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Twin City Motor Speedway - Minneapolis/St. Paul

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#1 HistoricMustang

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Posted 19 January 2009 - 22:22

This former track deserves a seperate thread so lets document.

First, here is the Google image with red line indicating the section of 34th Avenue that has been removed for airport expansion.

Posted Image

Next, here is a photograph with 34th Avenue still in place (red arrow) with cars actually doing laps at the Speedway. This photograph did not present a copyright.

Posted Image

And, another non-copyright image flyer.

Posted Image

And, now some history:

http://www.silhouet....s/twinciti.html (Impressive photo included in link.........this track was a monster)

This link will give exact location that can be layed over the above photograph of the airport by someone with skills greater than I..................................Terry?


Henry :wave:


#2 Terry Walker

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 01:03

This is about it;

Posted Image

#3 Lotus23

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 01:06

Henry, thanks for this interesting thread. In cases like this, my first instinct is to grab my ever-handy copy of Allan E Brown's America's Speedways.

AEB notes that it started life as a 2-mi "dirt circle" in Oct 14, then ran as a 2-mi "concrete circle" from Sep 15 to Jul 17. aka "Concrete Speedway", "40,000 barrels of cement" were used in its construction; I'm uncertain how that converts to cubic yards of concrete, but it was obviously a big project.

On its opening day as a paved track, 5 Sep 15, Earl Cooper won a 500-mile AAA race there. Less than 2 years later, Ira Vail won the final race there on 14 July 17. I would imagine WWI was a factor in its demise.

#4 HistoricMustang

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 10:16

Thanks Terry and Joel!

Another very good read with nice photographs:


It would be nice to also identify the "Hamlin Track" mentioned in article. It was located at the old fairgrounds.

Henry :wave:

#5 fines

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 17:49

To the best of my knowledge, the "old fairgrounds" are still the State Fairgrounds today, and the track is still used for racing! One of the oldest and most storied of American tracks, indeed of the world! Iirc, a one-mile track before WW2, halfmile thereafter, paved sometime around 1964. Held mostly IMCA races, but also several AAA and USAC meets. Somewhere on the web I once found a list of all postwar feature winners, but in the meantime I have detected several mistakes in that list. Will be a mammoth job to fully research... :|

#6 HistoricMustang

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 21:04

Originally posted by fines
To the best of my knowledge, the "old fairgrounds" are still the State Fairgrounds today, and the track is still used for racing! One of the oldest and most storied of American tracks, indeed of the world! Iirc, a one-mile track before WW2, halfmile thereafter, paved sometime around 1964. Held mostly IMCA races, but also several AAA and USAC meets. Somewhere on the web I once found a list of all postwar feature winners, but in the meantime I have detected several mistakes in that list. Will be a mammoth job to fully research... :|

Michael, while doing research I found the name "Hamlin Track" mentioned several times. It appears to have been located near Hamilin Avenue and referred too as the "old fairgrounds". Is this the one you are refering too?

Hamlin Avenue (in modern form) is very short and no indication of a modern day fairground.




#7 Jim Thurman

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 22:11

Originally posted by fines
To the best of my knowledge, the "old fairgrounds" are still the State Fairgrounds today, and the track is still used for racing!

Sadly, no Michael...the last race was Labor Day of 2002 and an amphitheater has been constructed over part of the front straight.

Again, I do not know how to link to Google Maps (or Terraserver for that matter), but aerials show all of the asphalt gone from turns 1-2 :(

#8 HistoricMustang

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 22:42

Originally posted by Jim Thurman

Sadly, no Michael...the last race was Labor Day of 2002 and an amphitheater has been constructed over part of the front straight.

Again, I do not know how to link to Google Maps (or Terraserver for that matter), but aerials show all of the asphalt gone from turns 1-2 :(

Henry :wave:

Posted Image

#9 fines

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 08:24

OH MY GOD, they've killed Hamline... :cry:

#10 HistoricMustang

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 21:53

Something keeps pulling me to continue research on Twin City Speedway!

You gentlemen will enjoy this link..................and about three fourths down the page great photographs!

Henry :wave:
