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Harald Ertl: Interview with his son, Sebastian

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#1 acarvalho

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 13:27

Hello, guys!

On February 27th, I've published in my blog - www.almanaquedaformula1.com.br - an interview with Sebastian Ertl, son of the missing Harald Ertl, where he talks about the good memories he has about his dad, the accident etc.

The interview is published in portuguese language, but now you can read it in english as well (I didn't translate the opening text, just only the Q & A, ok?). Portuguese version can be found at http://www.almanaque...stian-ertl.html

I hope you like it. :)

What kind of emotions do you feel when people remember your father as one of the bravest men that rescued Niki Lauda at his dramatic accident in 1976, at Nürburgring? Do you have a clear idea about the importance of what you father did that day?

It's a good question. I'm not aware of the situation that other people remember my dad in such a way. I'm quite a bit proud when I read about it, but for me it was only my dad. Today, I believe to know, that it was an important event for the Formula 1, but I don't think there are so many people left out there who remember it.

How is he remembered nowadays in Austria in terms of popularity, specially in Zell am See?

I don't know. The last Time I was in Zell am See or even is Austria was perhaps around 1996, when my Grandfather died.

What kind of memories do you have from him, considering that you were only three when he died?

Oh, it's hard to tell. I have memories of him, but just single pieces or fragments of situations. It's enough to have feelings about him, but not enough to tell. I can remember a situation when he was repairing a lamp in the wall and I switched it on. He was a bit angry :-)

Do you know exactly what happened that day with the airplane? Any conclusion from it or something like that?

Yes, I know. The petrol-pipe freezed, so the engine simply stopped working. My uncle tried to land on an acre, but it was frozen and not even enough. **** happens.

Have you considered someday to be a racing driver, following your father' steps? If yes, what did your mother think about that?

Yes, definately! Cars, or bette everything with an engine, are my gratest passion. My first three words where "papa", "mama" and "Porsche". But the years after the accident my mum broke all the connections and tried to displace the memories. And when I was old enough to discuss it with her, i was to old to start racing.

What is the most amazing or funny story that she remember from him about his motosport days?

She says that the time was great, but there are no real funny stories. The only "story" she told me was more awkward than funny. Little Sebastian was sitting on the roof of our motorhome during a DTM race and every turn I shoutet "Hans Heyer", who was the main competitor of my dad in this campionship. Perhaps it was easier than Harald Ertl :-) Oh, wait. There's one really funny story. One race in Hockenheim around 1975 the Warsteiner-Brewery was the main sponsor. So the team had some barrels of beer in the truck. This day it was very hot, and everyone was searching for anything to drink and water was short. Ok, dad's team - like most time short on money - needed new or other tires. Think what happenend... Yes! They bartered tyre against beer. It must have been a very funny weekend :-)

27 years later, your family still have any kind of friendship with F1 people (former drivers, their wives etc.) from those days? Who?

No. I'm a bit sad because of that, but as I explained before, my mom wanted to forget.

Does your family have any kind of memorabilia from your father (pictures, helmets, trophies, overalls etc.)? Where are these things now?

Some Helmets and trophies and lots of pictures. The helmets and trophies are in the garage, and the pictures are spread around. I have a cool cartoon-like painting over my fireplace and my mom hast some pictures on her desk and on the walls.

Do you have any kind of involvement with motorsport now?

Sadly no. Except of spending too much money on totally unreasonable cars.

What are your favourite driver and team in F1 now and what are your expectations for 2009 season?

I think Michael Schuhmacher was one oft the best drivers the Formula One has ever seen. At the moment, there's no fovourite. Some cool guys, but no one who is very outstanding. I like Ferrari because of the spirit and tradition, but in general F1 gets to perfect to attract me. There's no "racing-spirit" left. Too much money, too much high-tech and no fun. 20 cars driving after each other, no action. I hope you understand what I try to say. But with the introduction of KERS it could get an interesting season. What do you think?


#2 Arjan de Roos

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 13:33

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Very moving! Obrigado!

#3 Stephen W

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 14:31

Posted Image

1976 - Thruxton and Harald Ertl is having the Chevron B35 scrutineered.


#4 fines

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 21:12

Interesting! How old is Sebastian today, and where does he live?

#5 acarvalho

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 01:04

Hello, Michael.

Sebastian is now 30.
I guess he lives in German (I forgot to ask him).


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 09:50

This must be Sebastian...

Posted Image

and this is Harald Ertl and his friend Manfred Winkelhock, both sadly missed...

Posted Image

#7 ensign14

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 10:11

:up: Many thanks. There's a great shot of him in one of Schlegelmilch's books (the Monaco one IIRC) with a caption along the lines of "Poor as church mice", as he struggled to qualify the Hesketh. One of those characters who added a little something to F1.

#8 fines

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 14:13


At the end of this clip, we can see Harald in his original profession, as a journo, interviewing the GP winner! :)