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1953 French Grand Prix

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#1 Roger Clark

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Posted 19 February 2001 - 19:31

Who made fastest lap?

Most sources I have seen say that it was Fangio in a time of 2m 41.1s. however, a few say that te tiem was equalled by Ascari.It makes a difference of half a point to Fangio's championship score (29.5 or 29 gross, 28 or 27.5 nett), and the same difference to Ascari's gross score (46.5 or 47) but no difference to his nett score.

Autocourse is one of those who gave fastest lap to Fangio, both in their race result and their end of seson summary. However, a study of their lap chart show a lap for Ascari at 2m 41.1s. , his 37th. his previoous laps were 1min 46.2secs, 2m 45.9s, 2m 48.4s, 2m 47.9s, then 2m 41.1s, 2m 42.9 then back to regular lapping at 2m 44s. I can see no reason why he suddenly put in a lap 5 sec faster than his perviuos average.


#2 Milan Fistonic

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Posted 20 February 2001 - 01:53

The Motor Year Book has Ascari setting the fastest lap to date on lap 16 (2m 42.5s) then Fangio doing 2m 42s on lap 20, Farina 2m 41.6s on lap 24 and finally Fangio again on lap 25 at 2m 41.1s.

#3 Marcor

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Posted 21 February 2001 - 05:47

Sport-Auto (number 200, September 1978) and Auto-Passion (August 1993) wrote a very detailed report of this race. They gave the fastest lap of all the drivers. It was the same except for Fangio. And of course it changes all ! Auto-Passion said Ascari equalled the Fangio's time while Sport-Auto gave a difference of 0"1.

Fangio 2'41"0 (2'41"1), lap 25
Ascari 2'41"1, lap 37
Farina 2'41"6, lap 24
Hawthorn 2'41"7, lap 32
Villoresi 2'41"8, lap 26
Gonzales 2'41"9, lap 26
Marimon 2'42"2, lap 54
Bonetto 2'44"5, lap 35
Trintignant 2'45"3, lap 3
de Graffenried 2'47"5, lap 27
Behra 2'47"8, lap 35
Bira 2'49"0, lap 14
Mieres 2'51"4, lap 4
Chiron 2'51"8, lap 19
Rosier 2'51"9, lap 8
Moss 2'52"5, lap 2
Salvadori 2'53"4, lap 2
Schell 2'54"5, lap 3
Wharton 2'55"3, lap 13
Bayol 2'55"6, lap 19
Gerard 2'55"7, lap 51
Claes 2'57"1, lap 3
Macklin 2'58"1, lap 3
Collins 2'59"8, lap 20
Giraud-Cabantous 3'04"5, lap 25

Another source: 25 anni di Formula 1 (Italian Source): giro plu veloce (fastest lap) = Fangio in 2'41"1. The point for the fastest lap only for Fangio (not shared).

#4 Roger Clark

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Posted 21 February 2001 - 23:19

A time of 2m 41.0s for Fangio is unique to Sport-Auto as far as I know. Every other source I have seen gives fastest lap to Fangio at 1m 41.1s, the only question being whether Ascari equalled it.

The Autocourse lap chart differs in a number of respects from the Sport-Auto/Auto-Passion ones.

#5 Dennis David

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Posted 22 February 2001 - 01:57

Given equal fast laps is the 1/2 point given to the driver that scores it first?

#6 Rob29

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Posted 22 February 2001 - 08:46

Don't understand that last question Dennis.In the event of a shared fastest lap,both drivers would get 1/2 point regardless of who did it first. 1954 British GP@ Silverstone,BRDC eggtimers only timed to the nearest second.SEVEN drivers shared fastest lap!I have seen some championship tables which gave each driver 1/7 of a point.Others just ignore these points. Does anyone know if there is a definitive official FIA points list for all 51 seasons which would settle these kind of queries?

#7 David J Jones

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Posted 22 February 2001 - 16:14

I just looked in one or two of my books on this one

MY F1 world championship books (by Mike Lang) which has a report on all races up to 1984 attributes a shared fastest lap
lap 26 Fangio
lap 37 Ascari
I am speaking from memory here

Mon Ami Mate (copy of a magazine report) only qoutes one fastest lap to Fangio