Preis von Ostschweiz-Erlen
Posted 17 December 2000 - 12:42
You can read below what I know about the Preis von Ostchweiz. But I would like to have more info of the events.
I never see a picture of the track. I suppose it was a road track.
Was it dangerous like Bremgarten (trees and fast curves) ?
When did the first edition of the race take part and who won ? I know a meeting was held on 21 and 22 May 1949, called in German RUNDSTRECKENRENNEN ERLEN.
It seems to be a national meeting with four classes: Sportscars (<1500 cc), Sportscars (>1500 cc), Racingcars (<1100 cc) and Racingcars (>1500 cc).
Emmannuel de Graffenried won the main race with his Maserati 4CLT ahead of Ernest Ramseyer (Maserati) and Frankie Séchehaye). In fact it was an all-Maserati race.
The 1100cc-class was an all-Cisitalia class, won by Noverras ahead of Humgert Joly and Max de Terra.
Jean Studer won the Sportscars race (Alfa Romeo 2900cc) and Peter Hirt the Sportscars little class (AFM 1492 cc).
After 1951, were there another international event in this circuit ? Why did the event disappear ?
More info welcome !!!
In 1950 and 1951 the race was reserved for F2 and the Ferraris won each time.
7 May 1950, 2nd (?) Preis von Ostchweiz Erlen
On that day Ferrari managed to win three F2 races the same day ! Ascari won at Modena (Italy) in front of another Ferrari's driver Tadini. Raymond Sommer won the GP de l'Automobile Club du Nord at Roubaix (France) while Villoresi was the winner at Erlen.
Scuderia Ferrari entered Luigi Villoresi and Roberto Vallone. The Gordini's team entered 2 official cars for the Swiss Emmanuel de Graffenried and Roger Loyer. Anton Branco rent another Gordini for the year, his car having a white bonnet and a red nose. Ernest Seiler had at his disposal a 1500 cc Gordini. The German Toni Ulmen drove a German car, a Veritas. Among the other Swiss Rudi Fischer drove his own Osca MT4.
The two Ferraris outclassed the race but Toulou de Graffenried stayed for a long time in the wheels of the two Italians. He set fastest lap after the half-race. He was not rewarded for his effort. In the last laps his engine went onto three cylinders and he was only 10th. Villoresi won, his team-mate Vallone was second. Ulmen took the third place and Fischer was 4th.
Despite he only drove a Gordini once (in this race), Toulou de Graffenried liked the car and found this little one terrific to drive, so manoeuvrable, a little jewel.
Results (40 laps = 112 km or 69.6 m)
1 Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 166 F2 #26
2 Franco Vallone Ferrari 166 F2 #28
3 Toni Ulmen Veritas
4 Rudi Fischer Osca MT4-1103 1.1-litre
5 Anton Branca Simca Gordini T15 15GC #30
8 Roger Loyer Simca Gordini T15 08GC
10 Emmanuel de Graffenried Simca Gordini T15 09GC #22
DNF Ernst Seiller Simca Gordini T15 n°8
12 August 1951, Preis von Ostchweiz Erlen
The GP was summarised by a duel between Ferrari and Gordini. The HWM, with de Graffenried and Stirling Moss, and AFM, with Hans Stuck, were outclassed in power and road holding and couldn't play a great part in the race.
The race had 20 laps more than the previous year, 60 laps (168 km = 104,4 m). At the beginning of the race, Manzon and Simon set the fastest lap with their Gordini. The battle raged between the Ferraris of Peter Whitehead and Rudi Fischer and the blue cars of Simon, Manzon and Tritignant. Trintignant had mechanical problems and retired. The two Gordinis never overtook the Ferraris who won.
1 Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 with a 166 2-litre engine n°#34
2 Rudi Fischer Ferrari
3 Robert Manzon Simca Gordini T11 04GC 05 T16 #22
4 André Simon Simca Gordini T15 11GC 01 T16 #24
7 Franco Cortese Ferrari 166 F2-06C #32
DNF Maurice Trintignant Simca Gordini T15 12GC 04 T16 #26
Posted 17 December 2000 - 13:06
Posted 17 December 2000 - 13:51
most probably only national race
50 laps=140 km
1. Emmanuel de Graffenried - CH - Maserati 4CLT 1500ccc 2st s/c - 50laps - 1:19:29,8=105,66 kmh
2. Ernst Ramseyer - CH - Maserati 1500 s/c - 48laps - 1:20:44,9
3. Frankie Séchehaye - CH - Maserati 1500 s/c - 48 laps - 1:21:08,8
4. L(ouis?) Noverraz - CH - Cisitalia 1090 ccm - 46 laps - 1:20:02,5=96,551 kmh /1. class 1100 ccm
5. Humbert Jolly - CH - Cisitalia 1090 ccm - 46 laps - 1:20:31,8
6. Max de Terra - CH - Cisitalia 1089 ccm - 45 laps - 1:19:31,6
7. Max Christen - CH - Maserati 1500 s/c - 43 laps - 1:19:56,9
8. Tony Branca - CH - Maserati 1500 s/c - 16 laps - 1:21:13,0
F. Bernheim - CH - Cisitalia 1090 ccm - 1 lap
Charles Reimann - Maserati 1500 s/c - 2 laps
Graffenried 1:30,0=112 kmh
Noverraz 1:40,8=99,999 kmh
Posted 17 December 2000 - 14:26
And now the sportscars race:
Under 1500 cc
30 laps = 84 km
1- Peter Hirt AFM 1492 cc 30 laps 53'12.1" (94.733 km/h)
2- Ernst Seiler MG 1250 cc 30 laps 53'56.1"
3- Leonhard Quadri ND Maserati 1500 cc 29 laps
4- "Hervé" MG 1087 cc 29 laps
5- Willy Zoller MG 1250 cc 29 laps
6- Walter Wüest Cisitalia 1098 cc 29 laps
7- Harry Zweifel MG 1250 cc 28 laps
8- Maurice Besançon MG 1250 cc 27 laps
9- August Holliger MG TC 1250 cc 27 laps
10- Ernst Sommerhalder MG 1250 cc 26 laps
FL- Peter Hirt AFM 1'42.6"
Ernest Dinichert MG 1098 cc 17 laps
Otto Baer MG 1250 cc 8 laps
Henry Roos Fiat 1100 cc 8 laps
Hans Fehr Fiat-Fehr 5 laps
F. Helbling MG 1250 cc 2 laps
Franz Hammernick BMW 1490 cc 0 lap
Guy Reyfer (MG 1250 cc), Dalibor Hajek (MG 1250 cc), Hans Schuler (Veritas 1498 cc), Otto Notter (Veritas BMW 1498 cc), Max De Terra (BMW 1490 cc)
Sportscars up to 1500cc (40 laps = 112 km)
1- Jean Studer Alfa Romeo 2904 cc 40 laps 1h 7'3.2" (99.97 km/h)
2- Hans Waeffler BMW 1971 cc 38 laps
3- Fritz Künzi Alfa Romeo 2900 cc 38 laps
4- Walter Wehrli Alfa Romeo 2300 cc 38 laps
5- Albert Scherrer Alfa Romeo 2300 cc 38 laps
6- Felix Endrich Gatso 3916 cc 38 laps
7- Peter Staechelin BMW 1957 cc 37 laps
FL- Jean Studer Alfa Romeo 1'32.9" (108.503 km/h)
Kurt Halter BMW 1976 cc 11 laps
Paul Glauser Alfa Romeo 2906 cc 7 laps
Willy Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 4495 cc
Hans Ernst Alfa Romeo 2905 cc
Ouf !!
Was it Tony, Toni or Anton Branca ? I admit it's nearly the same !!
Posted 17 December 2000 - 18:11
fischer (120 leads Moss(4) Manzon, Ulman (14), Whitehead, Trintingnant.
One interesting feature of the circuit, is that there was only 12m difference between the highest and the lowest point. Quite unusual for Switzerland.
Posted 17 December 2000 - 21:30
Below Hans Stuck with the AFM, following up are Roberto Vallone with a Ferrari 166 F2/49, and Luigi Villoresi with a similar car.

Here a more detailed picture of Villoresi, followed by Toni Ulmen. Believe Fines knows more about Ulmen's car.

Erlen is located in North-East Switzerland, near the Bodensee (what is this in English?), so not in the mountains.
Posted 17 December 2000 - 22:33
Roger, the picture from the 1951 start is somewhat unclear at the edge, can you tell me if Ulmen's driving the same car as in the photograph from 1950? Or is the driving position offset? He had two Veritas which he used in F2 events, and apart from pictures it's hard to tell which one appeared at which race!
Posted 17 December 2000 - 23:14
Posted 18 December 2000 - 20:14

Posted 19 December 2000 - 21:28
1 de Graffenried (Maserati 4CL)
2 Rudi Fischer (Simca-Gordini)
3 Walter Wüst (Cisitalia)
4 Toni Branca (Maserati 4CL)
5 Humbert Joly (Cisitalia)
Richard Ramseyer (Maserati 6CM)
Claude Bernheim (Cisitalia)
André Canonica (Cisitalia)
Frankie Séchehaye (Maerati 4CL)
Hans Kaufmann (Maserati)
Max Renz (Sigurd Hansen’s BMW special)
No other details known
other winners:
“Hervé” (MG K3)
Posted 19 December 2000 - 22:25
III Preis der Ostschweiz
Erlen: 2.8 km
40 laps (112.0 km)
1 Luigi Villoresi, #26 Ferrari 166F2, 40 laps, 1:01'55.3" (108.27 kph)
2 Roberto Vallone, #28 Ferrari 166F2, 40 laps, 1:01'56.9"
3 Toni Ulmen, #20 Veritas (Special), 40 laps, 1:02'45.2"
4 Rudolf Fischer, #2 OSCA MT4 '1103' (1400cc), 40 laps, 1:03'07.7"
5 Toni Branca, #30 Simca-Gordini 15 '015', 39 laps, running
6 Alexander Orley, #4 METEOR, 39 laps, running
7 Claude Bernheim, #16 Cisitalia D48 '036' (1200cc Abarth), 39 laps, running
8 Roger Loyer, #24 Simca-Gordini 15 '016', 38 laps, running
9 Fritz Rieß, #6 HH 48, 36 laps, running
10 Emanuel de Graffenried, #22 Simca-Gordini 15 '009', 36 laps, running
11 Alfred Dattner, #32 Simca-Gordini 15 '004', 35 laps, running
12 Humbert Joly, #38 Cisitalia D46, 9 laps, rear axle
13 Paul Glauser, #10 Veritas Meteor '(02)', 8 laps, retired
14 Hans Stuck, #14 AFM 49 '001', 5 laps, engine
15 Ernst Seiler, #8 Simca-Gordini 15 '005', 2laps, withdrawn
16 Peter Hirt, #12 Veritas Meteor '(03)', DNS
FL Graffenried, 1'28.9" (113.385 kph)
Grid (2-1-2, l-r):
Vallone - Villoresi
Ulmen - Graffenried
Orley - Seiler
Rieß - Fischer
Dattner - Bernheim
Lap 1: Stuck, Vallone, Ulmen, Villoresi etc. (10th Rieß)
Lap 4: Stuck, Vallone, Villoresi, Ulmen etc.
Lap 6: Vallone, Villoresi, Ulmen etc.
Lap 8: Villoresi, Vallone, Ulmen (-23") etc. (6th Rieß)
Lap ?: Villoresi, Vallone, Ulmen, Fischer, Rieß etc.
Lap 15: Villoresi, Vallone, Ulmen (-35"), Fischer, Rieß (-1 lap) etc.
Lap 22: Villoresi, Vallone, Ulmen (-63"), Fischer etc.
Support race for sports cars (750cc):
1 Feierabend, Crosmobils Hotchot
Posted 19 December 2000 - 23:15
I'm staying with one of my original question. Do you know why this International (F2) race disappeared after the 1951's edition?
Looking to the pictures, the track seemed narrow and cobbled. Was it adapted to fast cars (even it was "only" F2) ?
Were there nationnal events after, in the same circuit, until 1955, as we know racing in circuit would be banned after the disaster of Le Mans ?
Posted 20 December 2000 - 20:56

IV Preis der Ostschweiz
Erlen: 2.8 km
60 laps (168.0 km)
1 Peter Whitehead, #34 Ferrari 166F2, 60 laps, 1:26'41.3" (116.276 kph)
2 Rudolf Fischer, #12 Ferrari 166F2, 60 laps, 1:26'56.4"
3 Robert Manzon, #22 Simca-Gordini 16 '014', 60 laps, 1:27'03.8"
4 André Simon, #24 Simca-Gordini 16 '011', 60 laps, 1:27'05.7"
5 Lance Macklin, #6 HWM 51, 58 laps, running
6 Fritz Rieß, #18 AFM 50 '003', 58 laps, running
7 Franco Cortese, #32 Ferrari 166F2, 57 laps, running
8 Hans Stuck, #28 AFM 50 '004' (Küchen V8), 49 laps, running
9 Maurice Trintignant, #26 Simca-Gordini 16 '012', 27 laps, engine
10 Stirling Moss, #4 HWM 51, 26 laps, suspension
11 Toni Ulmen, #14 Veritas RS '01', 18 laps, gearbox
12 Piero Carini, #30 OSCA MT4, 11 laps, plugs
13 Emanuel de Graffenried, #8 HWM 51, 10 laps, universal joint
14 Paul Pietsch, #16 Veritas Meteor '(06)', 4 laps, head gasket
15 Toni Branca, #20 Simca-Gordini 15 '015', 1 lap, ignition
16 Peter Hirt, #2 Veritas Meteor '(03)', DNS
17 Willi Daetwyler, #10 HWM 51, DNS
FL Manzon & Simon, 1'25.2"
Grid (2-1-2, r-l):
Fischer (1'25.4") - Moss (1'24.9")
Manzon (1'25.7")
Ulmen (1'26.0") - Trintignant (1'25.9")
Whitehead (1'26.9")
Rieß (1'27.4") - Simon (1'27.0")
Stuck (1'27.5")
Carini (1'29.2") - Graffenried (1'27.7")
Branca (1'29.5")
Cortese (1'29.6") - Macklin (1'29.5")
Pietsch (1'31.6")
Lap leaders: Moss (1-6, 10-26), Fischer (7-9, 27-29), Whitehead (30-60)
Some notes:
- One German source has Ulmen with 27 laps completed and Pietsch with 2. However, it also states that Macklin drove the leading HWM, so we can assume it secondary.
- Stuck stopped several times with clutch and plug troubles.
- The Gordini chassis numbers are mostly from Paul Sheldon who has them mixed up several times, so don't rely on them, there should be better sources. Also the OSCA and Cisitalia chassis numbers are from Sheldon and otherwise unchecked.
- Ferrari chassis numbers are not included since this subject is still under heavy investigation. Suffice to say that both Whitehead and Fischer drove the cars they also used for F1, in both cases probably rebuilt 1950 works cars. Cortese should have had his usual F2, probably a 1948 F1 chassis.
- It is now clear that Ulmen drove the Großmutter in 1951 since the Special was probably wrecked at Naples, June 24. All other Veritas chassis numbers are estimates. The METEOR of Orley was a one-off monoposto built in France, 1948, of imported Veritas parts. By 1950 it was probably entered as a Veritas.
- The grid for the 1950 race should also be r-l, i.e. Villoresi on pole.
- Rieß had a long pit stop in that race, also Graffenried. The Swiss also had a spin later in the race, after recording the fastest lap.
- Notice how much speeds had improved in just 15 months!
Posted 20 December 2000 - 21:15
1 Graffenried, 50 laps, 1:22'14.8"
2 Fischer, 50 laps, 1:23'32.6"
3 Wüst, 48 laps, 1:22'22.3"
4 Branca, 47 laps, 1:22'45.4"
5 Joly, 43 laps, 1:23'30.6"
6 Canonica, 12 laps, retired
7 Ramseyer, 8 laps, gearbox
8 Bernheim, 0 laps, engine
9 Renz, DNS
FL Graffenried, 1'31.6"
Grid (2-1-2, r-l):
Branca (1'29.5") - Graffenried (1'26.8")
Fischer (1'33.1")
Bernheim (1'37.1") - Wüst (1'36.2")
Ramseyer (1'41.2")
Joly (1'43.6") - Canonica (1'41.2")
Renz (2'00.7")
Lap leaders: Graffenried (1, 30-50), Fischer (2-29)
- Graffenried changed a wheel on lap 2
- Branca ran second for most of the race before experiencing trouble of unspecified manner
Posted 20 December 2000 - 21:23
Branca (1'39.2") - Graffenried (1'36.7")
Reimann (1'43.9")
Ramseyer (1'49.4") - Séchehaye (1'44.7")
Christen (1'57.6")
Joly (1'42.5") - Terra (1'41.0")
Noverraz (1'52.3")
Bernheim (2'02.5")
Entry list:
2 Graffenried
4 Séchehaye
6 Christen
8 Branca
10 Reimann
12 Ramseyer
16 Joly
18 Terra
20 Bernheim
22 Noverraz
Entry list for 1948 race:
2 Bernheim
4 Canonica
6 Fischer
8 Wüst
10 Joly
12 Graffenried
14 Franck Séchehaye, (Graffenried) Maserati 4CL (DNA)
16 Branca
18 Renz
22 Ramseyer
Posted 20 December 2000 - 21:30
- Lap leader: Graffenried (1-50)
- Branca called at the pits on lap 2 for unspecified reasons
- Séchehaye ran second for most of the early race before a minor accident
- This was the very first race for Terra in a racing car
Posted 21 December 2000 - 23:09