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Mark Donohue celebration at Road America July, 2010

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#1 RA Historian

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 17:28

George Bruggentheis, President of Road America, has announced at last night's semi annual meeting of the North Lake Drive 100 MPH Club (Wisconsin's answer to the West Coast's Fabulous Fifties organization) that a feature of the 2010 Kohler International Challenge with Brian Redman, which will be in July, 2010, will be a tribute to Mark Donohue.

A recent meeting at the track with Bruggenthies, Michael Argetsinger, Paul Powell, and Rick Dresang saw agreement reached for the event. Rick Dresang, who owns the 1973 Eagle Indy car of Donohue, also spoke to the group and said that he has already received commitments for a dozen cars that were driven by Donohue to be displayed. Among the cars are three of the five Penske Camaros (real ones, not the dozens of fakes that are seen at most US events!), and two Porsche 917 turbo Spyders. More are to announced as they commit. Further, several team members, family members, and such will be present. George Follmer has indicated his intentions to be in attendance.

Michael Argetsinger, author of the acclaimed Mark Donohue book released earlier this year, is pleased to announce that the photo biography of Mark Donohue that is to be the companion book to his earlier book has received the go-ahead from David Bull Publishing. Argetsinger accumulated some 4,250 photos in preparation for his Donohue book, and 40 selected shots were in that book. Michael will now cull through the remaining 4200 and select a few hundred pictures which will form the core of this second book. Michael will write a short narrative to connect the photos and to set the scene, while the pictures themselves will tell the story with detailed captions. It should be an excellent compliment to the largely text Donohue Biography previously written by Argetsinger.

This photo history of Mark Donohue will be rolled out by David Bull Publishing and Michael Argetsinger at this July, 2010, Mark Donohue celebration at Road America.

More details will be posted as they become available.


Edited by RA Historian, 23 October 2009 - 17:30.


#2 SKL

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 18:29

Thanks for the heads up- will have to work that into the racing schedule next summer!!! Can't wait for the companion book to put next to my publisher's edition of the original bio...

#3 UAR66

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 22:02

Was just told there was a post on the forum here.

We are excited to have the Donohue Reunion at Road America. Mark always enjoyed going to Wisconsin to Road America.

If your a Facebook member, updates will be on FB at Mark Donohue Reunion 2010 at Road America.

#4 B Squared

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 10:44

I am very glad to hear of the confirmation for the companion photo book and the event at Road America to launch it. Thanks to all involved for making this happen. See you in July, 2010.


#5 RA Historian

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 13:00

Rick Dresang, who owns the 1973 Eagle Indy car of Donohue, also spoke to the group and said that he has already received commitments for a dozen cars that were driven by Donohue to be displayed.

Add the McLaren M16B with which Mark won the 1972 Indy 500. Rick Dresang says that the IMS Museum has agreed to send the car up to the track.

#6 B Squared

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 17:48

With the snowy, cold midwest weather making me long for next summer, I thought that now was a good time to start looking forward to the next Mark Donohue celebration. I know that Michael Argetsinger and publisher David Bull have been working tirelessly on the new companion photo book to go along with Mark Donohue: Technical Excellence At Speed. I'm going to ask, for any who are interested, in helping to develop this thread as a place to continue with more photos and stories of Mark and his time in racing.

The following is from a beaten, cut up ( no idea what I cut out) Autoweek cover from August 7, 1971. One of Mark's two weekend victories had come in the Trans-Am race at Elkhart Lake. I think that the release of the new book at Road America is a fitting choice. Thanks for the help and interest in advance. Brian Brown
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Edited by B Squared, 28 December 2009 - 20:29.

#7 B Squared

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 20:37

Not many racers made the cover of Sports Illustrated. Mark was one of them. This is after his 1972 Indianapolis 500 victory. The scorched Lola is that of Wally Dallenbach. The Lola resides in the Kruse Museum up the road in Auburn, IN B²

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#8 B Squared

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 18:13

Mark and his biggest fan, his mom Hazel. Better known as "Zilly". This is at the Speedway banquet after his record setting 1972 win. Brian
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#9 B Squared

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 16:22

The following is from a Sunoco ad that I've had framed in the race room for quite some time. When Technical Excellence At Speed was released at the IMRRC in April, this was blown up poster size. It was fun to look at and listen to the interested parties as they remembered. Michael Donohue is pictured with Mark. Happy New Year to all. Brian

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#10 B Squared

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 14:06

I had a nice email New Year's greeting from Michael Argetsinger. He is thoroughly enjoying his continuing work on the Mark Donohue: Technical Excellence At Speed companion photo book. His main dilemma is choosing the right photos from the vast number he has to select from. A good "problem" to have. I can't wait to see it!

Another Sunoco ad featuring Mark Donohue - this one on the winning of he and Team Penske's United States Road Racing Championship. I believe this features the first of two consecutive for the Team. Brian

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Edited by B Squared, 01 January 2010 - 18:56.

#11 RA Historian

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 19:51

His main dilemma is choosing the right photos from the vast number he has to select from.

Approximately 4200!

#12 B Squared

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Posted 02 January 2010 - 12:54

I received the following letter from Mark Donohue congratulating me on my win in the Fort Wayne, IN Soap Box Derby. It was waiting for me when I returned from Akron, OH after the World Championship. There were 258) competitors at Akron - 7) were from outside the US, including Germany and the Phillippines. I lost in the third round to the eventual Champion, Bob Lange Jr. of Boulder, CO. The letter and photo from Mark helped to ease the pain. I was 14) at the time. The second shot is me in my Sunoco sponsored car at the beginning of my first round heat in the local. It took 8) heat wins that day to have my shot in Akron. It was painted black (we called it "Midnight Blue") because of the theory that the more absorption of heat into the gravity powered car, the faster it would run. Brian

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Edited by B Squared, 02 January 2010 - 13:19.

#13 AlMark

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Posted 02 January 2010 - 15:47

I received the following letter from Mark Donohue congratulating me on my win in the Fort Wayne, IN Soap Box Derby. It was waiting for me when I returned from Akron, OH after the World Championship. There were 258) competitors at Akron - 7) were from outside the US, including Germany and the Phillippines. I lost in the third round to the eventual Champion, Bob Lange Jr. of Boulder, CO. The letter and photo from Mark helped to ease the pain. I was 14) at the time. The second shot is me in my Sunoco sponsored car at the beginning of my first round heat in the local. It took 8) heat wins that day to have my shot in Akron. It was painted black (we called it "Midnight Blue") because of the theory that the more absorption of heat into the gravity powered car, the faster it would run. Brian

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That is quite a mommento. I am envious.


#14 carpenterdesign

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Posted 02 January 2010 - 17:04

Hey RA historian I just started a blog about the Trans-Am Series and 2.5 Challenge. Come check it out! I started the blog with some pictures my dad took at the 1970 Trans Am Race at Road America. There are a few of Mark Donahue...I will post more The next couple of days.

http://forums.autosp...amp;hl=trans am

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#15 B Squared

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 12:38

From the summer of 1970 Mark Donohue and Monsanto introduce Mark Donohue Performance Products. I believe that this brand would lead to the Fypro brand and Racemark. Brian

carpenterdesign - thanks for the photos. B²

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#16 fbarrett

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:45

I received the following letter from Mark Donohue congratulating me on my win in the Fort Wayne, IN Soap Box Derby. It was waiting for me when I returned from Akron, OH after the World Championship. There were 258) competitors at Akron - 7) were from outside the US, including Germany and the Phillippines. I lost in the third round to the eventual Champion, Bob Lange Jr. of Boulder, CO. The letter and photo from Mark helped to ease the pain. I was 14) at the time. The second shot is me in my Sunoco sponsored car at the beginning of my first round heat in the local. It took 8) heat wins that day to have my shot in Akron. It was painted black (we called it "Midnight Blue") because of the theory that the more absorption of heat into the gravity powered car, the faster it would run. Brian

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See the cc: Wasn't R. Finucane the editor of Competition Press & AutoWeek at the time? Not an entirely innocent letter, methinks, though still touching.


#17 B Squared

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 14:45

See the cc: Wasn't R. Finucane the editor of Competition Press & AutoWeek at the time? Not an entirely innocent letter, methinks, though still touching.


No - at least not approximately 3) weeks after the letter was received, as seen on the attachment below. I can also quickly post another Competition Press & Autoweek editorial bibliography from a few weeks before the letter in question was received. I'll look for the exact week of the letter if need be. I can't find R. Finucane listed anywhere on either. I also don't believe that Mark was tape recorded (unfortunately for me) when he called me in the evening of Saturday July 17, 1971 ( Mark won two races that weekend - Trans-Am at Road America on July 17, 1971 and the Michigan Indy Car race at Michigan International Speedway on Sunday July 18th) congratulating me for my second place finish in the local Soap Box Derby, nor were there any onerous cc's on the Western Union telegraph that Mark sent to me (admittedly arraigned by my Sun Oil Company contact and friend to this day, DeMaris Stumpff Broadbent) on the very day that I won the derby on July 15, 1972. "methinks" Mark was a pretty awesome guy that had no hidden agenda in reaching out to an admiring 13)/14) year old kid. DeMaris' husband is currently fighting for his life, otherwise I'd call her to find out who R. Finucane was and what his role was at Sun Oil Company at that time. Respectfully, Brian Brown

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to help decipher the names, they are listed top to bottom as: Russel R. Goebel, Mike Knepper, Andy Gilberg, Claudia Hosepian, Patrick O'Daniels, Dave Clark, Roger Szalwinski, Arsen Apkarian, Leon Mandel, Ebb Kline, Maurice Garapedian, Randy Laney, Dave Arnold, Ray Marquette, Jeff Scott, Bob Irvin, David Phipps, Bob Dunham, Tom Floyd, Jack Williams, Bud Grocki, Bill Shermer, Dave Roethel, Dave Houser, Mel Bogus, Bob Gelles, Mary Ann Chapman, Murray Forsvall, Mike Kupper, Dee Norton, Ron Hickman, Eion Young, D.O. Corzi, Logan Bentley, Pete Biro, George Follmer, Ron Grable, Tim Howley, Dennis Hulme, Jeff Hutchinson, Ed Ingalls, Ron Kambourian, Mike Kettlewell, Jim Molitt, Doug Nye, Pal Parker, Cam Warren, Ted West, Thomas P. Chin, Ron George, Joan Puckett, Ward Cleaveland, Barbara Jones, Marianne Fanning, Toni Henry, M.F. Mohrtext

Edited by B Squared, 04 January 2010 - 15:55.

#18 RA Historian

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 17:03

See the cc: Wasn't R. Finucane the editor of Competition Press & AutoWeek at the time? Not an entirely innocent letter, methinks, though still touching.


Frank, perhaps you are confusing "R. Finucane" with Bill Finefrock, who was the publisher of Competition Press & AutoWeek in the mid sixties. Somwhat of a similarity in last names, so I can understand any confusion.

#19 B Squared

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 18:48

Tom - Thanks for the assist.

Another of the numerous ads that featured Mark. When you look through the magazines of the period, he was seemingly everywhere. Brian

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 20:18

to help decipher the names, they are listed top to bottom as: Russel R. Goebel, Mike Knepper, Andy Gilberg, Claudia Hosepian, Patrick O'Daniels, Dave Clark, Roger Szalwinski, Arsen Apkarian, Leon Mandel, Ebb Kline, Maurice Garapedian, Randy Laney, Dave Arnold, Ray Marquette, Jeff Scott, Bob Irvin, David Phipps, Bob Dunham, Tom Floyd, Jack Williams, Bud Grocki, Bill Shermer, Dave Roethel, Dave Houser, Mel Bogus, Bob Gelles, Mary Ann Chapman, Murray Forsvall, Mike Kupper, Dee Norton, Ron Hickman, Eion Young, D.O. Corzi, Logan Bentley, Pete Biro, George Follmer, Ron Grable, Tim Howley, Dennis Hulme, Jeff Hutchinson, Ed Ingalls, Ron Kambourian, Mike Kettlewell, Jim Molitt, Doug Nye, Pal Parker, Cam Warren, Ted West, Thomas P. Chin, Ron George, Joan Puckett, Ward Cleaveland, Barbara Jones, Marianne Fanning, Toni Henry, M.F. Mohrtext

Being an old AutoWeek reader, I remember most of those guys....... but who is that Doug Nye fellow?
Notice he is listed towards the bottom...
Whatever happened to him?


Edited by ZOOOM, 04 January 2010 - 20:20.

#21 B Squared

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 21:16

I just got off the phone with Jerry Kroninger. Jerry was the Sun Oil Company (Sunoco) engineer who worked with Team Penske and Mark Donohue during their association. R. Finucane was P.R. Director for the company. It certainly makes sense that he would be in the loop for the letter that I received from Mark. Thanks for letting me clear this matter up. Jerry reiterated that he felt that Mark would have done this, upon request from DeMaris, out of the goodness of his heart. I urged Jerry to check in on The Nostalgia Forum and join in with and share from his vast remembrances and photos from his time with Mark and Team. Hope to see you here soon Jerry. Thanks for your friendship. Brian

Edited by B Squared, 04 January 2010 - 21:17.

#22 raceannouncer2003

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:58

Jerry was the Sun Oil Company (Sunoco) engineer who worked with Team Penske and Mark Donohue during their association.Brian

I understand that Bill Preston was also a Sunoco rep to Penske/Donohue. You mentioned him on another thread. He was at the recent Tribute to the Trans Am. Do you know him too?

Vince H.

#23 B Squared

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 11:02

I understand that Bill Preston was also a Sunoco rep to Penske/Donohue. You mentioned him on another thread. He was at the recent Tribute to the Trans Am. Do you know him too?

Vince H.

No, I'm aware of Mr. Preston by name only. Thanks for your interest. Brian

#24 B Squared

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 12:12

Not many things are better for me than walking into a race shop (I know, I'm old and deprived). When you get surprised by the Mark Donohue Team Penske 1970 Lola Ford (second place @ Indy) being in the house....Well that's magic. Brian

all photos: B²
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#25 B Squared

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 11:49

From Competition Press & Autoweek, June 20, 1970. (with the tragic news of Bruce McLaren's death on page one).

Comments from the Indianapolis 500 banquet. Mark had finished second in the car pictured above.

Mark Donohue revealed Roger Penske had told him to give one of his better speeches, explaining, "Roger said he was getting tired of hearing the other kind."

:rotfl: Not much time off in the Penske organization for Mark Donohue. Brian

#26 B Squared

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 12:00

Now owned, lovingly restored and demonstrated by Rick & Jacques Dresang, the Penske/ Donohue Eagle that was run by Team in the 1973 Indianapolis 500. These photos of the car (& me) show the first time in 21) years that I'd seen the car. I had no idea what was under the car cover and when I pulled it back..... WOW! :love: I'd have given just about anything (inadequate funding aside) to have loaded it up and brought it home that day in March, 1994. I'm so glad that it has a great home and is so well taken care of. Thanks Rick & Jacques. :up:

The car will be at Road America in July with the rest of us for the release of Michael Argetsinger's and David Bull Publishing's new photo book on Mark Donohue. One of many of Mark's cars that have been committed to be there. Brian

photos: B²
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Edited by B Squared, 07 January 2010 - 12:24.

#27 B Squared

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 11:55

Another of the many Sun Oil Company advertisements in which Mark & Team Penske were prominently featured. Brian

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#28 AlMark

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 14:47

Another of the many Sun Oil Company advertisements in which Mark & Team Penske were prominently featured. Brian

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Wouldn't you agree that the top two photos in this ad are from the 1966 Riverside Can-Am?


#29 David M. Kane

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 14:53

Go on Michael, looking forward to the photo book!

#30 B Squared

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 11:52

Wouldn't you agree that the top two photos in this ad are from the 1966 Riverside Can-Am?

While no Can-Am expert, the ad was from a mid-1967 magazine, I'd say that there is a fair chance. I don't know enough of the nuances of the cars from the races that season to conclude absolutely. Help needed on this assessment.

I got a phone call last night from Lee Wilson, longtime friend and one of my racing mentors. Lee is a year older than my dad. 78) years old. He and his wife have their winter home in Utah. Lee still skis every day possible. He had a knee replacement in April, 2009. A tough guy, with a heart of gold. I got my love of IndyCar from Dad. Lee was the impetus for Formula One, World Sports Car Championship, Can-Am, Trans-Am, etc.. He also had the skill, patience and courage to teach my brother and I how to drive. Not steer a sled down the road, but to really drive. It was all the better that in his stable at the time were a 1967 Corvette, an aluminum bodied, 1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB California and a 1967 Ferrari GTB, also aluminum bodied.

I had sent him a copy of Michael's Mark Donohue: Technical Excellence At Speed and what a happy man on the other end of the line. He is another on the long list of admirers of Mark and Team Penske. He is already into the book and absolutely blown away by the work that Michael has created. He has countless photos from the '50's through the '70's and we've made plans to go through those when he returns home. For him, the book has given him a renewed spirit to revisit those precious days that we all took for granted. Thanks Michael.

The following, uncredited photo is of Mark and fellow TNF alumni, Tony Adamowicz, in 1968. They had led their respective teams to the Trans-Am titles that year. Brian

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#31 B Squared

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Posted 10 January 2010 - 14:30

In this old, wrinkled Jack Brady photo, Mark cools down after a race at Watkins Glen in 1968. Brian

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#32 Aero Z-28

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 03:06

My step dad, mom, younger brother and I attended all of the races at Road America and Blackhawk Farms from 1970 through 1974, including (naturally) the Can-Am and Trans-Am events. We even attended the driver's schools and regional events. My parents were tech inspectors and it was a real treat to get there early before the big crowds and get a chance to see all the cars and meet the drivers and crew. For something like the Can-Am you even got to see the international stars like Jackie Stewart and Jo Siffert. I got to meet Roger Penske and Mark Donohue on several occasions and still have their autographs. I remember Mark pulling in to the track with an AMC Matador and I thought to myself why the heck wasn't he in a Javelin, which was certainly more cool in my mind. I was a minor at this time but got my scrutineer's license in 1973 so that I could take part in tech with my parents. We tech'd the Sunoco 917-30 when it showed up for the '73 RA Can-Am. Here is a photo of us with the car. I'm the kid with the hand up at his forehead and my stepdad and mom are to my right. I still have most of my memorabilia from back then including the "Staff" pass that I'm wearing in the photo, my scrutineer's log book, lots of autographed programs, etc. Boy, those sure were great times and I was a lucky kid.


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Edited by Aero Z-28, 11 January 2010 - 03:07.

#33 B Squared

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 11:23

My step dad, mom, younger brother and I attended all of the races at Road America and Blackhawk Farms from 1970 through 1974, including (naturally) the Can-Am and Trans-Am events. We even attended the driver's schools and regional events. My parents were tech inspectors and it was a real treat to get there early before the big crowds and get a chance to see all the cars and meet the drivers and crew. For something like the Can-Am you even got to see the international stars like Jackie Stewart and Jo Siffert. I got to meet Roger Penske and Mark Donohue on several occasions and still have their autographs. I remember Mark pulling in to the track with an AMC Matador and I thought to myself why the heck wasn't he in a Javelin, which was certainly more cool in my mind. I was a minor at this time but got my scrutineer's license in 1973 so that I could take part in tech with my parents. We tech'd the Sunoco 917-30 when it showed up for the '73 RA Can-Am. Here is a photo of us with the car. I'm the kid with the hand up at his forehead and my stepdad and mom are to my right. I still have most of my memorabilia from back then including the "Staff" pass that I'm wearing in the photo, my scrutineer's log book, lots of autographed programs, etc. Boy, those sure were great times and I was a lucky kid.


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Jon - I really appreciate you posting the great photo and your fond memories. There are a lot of us that can say the "lucky kid" statement. And we sure were. I look forward to seeing and reading additional remembrances from your days at the track. Brian

#34 B Squared

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 11:04

Mark with the stunning Penske/ Sunoco/ McLaren M16 Offy and his trusted chief mechanic, Karl Kainhofer in 1971 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Brian

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#35 Cam2InfoNeeded

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 21:41


What a GREAT photo! I've always loved the shape and overall cloaked brutality of this car, and was fortunate to see it on my visit trip to Riverside in 1973. It is still my favorite car of all time.

I also love the story behind the photo. What I would have given to be in your tennis shoes back then. I'd love to hear anymore stories you can recall about Mark.


#36 fbarrett

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 21:52

Frank, perhaps you are confusing "R. Finucane" with Bill Finefrock, who was the publisher of Competition Press & AutoWeek in the mid sixties. Somwhat of a similarity in last names, so I can understand any confusion.


Of course, thanks for the correction.


#37 B Squared

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 11:41

The 1972 Penske/ Sunoco/ Donohue McLaren M16B winning car photographed yesterday at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum. This car will be one that is featured at Road America in July when we get together for the release of Michael's new book.

I also had the pleasure of meeting and talking to fellow TNF alumni lotuspoweredbyford. Also spent quite a bit of time talking to Haymarket Publishing's Racer editor David Malsher. We first met at Road America for the 2006 Champ Car race and it was a pleasure catching up with him and talking of our common passion of racing. Thanks to both of these fine gentleman in making my day at the Speedway very special. Brian

photos: B²
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Edited by B Squared, 13 January 2010 - 12:10.

#38 B Squared

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Posted 14 January 2010 - 11:26

A few additional views of Mark's 1972 Indy 500 winning McLaren. B²

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#39 B Squared

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 01:39

The following are from Competition Press & Autoweek April 28, 1973:

Peter Revson has sold his boat The Ragged Edge....Mark Donohue, on the other hand, has bought a 28-foot production version Cigarette. It doesn't have a name because "naming boats is corny".

From Late News: Mark Donohue's shop accident, in which his boat trailer fell on and crushed his thumb, will not put him out of action. Donohue was unconscious, but recovered in time to be adamant against amputation.


#40 B Squared

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 10:52

The January/February, 2010 issue of Vintage Motorsport has a full page ad on page 49 which confirms the July 15 - 18 date of this event. B²

Listed on their 2010 schedule as the Kohler International Challenge with Brian Redman Can-Am Feature, Ford Mustang Marque, Tribute to Mark Donohue, Road & Track Concours d'Elegance and more!

#41 B Squared

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 11:26

From Competition Press & Autoweek, April 21, 1973 - page 13:

Mark Donohue won the 1973 Drexel University Engineering Award for "bringing professional engineering into auto racing." Former winners include Dr. Werner von Braun and Dr. Michael DeBakey.


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Posted 15 January 2010 - 12:44

Not a bad group to be included in!

#43 B Squared

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 16:44

There was recently a question in the USAC, CART and Champ Car thread in regards to the First National City Travelers Checks sponsorship in motorsport. Roger Penske got it started with their backing of the Penske Formula One effort in late 1974. The endeavor that convinced Mark to end his retirement from racing. One of the first ads from their involvement. Brian

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#44 B Squared

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 11:11

From Competition Press & Autoweek October 28,1972. They are taking liberty at the start of the paragraph with the popular quip at the time "Let George do it". This was in regards to George Follmer subbing for the injured Mark, following his Road Atlanta Can-Am crash. B²

It's more than turbo that does it for the Porsche according to George Follmer - who ought to know. "I'll guarantee you the car's got 150 yards on braking on anything else on the race track. The car stops better and it goes through the corners better than any of the rest of them. And you can thank Mark for that."

#45 UAR66

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 12:42

Brian, I dont get on here much but Rick told me this thread had grown, looks great!!! I will post more later.....

#46 B Squared

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 12:46

Brian, I dont get on here much but Rick told me this thread had grown, looks great!!! I will post more later.....

Paul - Thank you very much! I'm really looking forward to the event in July. Let me know how I can assist you in any way. I appreciate the support from Michael, Rick and yourself so much. :up: Brian

#47 B Squared

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 11:36

From Competition Press & Autoweek November 23, 1968:

Mini - Convention Cites Donohue, NEDiv Drivers Washington, D.C., Nov. 2

The Sports Car Club of America's Northeast division honored its race champions here tonight at an awards banquet highlighting the first SCCA Convention-in-Minature.

On hand to present plaques to the numerous class winners were USRRC champion Mark Donohue and seven-time national champion Dick Thompson.

Donohue himself was the recipient of a tribute when he learned to his surprise that he had been selected by the NEDiv. Executive Council as the first winner of its Driver of the Year Award.

The banquet highlighted a week-long gathering of some 200 regional and national officials and other members to discuss club activities and also to participate in race workers seminars. Discussion leaders included NEDiv. Council Chairman Dave Roethel, John Bishop, Oscar Koveleski, Harry Handley, Jack Conover, Don Goss, Joe Cerino, Floyd Stone, Bud Bickel, and Joe Lane.

#48 B Squared

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Posted 18 January 2010 - 09:52

From Competition Press & Autoweek August 4, 1973. Peter Gregg writes in his column, The Perfect Line: Six Short Stories:

Many of us in racing have a "thing" about Roger Penske's team. They are so successful, so competent, so well-equipped, so famous, so rich. Even worse, they didn't get there by accident, but by starting earlier and working harder. So we feel a bit inferior, and that breeds hostility and envy. I understand all that, but still I can't always overcome it. Hurley and I want to beat Mark and Roger in every way. We can't help it. For example, boats. Hurley and I have Cigarette boats. Our friend Don Aronow, the builder, told us that Roger will buy a new race boat and drive it himself. We're instantly jealous. A week later, we're heading north from Miami in the ocean. It's windy and cold with 6 to 8-foot waves. I'm at the helm of my 28-footer with Hurley braced in the other racing seat. I'm trying to maintain 40 mph, but taking the waves hard on the nose. I'm getting tired and a little scared, about ready to slow down when Hurley lifts his visor and screams: "Penske could never take this." I press on.

#49 B Squared

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Posted 18 January 2010 - 11:24

In this Pete Lyons photo, Mark and Karl Kainhofer (I think that it is Mr. Kainhofer at the driver's left front) work on the Penske Lola T190. B²

Posted Image

I have found out from good authority that the gentleman that I've identified as Karl Kainhofer is not correct. Karl was not at this race, there is a high chance that it is Eric Broadley.

The race itself is the SCCA Formula A Continental final at Sebring, FL on December 28, 1969. The race was run in two 100 mile heats. In the first, Mark had qualified third behind Swede Savage and Mario Andretti. Mark sat 2nd behind Mario when he dropped out after only six laps with a clogged fuel-filter. In the second heat, Mark started at the back. Much excitement was created as he charged to the front, built a 38-second lead, only to have the fuel-filter problem halt his charge after 31 of the scheduled 45 laps. David Hobbs was the overall winner with Gus Hutchinson second.

Edited by B Squared, 18 January 2010 - 17:59.

#50 red stick

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Posted 18 January 2010 - 14:05

Certainly no doubt it's a Lola!

There's also something to be said for the days when you could find the number on the car. . .