Nike Formula Fords
Posted 09 January 2001 - 20:04
I'm currently nearing the end of a restoration of a 1969 Nike Formula Ford which I bought from Bill Dolson Racing in the States two years ago. Now, I'm in contact with Ken Nicholls of Nike down in Devon, but I have absolutely NO information on the cars or the marque. Can anyone help? I have the Nicholson 'History of Formula Ford' book and Nike get about one and a half paragraghs and a pic. Anyone know anything else about them, or has any literature at all?
Anything would be appreciated.
Posted 09 January 2001 - 20:10
Check this links out:
p.s. Welcome!!!!
Posted 09 January 2001 - 20:21
Posted 09 January 2001 - 20:22
not a deep research from myself....
well; no harm done.
Posted 09 January 2001 - 20:29

Posted 09 January 2001 - 20:32
Posted 09 January 2001 - 22:03
Posted 09 January 2001 - 23:40
Posted 10 January 2001 - 22:00

It may be a bit big but I wanted to make sure you didn't have any trouble making out the text.
Here's the URL in case I haven't done it right.
Posted 11 January 2001 - 01:11
Anything else anyone??
Posted 25 January 2001 - 22:48
Posted 25 January 2001 - 23:50
The 1981 version is an update of the 1979 so if you would go for one, then that´s the one.
It is interesting to read about the not-yet-so-famous drivers in their infancy.
The information is not identical, and much of it are found elsewhere. But I have enjoyed my both books.
Posted 26 January 2001 - 10:41
I'd agree with Rainer. There are different features in the 1981 book and some of the details on obscure British series - from Kettlewell's own research - cannot be found elsewhere.
I'd guess they are 80% duplication but, for £6, I'd get both.
Posted 10 May 2003 - 18:23
Posted 11 May 2003 - 12:36
A photo of the Mk 6 appears in Georgano's encyclopaedia (p555) with the Lotus-esque F5000 Mk5 in the background.
Posted 11 May 2003 - 12:59
Posted 11 May 2003 - 19:15
Caldwell used the name 'Nike' in the US as well (I think he kept renaming his cars because they didn't exactly have a good reputation). His F5000 Nike Mk 1A appeared just once, Laguna Seca 4 May 1969, finishing 10th, four laps downOriginally posted by bill moffat
Presume you have a Mk4 , the majority of the dozen or so made making their way across the pond. The 1970 Mk 6 was a redesigned '4 allowing for the use of a Hewland 'box. These were sold Stateside via Jim Baker of Atlanta, Ga. Hence they were also known as "Bakers".
A photo of the Mk 6 appears in Georgano's encyclopaedia (p555) with the Lotus-esque F5000 Mk5 in the background.
Compared with the UK Nike Mk 5, this was major success! The poor Mk 5 was one of the most unsuccessful F5000 ever built. It appeared four times in 1970, failed to start three times and retired on the first laps of its only start. I don't have any further record of it - not even a hill climb.
Posted 18 January 2007 - 09:47
Firstly, the Nike mk 10. I remember an immaculate dark blue one being driven rapidly, and with a quite a few wins to its credit, by John Simpson. This was in the mid-70s and mainly oop north, but I remember been taken with the novelty of the thing (there weren't many Nikes about) and the fact that it was a very nice looking and obviously competitive car so I was surprised that we didn't see more of them.
Secondly, this intriguing mk 8 monocoque car with a rotary engine, for use on the hills. Can anyone tell me more - one for Steve W perhaps?
Posted 18 January 2007 - 09:59

Posted 18 January 2007 - 10:05
Originally posted by Gary C
Blimey!!My first ever thread on TNF, resurrected after six years!!!
I only did it for you, Gary, no other motive!
Posted 18 January 2007 - 10:18
And apparently the first time I ever posted an image on TNF as well. How time flies!Originally posted by Gary C
Blimey!!My first ever thread on TNF, resurrected after six years!!!
Posted 18 January 2007 - 10:30

Posted 18 January 2007 - 14:26
The picture is the Nike MK8, raced by Ray Davis in various events during the season ( I meet him at hillclimbs in Italy every year ). The picture was taken at Valsaviore Classic hillclimb last July.

Posted 18 January 2007 - 14:32

But, as you will notice, no more rotary engine on board !
Posted 18 January 2007 - 14:54
Posted 18 January 2007 - 16:29
Posted 18 January 2007 - 16:30
Posted 18 January 2007 - 16:31
Originally posted by Mallory Dan
Ray Davis' Nike has really got me going........
Funny...he more often sang about Lolas....
Posted 18 January 2007 - 16:35
As for the engine change - I remember Ray telling me the story - but ( shame ) I do not remember. It is all written on the board in front of the car in the paddock photo, though.
I will ask him about the story, but you might have to wait until June/ Italy !!!
Posted 18 January 2007 - 17:41
all the best!
Posted 13 March 2014 - 12:21
Is there a regstery to know how many Nike's (or Baker's) are still up and running today?
Posted 13 March 2014 - 14:15
not that I've ever heard of.
Posted 21 February 2015 - 11:15
Caldwell used the name 'Nike' in the US as well (I think he kept renaming his cars because they didn't exactly have a good reputation). His F5000 Nike Mk 1A appeared just once, Laguna Seca 4 May 1969, finishing 10th, four laps down
Compared with the UK Nike Mk 5, this was major success! The poor Mk 5 was one of the most unsuccessful F5000 ever built. It appeared four times in 1970, failed to start three times and retired on the first laps of its only start. I don't have any further record of it - not even a hill climb.
I have just found this thread whilst looking for information about the Nike F5000 car. Quite frankly, I'm baffled. There appears to be contradicting information on the internet (now there's a surprise) and I hope the learned members of TNF can enlighten me.
The photo referred to in Georgano's Encyclopedia captions the car as the Mk5, but all other photos I have seen of that car show it with oil coolers mounted high behind the driver's roll hoop, and a slightly different shaped nose. I appreciate that the car pictured outside the Nike factory would have been in an untested form, and possibly there were alterations to its format before it commenced its competition career (sic). However, on a French website "classic-racing-experience,com" the same photo is repeated together with a claim that it was built by Nike as a commission for Ray Caldwell, taking part in a few races in the UK before being shipped to the US. This car was named the Mk1A, and is supposedly an altogether different car from the Gubbings-driven Mk5.
To make matters more complicated, there is another suggestion that it is in fact one of the Lotus 42 cars which were converted for F5000 use, and the work was carried out at the Nike premises. Help! Has anybody got information which might put this one to bed?
(I find it odd that Autodynamics were not capable of building their own car. The French site does not seem to be a spoof, but I do have doubts about their comments.)
Posted 21 February 2015 - 19:29
Posted 22 February 2015 - 10:50
gosh, my very first thread on TNF ressurected after 14 years !
I'm pleased to be of service. My enquiry belongs I suppose, in the Historical Research forum, but since your old post directly related to my poser, I thought it best to re-open the thread.
I notice that the "oldracingcars" website has Nike (UK) and Nike(US) listed as competitors in 1968/69, and I wonder if this is a reference to the understanding that Caldwell built and raced a car under that name. It seems increasingly likely that this car had nothing to do with Ken Nicholls.
Posted 03 March 2015 - 21:48
I have joined the forum following the death of my dad Ken Nicholls (Nov 2014) of Nike fame as Iam preparing a register of Nike Cars 1960-80.
Dad was always going to do this but was too busy right to the end so I'm now going to attempt this mammoth task..
Even with Dad's records I have much missing info so am after owner's names whether current or previous to try & put together an accurate listing of all cars with serial numbers where known- to hopefully publish a book on the Nike marque in memory of Dad.
I have photographs of many of the cars but would welcome any more if anyone has to hand- but appreciating that as he produced circa 100 cars I may go to print without full details on some- even allowing for many that may have disappeared- cut up or just trashed there are still a few out there globally to find..
Progress so far:
Mark 1 Formula Junior reappeared 50 years after construction beautifully restored & racing again c/o Peter Denty.
Mark 2 Sports racer sold in 1964- not been seen since- if anyone has any info sold as chassis only- I have photos
Mark 3 Formula Vee I have pictures of prototype 1965 at Silverstone raced by Jeff Treseder- a further 5-6 chassis sold all whereabouts unknown.
Mark 4 & Mark 6 Formula Fords I have fairly good histories on but welcome more info/pictures (Circa 12x Mark 4 & 20ish Mark 6 including Baker exports..)
Mark 5 Formula 5000 barely raced (Reg Gubbins owner) last seen in film 'Baffled' 1972- not a great film but some good racing shots inc.
Mark 7 Sports racers designed to fit Lotus 43 bodies were to be sold as 'Buccaneer' by Essex company- 11 ordered- 3 only dispatched the rest converted chassis were made into a variety of projects- GT, Autocross, Sports racers & Road Cars- a couple I have info on.
Mark 8 Wankel special fairly well documented- think still racing but would like confirmation (not fitted with Wankel now obviously).
Mark 9 Formula 100 (1979) One off special 'Elden' Formula Ford? No info or pictures would like to trace- pos exported to USA?
Mark 10 Formula Ford (1971-80) Documentry evidence on some (Pos 20+ built) inc 6 sold to Hermes Racing- but would welcome more info.
Mark 11 Formula 3 (1971) 2 only built? Hillclimb/Sprint cars- no information at all- if anyone can help?
Mark 12 Clubmans Formula 6+ Units to find 1975-77, Mark 13 Sidecar outfit fully documented & Mark 14 Imp Special Saloons pos 6+ units
So over to all you enthusiasts- can anyone help?
Posted 03 March 2015 - 22:03
I have just found this thread whilst looking for information about the Nike F5000 car. Quite frankly, I'm baffled. There appears to be contradicting information on the internet (now there's a surprise) and I hope the learned members of TNF can enlighten me.
The photo referred to in Georgano's Encyclopedia captions the car as the Mk5, but all other photos I have seen of that car show it with oil coolers mounted high behind the driver's roll hoop, and a slightly different shaped nose. I appreciate that the car pictured outside the Nike factory would have been in an untested form, and possibly there were alterations to its format before it commenced its competition career (sic). However, on a French website "classic-racing-experience,com" the same photo is repeated together with a claim that it was built by Nike as a commission for Ray Caldwell, taking part in a few races in the UK before being shipped to the US. This car was named the Mk1A, and is supposedly an altogether different car from the Gubbings-driven Mk5.
To make matters more complicated, there is another suggestion that it is in fact one of the Lotus 42 cars which were converted for F5000 use, and the work was carried out at the Nike premises. Help! Has anybody got information which might put this one to bed?
(I find it odd that Autodynamics were not capable of building their own car. The French site does not seem to be a spoof, but I do have doubts about their comments.)
The Formula 5000 on the 'French' site shows a Lotus 43 which Ken converted not the Nike Mark 5- outside Hopkins garage near the Meddon Street workshop- as I am his daughter have the original photo(s)- one of only 3 Lotus 43 I believe & converted for Robs Lamplough. When Reg Gubbins collected for Robs he ordered a Nike Formula 5000 Mark 5 only one built so the US version could only be this one exported- see my new post re Nike info required for a register if you can help..
Posted 03 March 2015 - 23:22
Posted 03 March 2015 - 23:27
Carole, nice to hear from you. I am sorry to hear about your father. I had a little contact with him when I brought my Mk4/6 back from the States in 1998. He cleaned up the chassis for me and updated it to current historic regs. here is some links to my old website with some pics and a story of the restoration plus a few races: http://www.users.glo...e_pix/index.htm http://www.users.glo..._2001/index.htm http://www.users.glo..._2002/index.htm http://www.users.glo..._2003/index.htm http://www.users.glo..._2003/index.htm http://www.users.glo...d_cup/index.htm http://www.users.glo...llory/index.htm http://www.users.glo..._2003/index.htm http://www.users.glo..._2005/index.htm
Thank you- I do have quite a lot of info on your car- but will check these sites for more Regards
Posted 03 March 2015 - 23:37
Posted 04 March 2015 - 14:57
Don'y know if or's on anybody's radar, but there was a Nike FF1600 run in Northern Ireland during the early 70s. Driver was a US serviceman (Navy I think) by ther name of Ron Rogilio. Presumably this was originally a US car and returned 'home' when the Navy base in Londonderry was closed.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 17:49
I never knew there actually was a Nike Vee. It is odd that you mention a Jeff Treseder racing one at Silverstone in 1965 because that was 2 years before the Series started in the UK. That doesn't mean to say that there wasn't the chance to race one at that time and could open up a new story for a Vee anorak like myself. I must have a deep dive into my records.
Posted 05 March 2015 - 13:03
Dear Nicole,
We are very saddened to hear of your recent loss. I was regularly in contact with Ken and we exchanged several letters together.
His last letter I received from him is dated from mid 2014. We exchanged several times regarding cars and the history of these because Ken was happy to know where the cars are going and who is driving with it. Creating a book and a register of the surviving cars is probably a beautiful outcome of what Ken always wanted to have...
I own and race a Mark 6 Vin#10, car raced by Doug Basset in the 70's. The cars is in immaculate condition and would be pleased to help you.
Yours sincerely,
Posted 05 March 2015 - 23:43
Don'y know if or's on anybody's radar, but there was a Nike FF1600 run in Northern Ireland during the early 70s. Driver was a US serviceman (Navy I think) by ther name of Ron Rogilio. Presumably this was originally a US car and returned 'home' when the Navy base in Londonderry was closed.
Thanks for the info- mum has since found another note book of Dad's and this confirmed Ron bought from HC Folts (my uncle) who was also in the UK with the US Navy- so presumably took back to US as you suggest as in 1994 I have record/pics of it's then current owner in Colarado- pos still with him?
It was a Mark 4 (1969) FF- Do you know when the base closed in Londonderry- just out of interest?
Posted 06 March 2015 - 00:09
I never knew there actually was a Nike Vee. It is odd that you mention a Jeff Treseder racing one at Silverstone in 1965 because that was 2 years before the Series started in the UK. That doesn't mean to say that there wasn't the chance to race one at that time and could open up a new story for a Vee anorak like myself. I must have a deep dive into my records.
You may be right re Series start date but- I have taken info from Dad's notes & photo with 1965 on back showing '1st ever Formula Vee race Silverstone' which the Nike Vee raced in- perhaps they trialled at a meeting at Silverstone prior to official 1st Season? The protype car is definitely pre 1967 before Dad moved us & Nicholls Eng to Devon & his notes state built in 1965. The photo shows a line up of 5 Formula Vee cars numbers starting at 252- so backing up my theory that it may have been part of a bigger meeting? I couldn't have guessed the info without Dad's notes as I was only 3 at the time. There is another photo which I have recently had developed from old 120 negs showing the Nike solo & a mini moke style bike is sportinga 'D' suffix reg plate in the background (1966). The other 5 kits he sold after Jeff's car were supplied either as chassis only or with moulds made in fibreglass from original ali body- shes a pretty beast. His notes stated he had moved onto FF by 1967 due to scarcity of Vee parts & prototype Mark 4 was built in 1967 to back this up. As a self confessed anorak perhaps you may be able to trace 1 or more of these cars- if not written off or converted into something else by now? Workshop photos Devon 1967 show bare chassis (one of later kits?) with Mark 2 in background- this had been sold by then unless had returned for mods or repair..
I'm sure you are much more knowledgable re Vees but pretty sure Dad's notes are accurate- he was usually precise..I will see if we have an old programmes for Silverstone races on file to confirm Vee race existence in 1965 (pos 66)- it looks to be summer meeting from the clothes being worn. Please advise if you uncover any further evidence & thank you for replying- all info gratefully recieved..
Posted 06 March 2015 - 00:18
Dear Nicole,
We are very saddened to hear of your recent loss. I was regularly in contact with Ken and we exchanged several letters together.
His last letter I received from him is dated from mid 2014. We exchanged several times regarding cars and the history of these because Ken was happy to know where the cars are going and who is driving with it. Creating a book and a register of the surviving cars is probably a beautiful outcome of what Ken always wanted to have...
I own and race a Mark 6 Vin#10, car raced by Doug Basset in the 70's. The cars is in immaculate condition and would be pleased to help you.
Yours sincerely,
Thank you for reply I'm guessing you are the man from Belguim as I have seen letters & photos which you kindly sent to Dad last year- did you buy the car in 2014? I have fairly complete history on your car which no doubt Dad shared with you? With mum finding yet another note book of Dad's only yesterday I may have even more info to add to my register. I plan to travel back mum's next weekend to add more information to the list from the book as there is too much to be photocopied/scanned & the book is to fragile to travel to me. Please keep me posted on how your racing is going- It's always nice to know Dad's cars are still up & running...
Posted 06 March 2015 - 00:26
Breaking news on the Mark 2 Nike (Sports racer) built in 1962- notes found now reveal was bought in 1969 by a man who changed the name to 'Nimrod' for some unspecified reason- maybe he altered chassis or re-bodied? So if anyone falls over a Nimrod anywhere please let me know..
Have always wanted to trace this particular car as it was born same year as me..
Posted 06 March 2015 - 08:46
Hi Carole,
It's amazing what you can find out at the touch of a button ! The US Navy decommissioned the Londoinderry base on September 30, 1977. At that time it was the oldest US Navy facility in Europe !
Posted 06 March 2015 - 09:34
A beautiful rear view of the Mark 6...
The FF Nike mk6 on track during the Speed trophy in Belgium 2014 (Pic by Patoc Photography)