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Louis Blacq Cozeauz and GT350 #002

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#1 fbarrett

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 22:04


I'm looking for information on 1965 Ford Mustang GT350 SFM5R002, one of the two prototype GT350s, now in the Shelby American Collection in Boulder, Colorado. From 1970 through 1989 it was apparently owned by Louis Blancq Cazauz, of Monterey, Mexico. I'd like to know more about him and what he did with the car during his ownership.

Posted Image

002 was used to develop the GT350 and was the first one raced by Shelby American (at Green Valley Raceway in Texas, driven by Ken Miles--and elsewhere by others) then was sold to SCCA racer Bill Clawson of Howell, Michigan, then to Russell Fish in San Antonio, Texas, who also raced it in SCCA. In 1970, Fish sold the car to Cazauz, who may have raced it at the "Autodrome" in Monterey in 1972 or 1973, possibly finishing second. He may have raced it elsewhere, and if so, I'd like to know where and when, etc. Eventually Cazauz pushed the rough, primered car into a shed, where it was discovered in 1989 by Mark Gillette from Dallas (see Fabulous Mustangs magazine, Sept. 1991). The Shelby American Collection acquired the car in 1996 and has left it in the same state (photo above).

For the Collection, I'm trying to gather more information about Cazauz and how he used the car. I've searched TNF but found nothing. Can anyone help?



PS: Excuse my typo in the thread name, but the edit function won't allow me to fix it!