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F10 (Codename 281) Ferrari

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#8651 HPT

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Posted 26 November 2010 - 03:40

I thought that all decisions were made on the pitwall and that he just drives and does as he is told. At least that was his claim during crashgate when asked whether he queried the odd strategy.

I'm sure he queried in Singapore 08 as he did in Abu Dhabi 10, if we were to believe the source. And like Abu Dhabi, even though he thought it was a mistake, he went with his strategists' call.

But I guess it's easier to believe that he was somehow involved in Crashgate or better yet, masterminded it if you dislike him. Even though evidence have so far shown that he knows nothing of the plot.


#8652 Clatter

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Posted 26 November 2010 - 12:10

I'm sure he queried in Singapore 08 as he did in Abu Dhabi 10, if we were to believe the source. And like Abu Dhabi, even though he thought it was a mistake, he went with his strategists' call.

But I guess it's easier to believe that he was somehow involved in Crashgate or better yet, masterminded it if you dislike him. Even though evidence have so far shown that he knows nothing of the plot.

The FIA transcripts say he raised no objections unlike Abu Dhabi. I certainly don't believe he masterminded it, but I do have doubts that he knew nothing, proving that is a different matter and certainly not something I could do, nor even want to bother with. The whole affair was a disgrace and the FIA (Max) don't come out of it well, as it was obvious that their whole aim was not to get at the truth, but to take one person down.

#8653 Dunder

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Posted 26 November 2010 - 12:17

The FIA transcripts say he raised no objections unlike Abu Dhabi. I certainly don't believe he masterminded it, but I do have doubts that he knew nothing, proving that is a different matter and certainly not something I could do, nor even want to bother with. The whole affair was a disgrace and the FIA (Max) don't come out of it well, as it was obvious that their whole aim was not to get at the truth, but to take one person down.

We will, in all probability, never know the real truth about what Alonso knew (or didn't know) before that race.
We are entitled to have our own views/opinions but that is all they are without more being disclosed in future.

#8654 Mastah

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 17:03

Second part of 2010 review, about F10 updates:


The only new thing for me is info about better brakes for Fernando at Monza, the rest is pretty well known, nevertheless it's quite good lecture.

#8655 Mastah

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:15

ScarbsF1 Craig Scarborough

Talk within the sport suggests ferrari linked the front & rear suspension on the F10 somehow. I've seen no evidence, but I'm working on it

Linking suspension front to rear would reduce longitudinal weight transfer, like an antiroll bar does for lateral transfer.

While this might aid grip in accel/braking its most likely to be to keep the floor at the correct rake for aero benefit

Edited by Mastah, 08 December 2010 - 08:37.

#8656 Henrytheeigth

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 15:35

I am so happy I bought the F10 die cast model yesterday. It is the Bahrain version and it's cool coz that's Alonso's first win in the team :D

#8657 Tuxy

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 16:52

Thanks for posting something relevant to the thread Mastah.

Edited by Tuxy, 08 December 2010 - 16:52.

#8658 Mastah

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 19:37

Third part of 2010 review, regulations, logistics, pit stops and statistics:
