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Your Favorite Racing Game From The Last 10 years

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#101 DutchAutosportFan

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 13:43

F1 1998 on PS1

Grandprix 2
Grandprix 3
Grandprix 4
Toca 2 on PC and PS1
F12002  on PC
F1C on PC (made some mods for it)

Edited by DutchAutosportFan, 07 November 2014 - 13:44.


#102 sennafan24

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 13:45

I really liked F1 Championship Edition on PS3

#103 Nonesuch

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 23:17

Live for Speed is the game I spent the most amount of time with, and it's the only game that has made online racing enjoyable for me. Its handling across a wide variety of cars also makes it a clear favourite, and I also like that it uses fictional tracks. The ease with which one can use and distribute custom car liveries also remains unmatched. Unfortunately no major development has happened for almost 10 years (it barely fits the criteria of the thread!), but it has held up surprisingly well.


Edited by Nonesuch, 12 November 2014 - 23:21.

#104 hittheapex

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Posted 14 November 2014 - 13:17

I haven't seriously played any new games for a few years and never had a computer that was great at running games, but a few that stand out for me:


Gran Turismo 4-Possibly the most complete racing game. Was a big step up on the previous versions for me, some great new original tracks and additions of other fantastic tracks such as Suzuka, Nordschleife and Le Mans. There was a fantastic variety of cars, and besides the different racing modes, one could be a "team manager" in B-spec and I found that fun sometimes. I remember doing a 24 hour endurance race (sped up 3x of course) where my car was faster but tyre wear was higher than the others. I figured out that pushing harder and making more pit stops was faster, and I won by less than a lap over "24" hours. That was satisfying. Countless great times with friends on multiplayer too.


F1 Challenge 99-02: The career was a good concept and I had endless fun racing as different drivers from the past, as I had not had the chance to play as those drivers on previous games as I didn't have a Playstation at the time.


Need for Speed: Just a lot of fun, the drag races against friends are addictive because once you both get the idea of it, it's always so close and it's fun jinking around and trying to break your friends concentration on avoiding traffic :lol:  Burnout Takedown was great for a laugh too.


TOCA Race Driver 2-Great fun trying the different series and lots of different circuits.

#105 gilez

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Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:13

Assetto Corsa. Driving the Ferrari 458 GT2 with its engine screaming around the corners of Mugello, Spa, Monza, Imola.. great stuff.

#106 The Kanisteri

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 13:49


Need for Speed: Just a lot of fun, the drag races against friends are addictive because once you both get the idea of it, it's always so close and it's fun jinking around and trying to break your friends concentration on avoiding traffic :lol:


I don't remember Need For Speed having drag racing. Unless you mean those games Electronic Arts has vomited after Need For Speed (5) Porsche Unleashed...

#107 GoldenColt

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Posted 28 November 2014 - 15:30

F1 2000 on PS One. If you were really good at it, you didn't even have to use the brake-pedal at all, lifting the throttle was more than enough. Plus, it had a Safety Car. Something Codemasters have only implemented in 2011 and it hasn't been faultless ever since.

#108 hittheapex

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Posted 29 November 2014 - 00:48

I don't remember Need For Speed having drag racing. Unless you mean those games Electronic Arts has vomited after Need For Speed (5) Porsche Unleashed...

I'm afraid I do, haha. I remember the Porsche Unleashed, that was a fun game as well, but I had to go round to my mate's to play it as I didn't have a Playstation at that time.

#109 stenovitz

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 23:43

GTR2. Without any doubt.

Mainly due to the base Sim engine.

Mainly due to the vast number of mods and tracks.

Yes, there's a tad more in rFactor, but I prefer SimBin's way of defining 'sim'. Moreover, it's quite easy to finetune mods, mixing classes, setting up personal championships and so on. Which includes the family WTCC, Race07, STCC, STCC2 and in some manner RaceRoom, too.

Speaking online, I've invested lots of hours with SimRaceWay and iRacing a bit as well. I really like the sim engine in iRacing.

Assetto Corsa I like some mods, too, but I think it needs further polishment before an official release, the sim part feels too much 'Grid' like with a touch of NFS Shift. Not my style.

I really hope the ppl at Slightly Mad Studios copy some of their SimBin fellows work talking the sim part of upcoming Project C.A.R.S.


Speaking rally, I still play Colin McRae Rally 2, yes It's old, but the basic rally sim part engine was done that time, though I enjoy playing the latest WRC releases and Dirt-series, too.


But I like the retro part just as I really enjoy unearthing my Speed King for C64 once in a while - my first racing game I would call 'sim'  :D


/Edited due to some nonsence auto-correction from my new smartphone in the original post.

Edited by stenovitz, 06 December 2014 - 10:59.

#110 stenovitz

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 23:45

And speaking the last 20 years, Geoffrey Crammond's Grand Prix 2 :-)

#111 The Kanisteri

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 14:23

I'm afraid I do, haha. I remember the Porsche Unleashed, that was a fun game as well, but I had to go round to my mate's to play it as I didn't have a Playstation at that time.

Need for Speed Road and Track (and special edition) had no drag racing (best game of serie in my opinion! You should try it with uh...abandoware and dosbox emulator!)

Need for Speed II and Special Edition had no drag racing but you were able to rutn araound and drive wrong direction of track.

Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit had police chases, you were able to play as cop and you were able to lay spike strips. But no drag racing.

Need for Speed IV: Road Challenge had first time car damage (body dents and parts fatique) but no drag racing.

Need for Speed Porsche 2000 had career run as Porsche test driver or/and racing career by time and you were able to make lot of money investing on cars at some era and decade later sell them with big margins. Most important, it had working indicator lights! But no drag racing.


After that, **** hit the fan and EA released lot of **** car games under emblem of Need for Speed and they indeed had drag racing. RIP Need for Speed 1994-2000

#112 Sangei

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Posted 06 December 2014 - 09:58

Colin McRae Rally - 2004 of release :stoned:

#113 chrisPB15

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Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:15

'Live for speed' is the racing game I got on best with, although  I've never been too bothered about driving games that concentrate on physics and creating the perfect sim. I used to like arcade game Daytona USA that was far livlier than anything on the PC at the time despite the cars not being realistic.

Rather than all out perfect physics, I'd like to see better AI and randomness/real life quirks, performance and relaibilty issues presenting opportunities and different scenarios.

#114 Andrew Hope

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 18:46

There should be a part in the fine print for the license agreement when you purchase rFactor that side-effects may include a disinterest in personal hygeine, complete lack of will to sleep, work, eat or drink, and a suffocating inability to find the urge to do anything that isn't playing more rFactor.

#115 911

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 01:30

My favorite game is F12001 on PS2.  I am probably in the minority here, but I really thought the physics were pretty good in that one.  I always heard great things about F197 on PS1 but never had a chance to play it.

#116 werks prototype

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 11:41

These are the ones that have gripped me over the years.


Virtua Racing (The linked up version in the arcade + the 32x version, that was a bit good, too).


World Driver Championship (No one ever mentions that one, great handling on the old N64)


TOCA World Touring Cars Ps1


WRC Rally Evolved Ps2


F1 2003 Ps2


Tourist Trophy Ps2


Colin McRae 1 PC


Colin McRae 2005 Xbox


Outrun 2006 Coast To Coast Xbox


Richard Burns Rally Xbox


F- ZERO GX Gamecube (Too fast for me, but treats you mean, keeps you keen)


XGRA Gamecube


R. Racing Gamecube


Trackmania Wii


Sega Rally Saturn


Manx TT Saturn


Daytona USA 2001 Dreamcast


Le Mans 24hr Dreamcast


Sega GT Dreamcast


F355 Challenge Dreamcast (Steep steep learning curve, I was rubbish at it, but loved the idea)


Sega Rally 360


Test Drive Unlimited 360


Forza 2 360


PGR4 360


Wipeout Pure PsP


Rage Racer Ps1


Ridge Racer Type-4 Ps1


Ridge Racer 6 Xbox


Ridge Racer 7 Ps3


Mobil Rally Championship PC

#117 mahelgel

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 12:24

If you go back a bit more than 10 years, the game that i played most would be GPL... Then later probably Iracing and most recent Assetto Corsa (AC) and Raceroom Racing Experience (R3E).  


R3E might not have the most realistic physics compared to Iracing, but i have less time to spend on simracing these days, and R3E has a nice feel to it and is more fun for me as a casual player. If i had more time to invest in simracing, i guess Iracing probably would be my favorite, but it demands quite a bit of commitment to go from frustration to enjoyment :)


I also have this urge to try every racingsim that is out there, so i often go on steam or such and get a new sim, drive a bit, only to revert back to R3E, AC and Iracing...

#118 werks prototype

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 13:07

If you go back a bit more than 10 years, the game that i played most would be GPL... Then later probably Iracing and most recent Assetto Corsa (AC) and Raceroom Racing Experience (R3E).  


R3E might not have the most realistic physics compared to Iracing, but i have less time to spend on simracing these days, and R3E has a nice feel to it and is more fun for me as a casual player. If i had more time to invest in simracing, i guess Iracing probably would be my favorite, but it demands quite a bit of commitment to go from frustration to enjoyment :)


I also have this urge to try every racingsim that is out there, so i often go on steam or such and get a new sim, drive a bit, only to revert back to R3E, AC and Iracing...


Yes, I do. I always try the new ones.


Thing is, I'm rubbish with Sims (The only one I really tried to conquer was Richard Burns Rally, and I'm not sure if that even counts). But anyway, ever since Hamilton said that the Mercedes sim is still nothing like reality anyway, well, let's just say, I don't feel so bad now, maybe the sims aren't sim enough for me, I tell myself (doubt it).  :) 

#119 balage06

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Posted 12 July 2016 - 13:45

Well, it's really hard to pick just one. I started playing racing games more than 20 years ago  :eek: Which is kinda shocking, because I'm not much older than that  :D


These have been my favourites throughout the years:


Indianapolis 500




F1 2002

F1C '99-'02 - GTR

rFactor - GTR2 - GTL


Race07 + Expansion Packs

RaceRoom - GSC/SCE/Automobilista


And I played many hours with the Colin McRae/DIRT series, but I've never been a huge fan of offroad racing in general. I also own Richard Burns Rally, but I never had the skills to play with it properly.  :lol:


Probably my absolute favourites are the games from SimBin/Sector3, those are challenging enough, but not so hardcore like iRacing, so they are perfect for an experienced, but casual gamer like me. :p

Edited by balage06, 12 July 2016 - 13:50.


#120 mahelgel

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Posted 12 July 2016 - 16:23

Well, it's really hard to pick just one. I started playing racing games more than 20 years ago  :eek: Which is kinda shocking, because I'm not much older than that  :D


These have been my favourites throughout the years:


Indianapolis 500









Before GPL i spendt quite some time with indy500, GP1 and especially GP2, then Indycar1 and Indycar2... 

#121 Afterburner

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 01:05

These are the ones that have gripped me over the years.


F- ZERO GX Gamecube (Too fast for me, but treats you mean, keeps you keen)

Aeropolis Multiplex in a custom machine with the Triple-Z booster: holy CRAP.

#122 werks prototype

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 06:56

Aeropolis Multiplex in a custom machine with the Triple-Z booster: holy CRAP.


I'll never understand quite how they managed to pull that game off, given the technical limitations of the hardware, at the time. It's practically locked at 60 fps. We are told that we are lucky if we get that with the current gen. :)

#123 Afterburner

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Posted 14 July 2016 - 02:18

I'll never understand quite how they managed to pull that game off, given the technical limitations of the hardware, at the time. It's practically locked at 60 fps. We are told that we are lucky if we get that with the current gen. :)

I remember reading an article about this game years ago... as far as I know, the developers said it ran off a heavily modified version of the Super Monkey Ball engine with an advanced texture-handling algorithm that used loopholes in the graphics memory/processing. Considering 480p was the highest resolution the console could have, it's pretty insane it managed to look as good as it does. I have never played a game in which the sensation of speed has been so intense.


As much as I loved it for that, though, I enjoy the gameplay on the N64 version better because the physics engine wasn't completely broken (the N64 one was also capped at 60 fps, unheard of on that console, lol). GX lacked a random track generator, which is the feature that keeps me coming back to the N64 version even now. If they did another one, I hope it manages to be a combination of the two.


Lots of great memories. I played the crap out of all the Aeropolis and Lightning tracks. :lol:


EDIT: And I just realized that a later version of Extreme-G was on your list as well. The original on the N64 would've been amazing if it'd had the graphics from F-Zero GX. :p

Edited by Afterburner, 14 July 2016 - 02:24.

#124 werks prototype

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Posted 14 July 2016 - 18:01

I remember reading an article about this game years ago... as far as I know, the developers said it ran off a heavily modified version of the Super Monkey Ball engine with an advanced texture-handling algorithm that used loopholes in the graphics memory/processing. Considering 480p was the highest resolution the console could have, it's pretty insane it managed to look as good as it does. I have never played a game in which the sensation of speed has been so intense.


As much as I loved it for that, though, I enjoy the gameplay on the N64 version better because the physics engine wasn't completely broken (the N64 one was also capped at 60 fps, unheard of on that console, lol). GX lacked a random track generator, which is the feature that keeps me coming back to the N64 version even now. If they did another one, I hope it manages to be a combination of the two.


Lots of great memories. I played the crap out of all the Aeropolis and Lightning tracks. :lol:


EDIT: And I just realized that a later version of Extreme-G was on your list as well. The original on the N64 would've been amazing if it'd had the graphics from F-Zero GX. :p




Re: the random track generator and F-Zero X on the 64, I always wanted to import one of those semi-exotic DD devices, that included an F-Zero X track and car editor. It's such a shame that they couldn't have bunged that on the standard cartridge, and given it a global release. (I would have required a step-down voltage converter to run the DD in the UK).


I've kept, F-Zero, F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, all for posterity.


Re: XGRA. You are right about XGRA being a late release, I think XGRA is technically something like Extreme G 4 (the last on the gamecube). Blindingly fast, too. Not quite the same class as the F-Zero series though.

#125 Xentas

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Posted 18 September 2016 - 19:46

F1 Challenge 99-02, stopped playing that a number of years ago when the race rooms declined a lot, i used to enjoy racing around Minardi, Arrows and Renault cars around on that, usually scoring a lotwins against other players more often than not. there haven't been that many racing games that have lasted as long as the amount of time i spent on that game. getting a 1:16.1 in a 2002 minardi around Imola was no small feat or a 1:24.1 in australia with an arrows as well. Most other players couldn't keep up. with that no-cd patch it eliminated the new player joining freeze up, sometimes it caused mismatch.


i missed dominating other players on that game in these backmarker cars. :rotfl:

Edited by Xentas, 18 September 2016 - 19:46.

#126 DaanF1

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Posted 18 October 2016 - 21:13

Forza Motorsport 2. Played that game so much. Also Live for Speed is worth to mention.

Right now.. playing Project Cars and F1 2016. Anxtiously waiting for the new Gran Turismo game.

#127 werks prototype

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Posted 19 October 2016 - 14:01

Forza 2 and 4 were both great.


For some reason I couldn't get along with 3.


WRC 6 is currently quite good, but it's definitely using an arcade, rather than a sim engine. It's fun, but dumbed down in comparison to DiRT.

#128 Nemo1965

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 17:48

I would say:


Gp2 - because changing the set-ups worked so well.

Gp3 - Dito - and it still has a clunky quality why I still play it

Gp4 - Only after the game basically became free-ware and you can mod it, otherwise it was unplayable.

rFactor. Only after I learned how to mod the AI-opponents.


I have played A LOT of game sin life, on the PC, on the XBox, on the Gameboy. But I am sure that three memories will stay with me for a long time:


- Playing the historic 1979 rFactor mod, which was on most tracks too difficult for me. But I had one glorious race at Zolder, driving a Williams against the virtual Gilles Villeneuve in the Ferrari. Remember that famous quote of Alan Jones about Gilles Villeneuve? Briefly the Williams went as much as 3sec in front — but then Gilles was right back on its tail. "Couldn't believe it," grinned Alan. "Suddenly that bloody red shitbox was right there again! Never enjoyed racing with anyone like Gilles..." That was exactly the race I had against the AI. I would push, get comfortable in front... and then the virtual Gilles was in my slipstream again. Thirty laps or so long... It was surreal, thinking about the quote of Jones while I was racing, and living it.


- Playing the 1982 mod for GP4. I had edited the game and the season, I was the replacement for Gilles in the Ferrari, halfway the season. I was leading the last Grand Prix, on my way of winning the virtual season, thinking: 'Okay, so I don't follow the season of 1982 exactly.' Then my engine blew up, ten laps before the end. A certain virtual driver was promoted to fifth and became world champion. Who? The virtual Keke Rosberg...


- And at last, playing the historic F1 1991 mod for rFactor (the best mod for rFactor, ever). Driving the Williams I was leading in Adelaide, and I had to finish two places ahead of Senna to win the championship. The whole race he was second to me. I finished the lap, paused play and looked if he was still second. He was not. In the last lap, on the last straight behind the pits, my virtual teammate Nigel Mansell had overtaken him...


You can't make stuff like that up... but sometimes games can make it up for you! :stoned:

#129 rodnet1

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Posted 01 November 2016 - 11:37

For me one racing game stands out: GPL. 

I used to play around with GP2 but after GPL came out I never looked back. I played it frequently for about 8 years and than became addicted to NkPro for a short while, the prequel to Assetto Corsa.

Nowadays I sometimes take a spin in a Lotus or Ferrari at the Nurburgring, always with GPL. I still follow the fora and I downloaded the CanAm mod, just to satisfy my curiosity. But I do not race online often anymore.  

#130 PayasYouRace

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Posted 01 November 2016 - 19:14

I dug out my GPL disk the other day and I've been playing it, with recent upgrades that make the game look a lot better. Still hard as nails though, especially when you don't have a wheel.


It's coming up to 20 years old now. That's madness! If you made a game today set similarly in the past to GPL, it would be based on the 1985 season! 

#131 messy

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Posted 01 November 2016 - 21:17

Forza 2 and 4 were both great.
For some reason I couldn't get along with 3.
WRC 6 is currently quite good, but it's definitely using an arcade, rather than a sim engine. It's fun, but dumbed down in comparison to DiRT.

I'm pleasantly surprised by WRC6, it's pretty decent. More in line with the old Evolution Studios PS2 games than the rubbish Milestone games. DiRT Rally is superb though. It's so far ahead of the other Rally games it's almost funny. Playing Rally GB in WRC6 is good fun, then you compare it with DiRT and it's like another world. Playing it the other day I was thinking, this is as good as the original Colin McRae Rally was (for its time) in 1998. A masterpiece. I just wish it had more content. A few new DLC locations, a slightly bigger choice of cars, and it would be perfect. I don't think any DLC is coming now, though.

My biggest 'virtual racing memory' is from TOCA 2 years and years and years ago. Driving a Nissan Primera, I was instantly the quickest driver from the opening race at Thruxton, won the sprint race from pole. But I kept finding ways to screw up too. I won something like 13 races playing through the season, so half, but went into the Silverstone finale a few points behind my team-mate, the late David Leslie in virtual form. I dominated all weekend, won both races comfortably, but I needed Leslie to finish off the podium in the final race to win the title. Going into the final few corners I got the little notification behind me that showed that Rydell was second, Menu was third. I'd won it. As a 13 year old or something, and I'd found this game a real challenge - this was a great achievement. I was genuinely delighted. Until I checked the results and saw Leslie had overtaken Menu in the final corner and finished third, won the championship 209 points to 208.

I think my next step was to go and buy a new controller after I threw it across the room.

#132 DriverNumberOne

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Posted 02 November 2016 - 09:52

my favourite is GTR2 :up: the best simulator of all times! it is really pure simulator and not arcadish racing game like Forza or GranTurismo. I've played it for 10 years and play it now. Sure GTR2 is still better than modern racing games :clap:

Also I like F1 challenge 99-02 but don't play it anymore. F1 challenge 99-02 was much better than other F1 games like GP2 or GP4

#133 chunder27

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Posted 03 November 2016 - 09:47

I lost many a controller with the PS1. lol


Can anyone remember a half decent Le Mans game?  I got so fed up with that I took the disc out and threw it across the room! lol


TOCA 2 was simply magnificent as a game, so far advanced for its time. Great sounds, all the cars had different characteristics.


Nowadays, I play a lot of Dirt Rally, as the guy above says it is so much better than anything else it is crazy. But lacks cars and stages, you are basically only running on 2 stages per country which is pretty poor.


Asseto Corsa isn't bad, but a little bit too basic for me, though I ill admit I haven't got into mods on that yet.


But as messy says, GP79 and F1 1991 historic on RF where almost too good.  I remember a similar online race to messy, I was in a Footwork hart and got an amazing start, let all the aliens dick off up front in Williams and McLarens and I was about 5th.  20 lap race. Realised I was likely to finish there but a guy behind in a Benetton started catching, I made a few mistakes too.  Then realised I had more straight line speed as I had set the car up with a long 6th and hardly any wing!  So drove like a God for about 7 laps holding this guy off who was very fair but clearly quicker, to shouts and hollers in the chat box!!  Then spun up the tyres exiting one corner and threw it all away!!


Enduracers though was another league, should have been paid for it was so well done. And then after years of waiting the Group C mod came when no-one was playing RF anymore, again, a stunning piece of work, so detailed and again all the cars had such character.  Such a shame it was so late or it would have been a mainstay for leagues for years.


RF will never be matched for the variety, stunning detail and quality of mods, both good and bad!!

#134 werks prototype

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Posted 04 November 2016 - 21:57

Can anyone remember a half decent Le Mans game?  I got so fed up with that I took the disc out and threw it across the room! lol


Are you thinking of this?



Heures of fun.


I think it even had a 'real time' 24 hr mode, too.

Edited by werks prototype, 04 November 2016 - 22:06.

#135 messy

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Posted 05 November 2016 - 08:56

I actually quite liked the Le Mans 24 Hours on the PS1. It came before the Dreamcast version and was essentially a completely different game. The Dreamcast game was much more polished (I think I still have it in a cupboard somewhere) and the PS1 version used a 'squashed' version of the full circuit due to memory restrictions I think.

But however rough round the edges it was, it had the heart of a proper racing sim. I loved the championships on fictional tracks named after corners on the Circuit De Le Sarthe. Loved the atmosphere of night races, where fireworks would flash around you, loved the way you could flash your lights at slower traffic to get them to move out if your way. That was an underrated game for its time. The Dreamcast version added lots of visual polish, a full recreation of the circuit and was 'tighter' but lacked the character I thought.

#136 werks prototype

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Posted 05 November 2016 - 13:51

Yeah I agree. It was an accessible game. I never played it on the PS1. Like you, I still have the DC version though. It was quite good on the PC, too. It was a thrill at the time, just to be able to get behind the wheel of the Lister Storm and the Jaguar XJR-9, in that context. The PS2 port was really squashed, compressed, though.

#137 Risil

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Posted 05 November 2016 - 18:57

I dug out my GPL disk the other day and I've been playing it, with recent upgrades that make the game look a lot better. Still hard as nails though, especially when you don't have a wheel.


It's coming up to 20 years old now. That's madness! If you made a game today set similarly in the past to GPL, it would be based on the 1985 season!


Excellent stat

#138 messy

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Posted 05 November 2016 - 20:12

I'd love a 'historic' F1 game allowing you to play through a few (at least 3) fully licenced seasons. A 21st Century GPL sequel then, basically. It would be brilliant. I think the likes of DiRT Rally and Sebastian Loeb Evo with all the classic content has been a step in that direction for Rally games, but I'd love a genuine classic F1 game.

#139 chunder27

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 08:08

messy, there are countless mods still around on Rfactor that could in theory allow you to do that.


The main problem with trying the sell a game like that retail is ownership rights for the cars, teams own that, and want money for every one that would be in the game, so imagine someone like Lotus who have a positive policy on having their old cars in games, they are not doing it for nothing..


Similarly McLaren had a lot of their cars in simraceway, but not in other games, so they would have paid a sum to be allowed to use their old cars.


Having numerous old seasons would have been possible in the old days I guess as it's good exposure, but now it's all about making a few quid.


Dirt Rally could have had more cars in it, but I guess Codies just didn't what them or couldn't afford them. They will have paid IMG for the WRX stuff as all those cars are copies, but the WRC stuff is copied.


Pathetic but true.


#140 Nemo1965

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 19:55

messy, there are countless mods still around on Rfactor that could in theory allow you to do that.


The main problem with trying the sell a game like that retail is ownership rights for the cars, teams own that, and want money for every one that would be in the game, so imagine someone like Lotus who have a positive policy on having their old cars in games, they are not doing it for nothing..


Similarly McLaren had a lot of their cars in simraceway, but not in other games, so they would have paid a sum to be allowed to use their old cars.


Having numerous old seasons would have been possible in the old days I guess as it's good exposure, but now it's all about making a few quid.


Dirt Rally could have had more cars in it, but I guess Codies just didn't what them or couldn't afford them. They will have paid IMG for the WRX stuff as all those cars are copies, but the WRC stuff is copied.


Pathetic but true.


The state of affairs is even sadder than that. Recently, FOM came down hard on all kinds of sites offering free mods for F1 for rFactor and others. I kind of understand that FOM was trying to protect the new F1 2016 games or even the older 2013-2016 games... but several sites that had F1 material pertaining the 2007 season had to close shop or be damned (read: get sued of this face of the earth).

But Chunder is right: in theory you could still download mods for F1 for rFactor and run a whole career in F1, spanning decades. But in rFactor this won't be a satisfactory experience, in my view, because the different seasons are produced by different group of modders. Some are better than others, some have other goals in developing mods. I think a very decent three season affair could be made for the season 1978, 1979, 1980, because they all use the same basic mod (the 1979 Historic Mod, once of the best ever for rFactor).


Another option would be to install GP4 (it is basically freeware now), and use the CSM editor (I can PM you the sites from which you can download). In combination with the physics editor (separately available, also free) you can tinker with the physics until you feel you have a satisfying experience. The nice thing anout the CSM-editor you can easily switch between mods and, just as easily, change the set-ups of the computer-cars to fit the physics from your AI-cars. That is something which is almost impossible to do with rFactor, unless if you are very, very handy with the text-files of rFactor.

#141 chunder27

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 09:06

I did read about the situation with Rfactor modders.


Would love to know how that even came about?


I was always very wary of seeing F1 current year mods in the downloads section, for this very reason. Never downloaded them.


It is a simulation, and it is celebrating the periods of the past, and I find it extremely sad, poor taste and borderline cruel that these people involved in the sport always only ever think about money. But am I surprised in this day and age? No. More saddened and deflated at their approach.


You don't see Audi and Peugeot doing it in Enduracers, and they invested millions in their programs as did sponsors, it's a very typical move from FOM and another reason to never pay for anything they offer, never attend a GP and simply never contribute a penny of my own money to a company that would stop so low as to prevent people from playing a computer game that celebrates the sport that these so called fans work in. Not just that, but teams that don't exist anymore, from periods years ago where sponsors are not involved.


You get the feeling some corporate legal bellend at FOM found a link to something, went on somewhere like Rfactorcentral, saw what was available for download and then ran with the info to his boss with a giant boner shouting "look boss, look what I did" 

#142 messy

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 10:29

I'm not a PC gamer unfortunately, I really wouldn't know where to start. It's always interested me, I love racing sims, but I don't have a decent PC and I have absolutely zero knowhow. I buy the best racers available on console, where I can just press start and get playing. I've seen some of the rfactor mods, there looked like there was a really good 2007 one for instance - but that's as far as it's ever gone!

#143 chunder27

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 10:53

Honestly messy you do not know what you are missing.


You can still obviously enjoy these games on console, and most of them now are designed to run better on consoles after being tested on PC as that is a far bigger market.


But there was a period in the 2000's when there were so many decent PC based sims, Race 07, RF, F1 challenge, all moddable and had some great series.


Sadly, these days you are left with nonsense like Project Cars which was sold as a PC game but was only really ever designed to work on consoles, or Asseto Corsa which is very good, but lacking a little in refinement.


Or you go full monty and get into Iracing.


Seriously mate, my PC was 500 quid, you need a wheel, but other than that you don't really need to know much more. You could play Rfactor on a far cheaper machine. I onl bought a new one to play the newer titles like Dirt Rally and the like

#144 mmmcurry

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 13:30

As I understand it, the problem is that if they don't actively enforce copyright, then they lose it. I remember reading that Douglas Adams had to shut down fan websites to preserve his even though he liked them. There was also the question of who owned historic copyright for defunct teams or ones like Tyrrell that have changed owners several times.

#145 mmmcurry

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 13:54

For favourite racing game in the last ten years it'll be one of the GT games on a PlayStation. Nostalgia for me goes back way further to F1GP on the ST/Amiga, Revs on the BBC, Outrun and Lombard RAC Rally.

#146 messy

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 19:07

Honestly messy you do not know what you are missing.
You can still obviously enjoy these games on console, and most of them now are designed to run better on consoles after being tested on PC as that is a far bigger market.
But there was a period in the 2000's when there were so many decent PC based sims, Race 07, RF, F1 challenge, all moddable and had some great series.
Sadly, these days you are left with nonsense like Project Cars which was sold as a PC game but was only really ever designed to work on consoles, or Asseto Corsa which is very good, but lacking a little in refinement.
Or you go full monty and get into Iracing.
Seriously mate, my PC was 500 quid, you need a wheel, but other than that you don't really need to know much more. You could play Rfactor on a far cheaper machine. I onl bought a new one to play the newer titles like Dirt Rally and the like

I'd love to. I'm going to have a go I think at getting a decent PC on a budget. Work gives 'old' PCs away when they get replaced, might see if they have anything half decent. PCs have never been my 'thing' which is odd as I'm relatively tech savvy in other ways. RAM, graphics cards, etc, not a clue. I tried to run GPL on my parent's old computer years ago when I was a teenager and it barely ran at all so I gave up.

Rfactor and the likes appeal to me massively, not too bothered about graphics, more accuracy.

#147 chunder27

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Posted 09 November 2016 - 08:58

What I would advise is a decent amount or RAM say at least 8 gb for RF. You can buy it if the one you get has too little.


You should be able to run it on a fairly old machine, but don't use anything from work, they will be office machines with onboard graphics, you want one with a solus graphics card at least. Something like Nvidia or the like, doesn't need to be flash.


You want your own speakers (office PCs will have awful onboard sound)  and a steering wheel, you won't get any of this garbage Sony are doing with not allowing certain makes compatability with games. But if it's an older wheel you might struggle now with drivers.


Go for something 4 or 5 years old. PC world and ebuyer have refurbed stuff for sale for a few hundred.  Is not that scary chap honestly, very easy to use.  Try and Get Windows 7 don't bother with 8 or 10 as they are awful.


Then, you have to work out how to import mods for the game! lol

#148 stenovitz

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Posted 09 November 2016 - 11:56

What I would advise is a decent amount or RAM say at least 8 gb for RF. You can buy it if the one you get has too little.


You should be able to run it on a fairly old machine, but don't use anything from work, they will be office machines with onboard graphics, you want one with a solus graphics card at least. Something like Nvidia or the like, doesn't need to be flash.


You want your own speakers (office PCs will have awful onboard sound)  and a steering wheel, you won't get any of this garbage Sony are doing with not allowing certain makes compatability with games. But if it's an older wheel you might struggle now with drivers.


Go for something 4 or 5 years old. PC world and ebuyer have refurbed stuff for sale for a few hundred.  Is not that scary chap honestly, very easy to use.  Try and Get Windows 7 don't bother with 8 or 10 as they are awful.


Then, you have to work out how to import mods for the game! lol


Have been running rF since the start with medium cost cpu, ram and gfx.

First with an older IntelCore2Duo and lowtech GeForce gpx, but that ran fluent.

Most of the time with Intel i3-3040T (TDP = 35W fanless) 4Gb DDR3 RAM and a Sapphire HD 5770 Vapor-X downcloced at gpu and ram so it runs noiceless.

That did it on both WinXP and Win7, fluently in highest details. Ofcourse some mods demands more than others, but setting a bit lower details within rF did the trick.


Now I run rF in Win10, now with i5-6600T (TDP = 35W fanless) 8Gb DDR4 RAM and still same Sapphire HD 5770 Vapor-X. Still only very few performance problems.


And if problems with Win8/10 I have good experince running in compability mode for other games, especially GTR2.

Edited by stenovitz, 09 November 2016 - 11:58.

#149 Nemo1965

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Posted 10 November 2016 - 07:50

I'd love to. I'm going to have a go I think at getting a decent PC on a budget. Work gives 'old' PCs away when they get replaced, might see if they have anything half decent. PCs have never been my 'thing' which is odd as I'm relatively tech savvy in other ways. RAM, graphics cards, etc, not a clue. I tried to run GPL on my parent's old computer years ago when I was a teenager and it barely ran at all so I gave up.

Rfactor and the likes appeal to me massively, not too bothered about graphics, more accuracy.


Well, rFactor is great... you don't even need a fantastic machine to run it (like Chudder says). I can give you several tips which mods run perfectly on my virtual Windows machine (yes, on a Mac...). There are other mods and tracks, unfortunately, that eff up the frame rate...


GP4, as I said, is basically Open Source now (something that Geoff Cramond hates, I believe). It is pretty much click & play. rFactor is a little bit more work, I dare say... especially if you want to edit the game so that the AI are not superhuman.