Official TNF clothing

To purchase a suitably-adorned t-shirt (above), sweatshirt or perhaps even a chef's apron (yes, really!) simply use THIS LINK and order your preference accordingly; firstly select your desired style (female styles are available too), then progress downwards in order to choose your size(s). Please stipulate 'Large Logo' or 'Small Logo' with your order while the software is being updated to include those choices. Those browsing or ordering might well find the rest of this site of interest, especially if your taste in music dates from the same period as your interest in motor racing!

TNF '10th Anniversary 2009' polo shirts and fleeces (both above) complete with embroidered TNF badge are now available. Polos (50% polyester & 50% cotton) can be purchased in green, red, white and light blue and are available in a range of standard sizes at a cost of GBP 19.00 + GBP 2.50 UK p&p. (Postage to other destinations on application). Fleeces are available in dark green, red and black at a cost of GBP 27.00 + GBP 3.50 UK p&p. (Other colours of both shirt & fleece available on special request). Items can be personalised with embroidered detail (eg: 'Racer' #123) at an additional cost of GBP 2.50 per item. To order, or for further information regarding sizes & colours, please PM 'Giraffe' (aka Tony Gallagher). Payment can be made via PayPal or by personal cheque. Contact Tony for his e-mail & personal address as required.
The above models are available for catalogue work at very reasonable rates...
Official TNF stickers
TNF stickers are now available too! Each roundel measures 100mm/4 inches in the design below;

They cost GBP 4.00 for a set of four, which includes UK postage (and possibly postage to other EC countries too). To order your stickers, or to gain any other information about them, please contact TNFer 'Swintex' - aka Richard Hards - via PM. The required payment for stickers is by PayPal.
Official TNF badges
TNF badges are the original TNF artefact and will no doubt be appearing in Sotheby's auctions circa 2050.

Meanwhile sparkling new ones can still be obtained through their creator Barry Boor. Each badge costs GBP 3.00 payable through PayPal, plus the supply of a stamped & addressed envelope. Those interested should PM Barry as you'll need both his email and postal addresses.