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The BBC F1 Coverage Thread - 2010 Season (merged)

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#7251 KateLM

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 21:23

Chandhok was good (though personally I didn't think he was quite as good as some were making out) but at this stage in his career, I doubt he is looking to do commentary full time.


#7252 johnmhinds

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 21:38

Ted, of course, being a man with many years of F1 commentary and driving under his belt. Posted Image

Kravitz at least has the experience of both TV work and being around the F1 paddock for ages.

Coulthard has the F1 experience and next to no experience of providing any valid commentary, the BBC did try getting Legard and Brundle to chat to Coulthard in the pits during a few races and he was god damn bland and awful at even providing what little incite he had then, he isn't exactly the one you tune into the F1 Forum to listen to is he.

Chandhok has limited F1 experience in a backmarker team, and very limited commentary experience. Standing in alongside people on R5L a few times doesn't add up to much in my book. And he isn't going to throw away his racing career so soon anyway so it's pointless even thinking of him.

I honestly don't think either would do as good a job as Kravitz would.

Edited by johnmhinds, 06 January 2011 - 21:39.

#7253 Crazy Ninja

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 22:14

Just for the record, Chandhok commentated for Star Sports on F1 whilst racing in GP2 aswell.

#7254 KateLM

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 23:33

Just for the record, Chandhok commentated for Star Sports on F1 whilst racing in GP2 aswell.

He was travelling with the F1 circus then though. If he races this year, it most likely wouldn't be with one of the F1 support races.

#7255 Crazy Ninja

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 23:49

He was travelling with the F1 circus then though. If he races this year, it most likely wouldn't be with one of the F1 support races.

Yeah thats a good point. I seriously doubt he would give up a whole season just to commentate for the Beeb either.

#7256 philhitchings

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 07:16

Legard was on 5live this lunchtime discussing football.

Well, I hope he gets a job which is more suited to his commentary style. I've never heard him commentate on football, but I always thought he would be much better at it than F1 - the staccato lists of players' names as they pass the ball, the stock phrases that actually work, and the expected sudden surge in volume when a goal is scored.

If he does end up commentating on football I bet we'll still here him say "Up the hill he goes, down the hill he goes" :lol:

#7257 gm914

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 07:31

If he does end up commentating on football I bet we'll still here him say "Up the hill he goes, down the hill he goes" :lol:

He'll feel right at home with the 'Round The Corner' Kick.

But he'll probably miss the half-time whistle because he was listening to himself, then mention 10 seconds later that the players have mysteriously slowed down.

#7258 onemoresolo

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 10:47

As many people in this thread like to over-analyse Legard's Twitter account and the lack of recent activity, you may be interested to know that he has started tweeting about F1 topics again.

If he's out, then I guess nobody has told him yet.

#7259 undersquare

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:02

As many people in this thread like to over-analyse Legard's Twitter account and the lack of recent activity, you may be interested to know that he has started tweeting about F1 topics again.

If he's out, then I guess nobody has told him yet.

Woe and thrice woe!

Still, no announcement from Auntie and as I said he'll be the last to know, so too soon to give up hope.


#7260 goingthedistance

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:14

Chandhok was good (though personally I didn't think he was quite as good as some were making out) but at this stage in his career, I doubt he is looking to do commentary full time.

Chandhok is a very likeable guy, but he actually got on my nerves when he was commentating on the Red Button. He spoke very quickly and had a tendency to overly dominate the discussion, which got boring.

#7261 TURU

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:18

Chandhok is a very likeable guy, but he actually got on my nerves when he was commentating on the Red Button. He spoke very quickly and had a tendency to overly dominate the discussion, which got boring.

Second that. At some points it was more like a Karun show.

#7262 Bren

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:28

there is a spot free now on Star Sports Asia for Karun...

#7263 wewantourdarbyback

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:38

If he does end up commentating on football I bet we'll still here him say "Up the hill he goes, down the hill he goes" :lol:

Only if he's commentating on Barnet.

#7264 jjcale

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:55

Woe and thrice woe!

Still, no announcement from Auntie and as I said he'll be the last to know, so too soon to give up hope.

unless you are on the inside, none of us has a clue... best to do a Kimi on this and "waitanseee".

#7265 KateLM

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 12:25

Second that. At some points it was more like a Karun show.

Thirded. He could commentate well but there were times where he was talking over Croft and Davidson, and they couldn't get a word in edgeways.

As for Legard - we'll know when we know, so I don't see the point in dissecting the man's every tweet. Or his off season commitments, for that matter. Whats he meant to do, sit around doing nothing for 4 months? Croft is doing Darts and Jake has done various things on the BBC. I don't think him appearing on some football shows tells us anything.

Edited by KateLM, 07 January 2011 - 12:28.

#7266 undersquare

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 13:02

Well Legard is active in his Twitter account and he hasn't deleted his mysterious Tt tweet.

So what was it?

Is there a convention against deleting tweets?

#7267 robefc

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 13:12

Awesome tweeting from the leg if you ask me...

legardj @AussieGrit your boys took a hell of a beating!


#7268 The Ragged Edge

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 13:47

There will always be a section who is unhappy with the commentator. I was p1$$ed off with Murray Braindead" Walker and his Murrayisms. I thought James Allen was a improvement regarding the clarity of information relayed to the viewer. Despite Allen being an informative improvement on Muarray Walker, he was disliked by numerous people, proving you cant please them all. Then there were calls for Legard to be the new BBC commentator, who turned out to be a commentating clown instead. Will Coulthard be any better? I doubt it personally. For the past 2 years IMO, he has been nothing more than Red Bulls PR spokesman on the BBC. His bias at times has been vomiting inducing and galling.

#7269 Don_Humpador

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 09:37

Kravitz at least has the experience of ... being around the F1 paddock for ages.

So did Legard, fat lot of good that did him. And all his journeys to the paddock as a commentator seemingly ended in him chatting to an engineer over a bowl of soup ; a mechanic over a full english ; a team principal over a wafer thin mint. And what knowledge did he glean from these insightful conversations? Nowt.

Coulthard has the F1 experience and next to no experience of providing any valid commentary, the BBC did try getting Legard and Brundle to chat to Coulthard in the pits during a few races and he was god damn bland and awful at even providing what little incite he had then, he isn't exactly the one you tune into the F1 Forum to listen to is he.


#7270 Alexis*27

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 09:59

a team principal over a wafer thin mint. And what knowledge did he glean from these insightful conversations? Nowt.

Haha. PMSL

#7271 gm914

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 11:56

So did Legard, fat lot of good that did him. And all his journeys to the paddock as a commentator seemingly ended in him chatting to an engineer over a bowl of soup ; a mechanic over a full english ; a team principal over a wafer thin mint. And what knowledge did he glean from these insightful conversations? Nowt.

Maybe he should have a show on the Food Network...

"Eggs...from shell....from chicken. Round the pan. With BUT-ter! Is it hot enough...?......No! Bacon is joined! Has he overcooked it? What can this toast do?! "

Of course the show would last ten minutes before Gordon Ramsey smacked him in the head with a skillet....Still?

Edited by gm914, 10 January 2011 - 12:00.

#7272 Owen

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 12:28

Well Legard is active in his Twitter account and he hasn't deleted his mysterious Tt tweet.

So what was it?

Is there a convention against deleting tweets?

Maybe it should have been Ttfn.

#7273 Requiem84

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 12:29

How would Chandhok do if he'd be paired next to Brundle?

#7274 Crafty

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 12:35

How would Chandhok do if he'd be paired next to Brundle?

Even if Chandhok was offered he wouldn't take the role, he wants to be a racing driver, not a commentator, it'd pretty much sound the death knell for his career.

#7275 undersquare

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 13:10

Maybe it should have been Ttfn.

Maybe he's been reading the forum and 'Tt' is a windup to exact his revenge :lol:

Hopefully Friday's tweets also a windup...

#7276 Owen

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 13:23

Maybe he's been reading the forum and 'Tt' is a windup to exact his revenge :lol:

Hopefully Friday's tweets also a windup...

In the absence of any real F1 news, this little saga is mildly diverting. :D

#7277 chdphd

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 13:44

Is there a convention against deleting tweets?

Not really, but they're often not really "deleted" them as they may have been texted or emailed to followers.

#7278 BRG

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 13:47

From the BBC website today:-

Jake Humphrey will present the TV coverage, joined by 13-time grand prix winner David Coulthard and former team boss Eddie Jordan as pundits.
Jonathan Legard will commentate alongside award-winning broadcaster and former F1 driver Martin Brundle.
The pit lane reporters will be Ted Kravitz and Lee McKenzie

Why are they lying to us about this? All the real experts have reported that Legard has been sent packing...

#7279 johnmhinds

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 13:57

I haven't seen any proof that Legard has been fired anywhere.
All we have are some rather dubious Daily Mail articles (full of bullshit quotes from "F1 insiders") and re-reports of those same stories as Crash.net articles.

I'm beginning to think the Coulthard rumour could have been leaked to make us accept another year of Legard anyway.


#7280 Crafty

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 14:05

From the BBC website today:-

Jake Humphrey will present the TV coverage, joined by 13-time grand prix winner David Coulthard and former team boss Eddie Jordan as pundits.
Jonathan Legard will commentate alongside award-winning broadcaster and former F1 driver Martin Brundle.
The pit lane reporters will be Ted Kravitz and Lee McKenzie

Why are they lying to us about this? All the real experts have reported that Legard has been sent packing...

This one ?

last updated Feb 2010. Look a few pages back in this thread - already been discussed.

#7281 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 14:06

Yeah but it says 2011, so I'm not sure the date stamp is valid.

#7282 undersquare

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 14:17

I haven't seen any proof that Legard has been fired anywhere.
All we have are some rather dubious Daily Mail articles (full of bullshit quotes from "F1 insiders") and re-reports of those same stories as Crash.net articles.

I'm beginning to think the Coulthard rumour could have been leaked to make us accept another year of Legard anyway.

We also have no news of any contract renewal. He was originally confirmed 24/11/08 so if his contract was for 2 calendar years, or even until the end of 2010, then it has expired.

There's not going to be any 'proof' until we get an announcement, meanwhile the lack of proof is at least quite encouraging I think. With all the speculation, it would be normal to confirm that the existing team is carrying on. So they are at least thinking about it, as per the rumours.

#7283 johnmhinds

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 14:33

Well Legards twitter still has him listed as "BBC F1 Commentator". And he is still tweeting about F1 stories under that title.
Which would seem to be very odd behaviour for someone who's contract apparently ran out months ago.

God knows how any of you know claim to know the details of his job contract anyway.

#7284 Mastah

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 14:48

f1fanatic_co_uk Keith Collantine
BBC say they haven't decided on the line-up for their #F1 coverage team this year.

#7285 undersquare

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 14:53

Well Legards twitter still has him listed as "BBC F1 Commentator". And he is still tweeting about F1 stories under that title.
Which would seem to be very odd behaviour for someone who's contract apparently ran out months ago.

God knows how any of you know claim to know the details of his job contract anyway.

"While Brundle has a year of his contract still to run, Legard's is up for renewal." Pitpass

We don't know, obviously there's no 'proof'. Doesn't mean he's staying, doesn't mean he's going. One batch of 3 tweets this year isn't 'proof' either, and if he did change his occupation on his Twitter account that would be pre-empting the BBC's announcement.

Meanwhile if his contract had been renewed, we might have heard. So at the very least there are grounds for hope.

#7286 Don_Humpador

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 15:10

From the BBC website today:-

Jake Humphrey will present the TV coverage, joined by 13-time grand prix winner David Coulthard and former team boss Eddie Jordan as pundits.
Jonathan Legard will commentate alongside award-winning broadcaster and former F1 driver Martin Brundle.
The pit lane reporters will be Ted Kravitz and Lee McKenzie

Why are they lying to us about this? All the real experts have reported that Legard has been sent packing...

Where is this exactly?

#7287 undersquare

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 15:22

Where is this exactly?


The page is a bit of a mess though, still says 19 races for example, and Holly Samos.

#7288 chdphd

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 15:23

Where is this exactly?


Discussed here: http://forums.autosp...a...t&p=4777878

#7289 D.M.N.

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 15:49

Please, that page is not official, and has not been updated at all so far in 2011. They need to update and change a lot of things on that page. I imagine that will be done soon once they are ready to announce changes, providing there are any to announce.

Edited by D.M.N., 10 January 2011 - 15:53.

#7290 wewantourdarbyback

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 15:51

This thread has always been a circle, but it seems to be turning into some form of spiral that'll eventually reach a centre and implode, probably shattering the universe.

#7291 midgrid

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 16:01

This thread has always been a circle, but it seems to be turning into some form of spiral that'll eventually reach a centre and implode, probably shattering the universe.

I think the mods will lock it before that happens. We need a new 2011 thread, anyway. :p

#7292 D.M.N.

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 16:04

We need a new 2011 thread, anyway. :p

Good idea!

#7293 Victor_RO

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 16:07

Thread locked. Please go ahead and create the 2011 thread. :)