheapest place to get that - I saw heaps of cheap F1 items in Hong Kong instead), but you could visit...

Located in Ikebukuro, a multistory car showroom with an F1 car in the foyer, Toyota racing merchandise on sale in the shop, and a big screen TV downstairs that showed F1 qualifying when I visited during a race weekend.

Honda welcome plaza
Located in Aoyama, it had an F1 car in the foyer when I was there, but the main attraction is perhaps the Asimo robot which does demonstrations a few times every day. There is also a shop.

Toyota showroom is on my list too - thank you :)

#7 muramasa

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 09:09

Originally posted by AMUSE
Check this site..

It is near by Ikebukuro(池袋 ) station. :)

yeah this one is in a shopping complex at Ikebukuro called PARCO. east side of Idebukuro station.

#8 muramasa

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 09:30

another one is at Tokyo station.


it's located in the underground shopping streets at tokyo station called "Yaesu Chikagai (八重洲 地下街, meaning yaesu underground streets)". get out the station from "Yaesu Chuo Guchi" exit (八重洲中央口, meaning yaesu central gate), then proceed down to the underground immediately from nearby stairway so you're already in Yaesu Chikagai, and the shop is along "Lemon Road". you might have difficulty finding the shop in a maze of the underground street, but the whole area is not that big and 0 minute from yaesu chuo gate of Tokyo station. if you already knew where the shop is, it would take only about 3 minutes or so walking from the gate, i guess.

#9 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 16:00

perfect - these Japanese shops have many variation of F1 models that are hard to find elsewhere, I've a feeling that I'll need to get more Yen for this trip. :drunk:

thank you! :up:

#10 jonpollak

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Posted 20 December 2008 - 16:38

Originally posted by MonzaOne

I have one word for Japanese formula 1 supporters. NAFF!!!!

NO....you're not an ignorant bigot are you.

The Japanese have a phrase for people like you
He who only opens mouth to change feet.

I'd love to hear your views on Jews.

Hey Louis Mr. F1 !
I am going to be in Tokyo from the 27&28th in Shibuya
If you want to come to our show PM me.
That goes for AMUSE, muramasa and any other wonderful Japanese fans also.


#11 Japan Time

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Posted 21 December 2008 - 01:56

MonzaOne: great contribution... Anyway, back to the topic:

- In Odaiba: Megaweb (Toyota showroom , car museum, Alessandro Nannini cafe, miniature shop, etc.)
- In Roppongi: Le Garage (accessories, memorabilia, DVD, books) and F1 pit stop cafe (foods/drinks, souvenirs)
- In Hanzomon: a fantastic miniature store on Hanzomon-eki-dori (betw. subway exit 1 & Hayabusacho crossing)
- In Shimbashi: the Tamiya Plamodel Factory is definitely impressive

Finally I recommend that you enter any magazine shop and read the last pages of the
available F1 monthly publications (there are several of them). You will find ads from some
very typical F1 specialty stores (a bit like Axcel Tokyo) - selling miniatures and tons of
memorabilia (race suits/helmets/etc worn+dedicated by drivers, actual car parts, etc).

I nearly decided to buy a full Tyrrell 019 nose + front wing from one of them: only the
price stopped me at the time !!!

#12 MonzaOne

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Posted 21 December 2008 - 04:23

Originally posted by jonpollak

NO....you're not an ignorant bigot are you.

The Japanese have a phrase for people like you
He who only opens mouth to change feet.

I'd love to hear your views on Jews.

Hey Louis Mr. F1 !
I am going to be in Tokyo from the 27&28th in Shibuya
If you want to come to our show PM me.
That goes for AMUSE, muramasa and any other wonderful Japanese fans also.


The truth has a searing heat indeed!

My opinion of Jews?
Einstein = amazing
the Israeli Army = goddam marvellous mate!

Japanese f1 supporters = NAFF!!!!

#13 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 21 December 2008 - 17:31

Originally posted by Japan Time
MonzaOne: great contribution... Anyway, back to the topic:

- In Odaiba: Megaweb (Toyota showroom , car museum, Alessandro Nannini cafe, miniature shop, etc.)
- In Roppongi: Le Garage (accessories, memorabilia, DVD, books) and F1 pit stop cafe (foods/drinks, souvenirs)
- In Hanzomon: a fantastic miniature store on Hanzomon-eki-dori (betw. subway exit 1 & Hayabusacho crossing)
- In Shimbashi: the Tamiya Plamodel Factory is definitely impressive

Finally I recommend that you enter any magazine shop and read the last pages of the
available F1 monthly publications (there are several of them). You will find ads from some
very typical F1 specialty stores (a bit like Axcel Tokyo) - selling miniatures and tons of
memorabilia (race suits/helmets/etc worn+dedicated by drivers, actual car parts, etc).

I nearly decided to buy a full Tyrrell 019 nose + front wing from one of them: only the
price stopped me at the time !!!

thank you JapanTime - I particularly like the F1 cafe and I'll be going there :clap:

#14 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 21 December 2008 - 17:33

Originally posted by jonpollak

NO....you're not an ignorant bigot are you.

The Japanese have a phrase for people like you
He who only opens mouth to change feet.

I'd love to hear your views on Jews.

Hey Louis Mr. F1 !
I am going to be in Tokyo from the 27&28th in Shibuya
If you want to come to our show PM me.
That goes for AMUSE, muramasa and any other wonderful Japanese fans also.


just ignore him, who doesn't know how to respect people

btw - I'll be going to Japan in January so will not be in town when you've your show, have a great one!!!

#15 pingu666

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Posted 21 December 2008 - 21:27

doesnt naff mean like nerdy, or 80's-90's esc

i always found japanease fans quite charming tbh, from what ive seen on tv

#16 Ivan

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Posted 21 December 2008 - 22:37

Honda is supposed to have a great F1 museum

#17 Japan Time

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 02:56

thank you JapanTime - I particularly like the F1 cafe and I'll be going there

Please enjoy ! When are you exactly coming to Japan ?

By the way, I went to the miniature store in Hanzomon
(it is facing my office, so it is easy). Please find all info
on their website: Mini Car Gallery Pit. I especially like it
for their Le Mans cars in 1/43...

Access map (if you come by taxi) : click here.

#18 MonzaOne

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 03:16

Originally posted by pingu666
doesnt naff mean like nerdy, or 80's-90's esc

i always found japanease fans quite charming tbh, from what ive seen on tv

I never said they were not charming etc.

But if ever there was a prize for the "geeks of f1" it would be the Japs! And the way they dress at a grand prix is definitely embarrassing.

I like Aussie and British and South African fans best!

#19 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 04:02

Originally posted by Japan Time

Please enjoy ! When are you exactly coming to Japan ?

By the way, I went to the miniature store in Hanzomon
(it is facing my office, so it is easy). Please find all info
on their website: Mini Car Gallery Pit. I especially like it
for their Le Mans cars in 1/43...

Access map (if you come by taxi) : click here.

I'll be in Tokyo between Jan 9 - 15, with 2 days in Hakone :) trying out the hot bath/spa.


#20 themark

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 06:09

You just missed out on the best of all the F1 stores... Mr. Craft
It was located in Ebisu, near the station, but mysteriously closed up in Oct, with no explanation
Five floors of stuff! Just gone.

Just to let you know though, you're gonna get soaked on the exchange rate. F1 goods in Japan are pricey at the best of times, but with the strong yen get ready for an empty wallet

I'll post later if I can think of any other places to add to the list

#21 themark

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 06:11

Originally posted by MonzaOne
..the way they dress at a grand prix is definitely embarrassing.

At least they don't strip to the waist and paint flags on their copious guts like others do...

#22 SB

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 06:40

Originally posted by themark
You just missed out on the best of all the F1 stores... Mr. Craft
It was located in Ebisu, near the station, but mysteriously closed up in Oct, with no explanation
Five floors of stuff! Just gone.

Just to let you know though, you're gonna get soaked on the exchange rate. F1 goods in Japan are pricey at the best of times, but with the strong yen get ready for an empty wallet

I'll post later if I can think of any other places to add to the list

I was a 'fan' of MrCraft also .... It was on my "must-go" list for my every Tokyo visit. :(

( In fact their website become non-functioning as early as mid-Sept ... )

#23 muramasa

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 13:07

Originally posted by jonpollak

NO....you're not an ignorant bigot are you.

The Japanese have a phrase for people like you
He who only opens mouth to change feet.

I'd love to hear your views on Jews.

Hey Louis Mr. F1 !
I am going to be in Tokyo from the 27&28th in Shibuya
If you want to come to our show PM me.
That goes for AMUSE, muramasa and any other wonderful Japanese fans also.


you mean this month or in january?

#24 muramasa

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 13:32

thanks japan time, i didnt know the ones in roppongi, hanzomon and shimbashi. oh i've heard the F1 cafe in roppongi, so it has opened already while i didnt know!

btw i did brief searching, and this page lists six f1 goods shops in tokyo.


besides the ones mentioned already, there are shops near the train stations of Kamata, Nakano and Oimachi. so if you have chance to go near there, maybe you can go.

and the Honda museum Ivan mentioned is at Mogegi circuit in Tochigi. it's quite far from tokyo.

#25 doohanOK

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 18:00

Thanks for all of this info - can't wait to see them in Tokyo - there really are so many stores basically hidden away in that city, you turn a corner and you don't know what will be waiting for you....

Great stuff!


#26 MonzaOne

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 01:21

Originally posted by themark

At least they don't strip to the waist and paint flags on their copious guts like others do...

True buddy boy - but we won the war! "boom-boom!" :cool:

#27 SB

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Posted 26 August 2009 - 08:08

Hi all,

I'm now planning to travel to Osaka, Japan in coming two months. Does anyone know if there is similar places in Osaka city as well ?
Thanks a lot !!!!! :up: