Martin Carney
Posted 04 November 2010 - 18:46
Posted 04 November 2010 - 22:24
Does anyone know if Martin Carney is still around? He rode the first Triumph Trident in the 1969 Production TT Stan Brand of Hughes of Tooting. This bike has fetched up here in the Island and the new owner would like to make contact. Primarily known as a small bike racer, I wonder if Martin remembers trying to climb the bank at Guthries in practice with the big triple?
Yes he is still around and last time I saw him in good spirits. He lives in Southern California where he recently (last year) retired from Kawasaki US. I will try to contact him and direct him to this forum.
Posted 04 November 2010 - 22:26
Edited to say, looks like its him then!! McMurray must have been posting the above just as I wrote this

Edited by Paul Collins, 04 November 2010 - 22:30.
Posted 05 November 2010 - 13:09
Hi,I had the pleasure of working with Martin Carney or "The Carn" as he was sometimes known.He had returned to the U.K. to look after his mum who was old and frail.Kawasaki took him on at Slough for this time in the service dept.He bought U.S. style customer service to the department which was refreshing and good for the owners and dealers that needed help.He made a name tag for a collegue who was not in the habit of assisting customers if he could find a way out.It said"**** ****" - Mildly Abrasive.Martin had cut it out from a bottle of kitchen cleaner! Martin met my wife and I in Los Angeles in 1982 when we saw the world speedway final at the Colleseum.He took us to a top Mexican resturant and got us pissed on the huge Margarita cocktails that were their speciality.I spoke with him years ago and he was very settled in california.I hope he enjoys his retirement. In Sport,Rotrax.I did a bit of research on Google last night Bill, and a Martin Carney seems to crop up prominently involved in racing/tuning in the states, not sure its the same person but someone on here should be able to shed some light on Martin.
Edited to say, looks like its him then!! McMurray must have been posting the above just as I wrote this
Edited by rotrax, 08 November 2010 - 09:04.
Posted 05 November 2010 - 16:31
Anyway, young Mr. Carney now has a link to this thread so hopefully...
Posted 05 November 2010 - 17:12

Posted 05 November 2010 - 18:31
Who is McMurray? I am Irish not Scottish...
Anyway, young Mr. Carney now has a link to this thread so hopefully...
Sorry Mo, i'd had a long day and after a 250 mile drive the eyes had gone

Edited by Paul Collins, 05 November 2010 - 18:32.
Posted 06 November 2010 - 19:06
Posted 07 November 2010 - 21:49
Hi Everyone , this is Martin Carney and thanks for the input , I have just signed up so I'llSorry Mo, i'd had a long day and after a 250 mile drive the eyes had gone
be available for chats about the 60's and 70's etc. I pulled out of UK and European GP's
at the end of 1971 because of all the "Armco " going up everywhere thanks to Jackie Stewert !
Because of my involvement with racing Kawasaki's I got hooked up with the US importer as
a test rider /mechanic going on to Tech Services and R&D and racing positions . So Ive been living
here mostly for over 35 years and now retired, but temping for Kawasaki sometimes.
Cheers Martin.
Posted 07 November 2010 - 22:10
Hi Everyone , this is Martin Carney and thanks for the input , I have just signed up so I'll
be available for chats about the 60's and 70's etc. I pulled out of UK and European GP's
at the end of 1971 because of all the "Armco " going up everywhere thanks to Jackie Stewert !
Because of my involvement with racing Kawasaki's I got hooked up with the US importer as
a test rider /mechanic going on to Tech Services and R&D and racing positions . So Ive been living
here mostly for over 35 years and now retired, but temping for Kawasaki sometimes.
Cheers Martin.
Hi Martin & welcome to the forum, i'm just emailing Bill now to tell him you've arrived, the power of the internet eh?
Edited to say, So whats the Guthries story that Bill refers to at the top of this thread?

Edited by Paul Collins, 07 November 2010 - 22:18.
Posted 07 November 2010 - 23:20
Hi Martin & welcome to the forum, i'm just emailing Bill now to tell him you've arrived, the power of the internet eh?
A warm welcome to the forum , Martin from me also , look forward to your postings and piccies

Posted 08 November 2010 - 09:22
Hi Martin, Best Regards from Barbara and me. Seems a long time since Deal Avenue and our brief visit to L.A. It seems that you are O.K. and still enjoying the sun on the west coast. During our visit in'82 I sat and watched the sun set over Newport Beach Harbour.I turned to the waitress and said" I'm going to sail into here in my own yacht one day". Barbara and I have the boat-have we got the bottle and skill to sail to California?Time will tell.If we do we will be in touch. In Sport,Mike and Barbara Coombes.Hi Everyone , this is Martin Carney and thanks for the input , I have just signed up so I'll
be available for chats about the 60's and 70's etc. I pulled out of UK and European GP's
at the end of 1971 because of all the "Armco " going up everywhere thanks to Jackie Stewert !
Because of my involvement with racing Kawasaki's I got hooked up with the US importer as
a test rider /mechanic going on to Tech Services and R&D and racing positions . So Ive been living
here mostly for over 35 years and now retired, but temping for Kawasaki sometimes.
Cheers Martin.
Posted 08 November 2010 - 11:58
Hi Everyone , this is Martin Carney and thanks for the input , I have just signed up so I'll
be available for chats about the 60's and 70's etc. I pulled out of UK and European GP's
at the end of 1971 because of all the "Armco " going up everywhere thanks to Jackie Stewert !
Because of my involvement with racing Kawasaki's I got hooked up with the US importer as
a test rider /mechanic going on to Tech Services and R&D and racing positions . So Ive been living
here mostly for over 35 years and now retired, but temping for Kawasaki sometimes.
Cheers Martin.
Hi Martin and welcome. As a youngster I watched you race many times, particularly at Brands and the Palace (don't recall the 125 Enfield though?), and luckily joined you on the grid at least once before you took off. Good to see you here.
Posted 13 November 2010 - 20:54
Hi Mike and Barbara ,Hi,I had the pleasure of working with Martin Carney or "The Carn" as he was sometimes known.He had returned to the U.K. to look after his mum who was old and frail.Kawasaki took him on at Slough for this time in the service dept.He bought U.S. style customer service to the department which was refreshing and good for the owners and dealers that needed help.He made a name tag for a collegue who was not in the habit of assisting customers if he could find a way out.It said"**** ****" - Mildly Abrasive.Martin had cut it out from a bottle of kitchen cleaner! Martin met my wife and I in Los Angeles in 1982 when we saw the world speedway final at the Colleseum.He took us to a top Mexican resturant and got us pissed on the huge Margarita cocktails that were their speciality.I spoke with him years ago and he was very settled in california.I hope he enjoys his retirement. In Sport,Rotrax.
Nice to hear you on Auto Sport I have only just got onto this website , so its all good fun for me . Everything is going good here
married and retired ,but still temping at Kawasaki as a tech at shows and demo rides. Its all a bit slow now owing to the recession
and who knows when and even if it will get back to spending as usual ???
My wife (Jackie) is a nurse , so I'll be OK Ha!Ha!Ha!
Regards Mart the Carn !