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#1 petrohed

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Posted 29 March 2000 - 06:32

Having followed Formula 1 for about 25 years, I have always wanted to create a concise archive of race details. Containing Driver career details with race by race history for drivers and constructors.

I have worked with computers (of sorts) for a similar time, having forgotten all I ever knew about DOS and BASIC since working with Windows or Mac systems.

During my frequent surfing of F1 sites I have managed to find much relevant information about race dates, starting grids with times, finishing positions, cars used in which races, fastest laps and reasons DNF etc. going back to 1950.

What I now require is information on Race durations and time behind leader on same lap pre '94 (most sites just say laps completed, if anything) and on which lap the fastest race lap was set. A few of these I can fill in from History books, particularly were it was a close finish. Other I might have to concede as not recorded.

If you can point me towards any site(s) with relevant detailed information I would be grateful (I think!) its taken just over 2 years to put collate information in tabulated files back to 1990. I would still like to find other sites to verify my existing information.


#2 mono-posto

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Posted 29 March 2000 - 11:20

If you are not already familar with www.forix.com then that is the best statistical info you will find on the net. Pre 1950 races are even covered.
Other than that it will be book hunting time.

Good luck

#3 Nomad

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Posted 29 March 2000 - 17:15

You wouldn't happen to have or know where I could find information on weather conditions during qualifying and race days? Specifically rain.
I only have the net at the moment and can't do a book search currently.

#4 petrohed

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Posted 30 March 2000 - 06:58

Thanks mono-posto and Nomad.

I have just had another look at www.forix.com the site has developed somewhat since my last visit. It seems to have most of the information I am after. Though as yet can not find anything on time distance, between cars behind winner, on the same lap. I will have to have a better look when I have more time.
Looks like more surfing and searching is going to be required, possibly other sites have also developed since my last visit

Nomad - Race day weather is shown in www.forix.com and I find that www.planet-f1.com have reasonable weather info, but again only for race day.