Sadly Barry, for similar reasons, you will also be hearing from my specialist legal team at "Shyster, Flywheel & Shyster" in due course.

Anything else!
Posted 02 January 2014 - 23:30
Posted 03 January 2014 - 13:18
Arn't those the "nice" people from Injury Lawyers For You - the ambulance-chasers that advertise on TV?
Wouldn't trust them with my granny - scrounging gits! (Oops I think that may be defamitory!).
Posted 03 January 2014 - 16:58
Arn't those the "nice" people from Injury Lawyers For You - the ambulance-chasers that advertise on TV?
Wouldn't trust them with my granny - scrounging gits! (Oops
I think that may be defamitory!).
that's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are sending in the heavies. blwyddyn newydd dda.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 01:26
Sorry to inform you Barry after a very recent merger my lawyers are now "Granny Grabbers, Shyster, Flywheel & Shyster".
But after due consideration and issuing the following disclaimer:
Having carried out all necessary risk assessments I imply, intimate, admit nothing whatsoever, with regard to anything whatsoever: I also wish everybody, 2 & 4 stroke enthusiasts alike, a belated brilliant New Year.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 10:34
Having 'upgraded' my computer security settings and virus software this morning to find that it does not seem to be compatible with Internet Explorer 8 I have had to resort to using Google Chrome, the result of which has re-established the ‘smileys’ the lack of availability to me of which and the use of which in Barrys’ limited liability New Years Greeting caused me to consult my legal team at Sue, Grabbit and Run with regard to the possible abuse of my Human Rights under the ‘Sue for Anything’ clause.
Having regained access to ‘smileys’ following the installation of Google Chrome I have instructed my Lawyer to withdraw any legal claim to damages against Barry for ‘Wilful use of Smileys’.
However I feel it only fair to warn Barry and other ‘Smiley Hounds’ that any future wilful use of said abominations will result in the swift and incisive use of law in respect of their use.
Edited by tonyed, 04 January 2014 - 10:35.
Posted 22 February 2014 - 21:41
A little take on my own racing nostalgia, that others can maybe relate to?
I find it amazing how a piece of music takes you right back to a place and time long ago like nothing else can (at least it does for me!). Three particular records, whenever I hear them, bring back such vivid memories – even more so than photos! These are:
Silence is Golden by The Tremeloes – I was a pimply teenager watching racing at Llandow in the sixties and all through the dinner hour, the PA system kept repeating just two records over and over (the other one was “Witches Brew” by Janie Jones). In between, was that magical silence between practice and the first race that you could cut with a knife (just the odd clank of a spanner here and there and that smell of cooking bacon!). To me at that impressionable age, the riders were absolute heroes and all thought about from that day on, was to “be a racer” myself one day!
Make Me Smile (Come up and See Me) by Cockney Rebel – About ’74 0r ’75 - rebuilding my G50 engine in my Dad’s shed at the bottom of the garden, ready for the Mallory season-opener (I was lapping the cylinder head joint face at the time!) and this came on the radio. In those days, the transistor was an essential part of the kit – couldn’t work on the bike without it!
Feel Like Makin’ Love by Bad Company – Whenever we went to Mallory, we always used to rush up there after work from South Wales, in order to catch a few pints in the Marquis of Granby pub in Hinckley. There was a group of local enthusiasts in the back room who always made us welcome (Steve Bevington and Ian Pratt especially, who were themselves just starting out). There was a chick among them who always slapped this on the jukebox!
It’s not a list of my favourite records, just ones that trigger my senses in this extraordinary way. Does this happen to anyone else – or am I losing the plot !
Posted 22 February 2014 - 23:36
Sunday afternoons between practice and racing meant Two Way Family Favourites . I'm always reminded of travelling over to the Island from Sydney in 1975 by this horror:
Edited by Russell Burrows, 22 February 2014 - 23:37.
Posted 22 February 2014 - 23:39
No you're most certainly not. The other one I've experienced & far more than just deja, is something (could be music) that triggers a long forgotten memory but is recalled vividly.
Ramble on!
Posted 24 February 2014 - 19:14
Thread here for must see links & photos for non motorcycling related bits & pieces.
To kick off, read this link to Amazon comments on a hair removal product, there are 340 reviews I have read the first 10 or so? I was crying with laughter hope you guys enjoy it too!!
That one had me in stitches.