I'm hoping to get some help identifying this fiberglass body, and perhaps even this particular car. I was supposed to be seeing a Devin, but I'm pretty sure it's something other than that. (Rear wheel arches don't flow all the way to the back, hood area looks taller as it goes back towards firewall, other)
The story goes that it was built and raced on the West coast by a guy in the Air Force, perhaps in the '60's. He passed sometime in the late '70's, and his brother inherited the car pretty much in the condition it sits today (minus seats that a seller threw in later.) He sold to someone in the mid-to-late '80's, who quickly sold to current owner who just stored it ever since. Current owner really doesn't know much at all, just repeating the story that was passed down. ("Devin race car that built by Air Force...")
I'd love to know what it is and, with any luck, its history. I know a story, but seeing as I don't think it's even a Devin, not really sure about much at all - other than the fact that it looks pretty sweet to me.
Thanks kindly for any help

Edited by jiga, 17 March 2011 - 02:29.