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Sebastian Vettel Thread

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#2501 gillesthegenius

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 09:38


are you surprised by the media outcry???

The media have been longing for Seb to have a difficult race so they could get stuck into him. and they've grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

Im not at all. The way people tried to tear Seb down after qualy in Australia to only end up eating humble pie on race day warned me of what was to come.

But given how they have reacted to such a minor mishap, I just wonder what people would have said if Seb had had a horrible race like the one Hamilton had in Monaco or Spa or even Monza last year.


#2502 SirRacer

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 09:40

Seb havn´t lost some of his skills, he is a very fast F1 driver. I bet that he will finish this season with moore points than Lewis.

One doesn't lose the skills from one season to another. Circumstances are different this season though, he no longer has the dominant car that allowed the 90% of his wins, so we have yet to see how he performs with a not so dominant car.

#2503 maverick69

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:11

NK "draws a line" under the issue - but then chucks this one in at the end:

"There are five other world champions on the grid who have been through a lot, and been through bad times, but none of them reacted like that," he said. "In my opinion it was a racing incident."


I reckon the handbags haven't quite finished yet. The driver briefing in China will certainly be interesting........

#2504 flyer121

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:11

Im not at all. The way people tried to tear Seb down after qualy in Australia to only end up eating humble pie on race day warned me of what was to come.

But given how they have reacted to such a minor mishap, I just wonder what people would have said if Seb had had a horrible race like the one Hamilton had in Monaco or Spa or even Monza last year.

Yeah - Malaysia cant even be classsified as a bad race as far as Vettel goes ... He was well on to a a secure 4th and possibly a podium !
Monaco 2011 type race would make the usual suspects drowning in their own spit !!

#2505 stevewf1

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:23

And here I thought Vettel had finally grown up when he snatched the 2010 Championship at the last race in Abu Dhabi. 2011 went all his way, so of course he was happy. Now, when things aren't going perfectly for him, he's acting like his Mom took his iPad away and grounded him...

#2506 flyer121

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:29

He'd be a leading designer who's created three WDC/WCC winning cars with three separate teams, that's where HE would be! Adrian was winning F1 championships while vettel was still sucking on his mum's boobies.

So what happened now ? Why are RB 1 sec off in the Q3

Shall we agree on drivers ? :)

#2507 SirRacer

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:32

So what happened now ? Why are RB 1 sec off in the Q3

Shall we agree on drivers ? :)

Even the best designer can't expect to win all the championships every year, all years. F1 is so difficult and competitive that even if you're the best overall, there's always gonna be people who beat you.

Edited by SirRacer, 30 March 2012 - 10:32.

#2508 flyer121

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:36

Even the best designer can't expect to win all the championships every year, all years. F1 is so difficult and competitive that even if you're the best overall, there's always gonna be people who beat you.

Eaxctly !
If we follow the original point , the discussion was about how people throw Newey second hand chassis in the discussion about Monza 2008.

His chassis doesnt mean that it will always be fighting at the top - there are lot of other factors like the regs (like no EBD), the team and their decisions and finally and quite importantly the driver !
Do we beleive NK would be winning in Newey chassis? And people are desperate enough to compare NK to SV

#2509 swerved

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:40

NK "draws a line" under the issue - but then chucks this one in at the end:

"There are five other world champions on the grid who have been through a lot, and been through bad times, but none of them reacted like that," he said. "In my opinion it was a racing incident."


I reckon the handbags haven't quite finished yet. The driver briefing in China will certainly be interesting........

NK has an awfully short memory, One of them went so far as to accuse the stewards of racism, and to label other drivers as "frickin ridiculous"

Regarding the whole Vettel "Meltdown", some might do well to remember that Lewis has seemingly had an annual "meltdown", it might be wise to wait and see what this years one will consist of :)

#2510 The Ragged Edge

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 11:06

With the arrival of Hamilton, so did the gutter press and gossip mongering journalism. Many new F1 writers/journalists came on the scene and let rip with their views. The Times', Ed Gorman the journalist/blogger being a prime example. These guys blurred the boundaries of objectivity, constructive criticism and simply stating the facts, with gossip, innuendo, out-right exaggeration coupled with sensationalism, with a boated sense of self-worth. People like Benson have soiled journalism. They no longer report news and leave it up to the reader to form an opinion. They now lead with an opinion, or slant, then have the audacity to pretend they have no agenda and are completely unbiased and neutral. :rolleyes: Hamilton being disappointed with 3rd place in Melbourne, is a prime example. Most journalists never told the story from the perspective of Hamilton was disappointed with 3rd, then leave it to the reader to extrapolate the possible reasons why he was disappointed. They increasingly fill in the blanks for you, and the less discerning in the population, swallow these as undisputed fact. Benson et al, now regularly attempt to pass off their opinions as fact and it has become a disease within F1 journalism. :down:

#2511 Sakae

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 11:58

With the arrival of Hamilton, so did the gutter press and gossip mongering journalism. Many new F1 writers/journalists came on the scene and let rip with their views. The Times', Ed Gorman the journalist/blogger being a prime example. These guys blurred the boundaries of objectivity, constructive criticism and simply stating the facts, with gossip, innuendo, out-right exaggeration coupled with sensationalism, with a boated sense of self-worth. People like Benson have soiled journalism. They no longer report news and leave it up to the reader to form an opinion. They now lead with an opinion, or slant, then have the audacity to pretend they have no agenda and are completely unbiased and neutral. :rolleyes: Hamilton being disappointed with 3rd place in Melbourne, is a prime example. Most journalists never told the story from the perspective of Hamilton was disappointed with 3rd, then leave it to the reader to extrapolate the possible reasons why he was disappointed. They increasingly fill in the blanks for you, and the less discerning in the population, swallow these as undisputed fact. Benson et al, now regularly attempt to pass off their opinions as fact and it has become a disease within F1 journalism. :down:


#2512 fieraku

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 12:01

But No, dont you know of the latest breaking news? Sebastian Vettel is going through a major meltdown of epic proportions!!!

... just ask fieraku. He will tell you the whole story.

It was just a meltdown nothing epic about it and nothing we haven't seen from him in the past. Has he apologized btw?

#2513 gillesthegenius

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 13:26

It was just a meltdown nothing epic about it and nothing we haven't seen from him in the past.

Must be true if you say so your honour.;)

#2514 mursuka80

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:06

It was just a meltdown nothing epic about it and nothing we haven't seen from him in the past. Has he apologized btw?

Why should he apologise? IMO it wouldnt be genuine.

#2515 Skinnyguy

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:13


Could be. Im really surprised bout what he said. The only sensible explanation is that he didnt watch any footage. Of course hes not clueless on racing, and dont think he has any issue with Seb.

#2516 Sakae

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:27

I was the one who has raised this issue earlier on. Point being, that two drivers can evaluate the same situation, and arriving to diametrically opposing point of view. Schumacher may think that NK had more than ample space to avoid the altercations, whereas less capable driver would ask perhaps for more space, which ultimately results in comments in media we read. I am not sure what Hulkenberg saw and we missed, but considering for whom he works and where he was at that time, I am going to forget that, even as I think he could have danced around the answer, unless of course he believes in what he said. Petrov is another story altogether.

#2517 maverick69

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:30

I was the one who has raised this issue earlier on. Point being, that two drivers can evaluate the same situation, and arriving to diametrically opposing point of view. Schumacher may think that NK had more than ample space to avoid the altercations, whereas less capable driver would ask perhaps for more space, which ultimately results in comments in media we read. I am not sure what Hulkenberg saw and we missed, but considering for whom he works and where he was at that time, I am going to forget that, even as I think he could have danced around the answer, unless of course he believes in what he said. Petrov is another story altogether.

The simple fact is though that virtually every driver (past and present) who has been questioned has apportioned a fair chunk of the blame to Vettel.

Have they all got an agenda?

Edited by maverick69, 30 March 2012 - 14:31.

#2518 Dunder

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:34

Could be. Im really surprised bout what he said. The only sensible explanation is that he didnt watch any footage. Of course hes not clueless on racing, and dont think he has any issue with Seb.

How is it "sensible" to conclude that Petrov would say the following without having seen any footage?

“Karthikeyan didn’t do anything unnecessary - didn’t hit him, didn’t change direction sharply. Sebastian overtook him and started to turn. But Narain was going straight.”

#2519 fieraku

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:41

Why should he apologise? IMO it wouldnt be genuine.

Because it's normal human behavior. Why wouldn't it?Vettel lost his top and had a moment,or an hour or two and upon reflection he should realize he made a mess and genuinely apologize.

Unless he's a self centered sadist who believes he can do no wrong.


#2520 McRules

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:45

NK has an awfully short memory, One of them went so far as to accuse the stewards of racism, and to label other drivers as "frickin ridiculous"

Regarding the whole Vettel "Meltdown", some might do well to remember that Lewis has seemingly had an annual "meltdown", it might be wise to wait and see what this years one will consist of :)

Lewis did have his fair share of meltdown, but he never called a fellow driver an "idiot" or "cucumber" or whatever in any language. Every driver meltsdown at some point, its just that Vettel has more chances this year for that and i'm afraid he is handling it far worse than anybody.

#2521 gillesthegenius

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:54

Why should he apologise? IMO it wouldnt be genuine.

He doesnt have to apologise about the incident, but, as a Seb fan, I feel that an apology for the 'Idiot' remarks wouldnt be a bad thing at all.

#2522 mursuka80

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:56

Because it's normal human behavior. Why wouldn't it?Vettel lost his top and had a moment,or an hour or two and upon reflection he should realize he made a mess and genuinely apologize.

Unless he's a self centered sadist who believes he can do no wrong.

Not really. If im pissed at someone and really tell it to his/her face, then i wont apologise. Why? Because i think they are assholes who dont deserve it. Why should you apologise for something you truly feel?

#2523 Sakae

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 14:57

The simple fact is though that virtually every driver (past and present) who has been questioned has apportioned a fair chunk of the blame to Vettel.

Have they all got an agenda?

I am not sure who has or has not "an agenda". My point rather was, that people see the same situation differently, and more experienced and skillful driver is, frequency of dicey situations he is involved in goes up. My observation is, that they live on the edge, and with top drivers that edge is narrower and narrower, which is why NK is surprised by Vettel's "audacity" how close he came to him. With him it was not so well hidden fear, for Vettel this is "normal" way how to race in close proximity.

Edited by Sakae, 30 March 2012 - 16:06.

#2524 krea

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 15:14

How is it "sensible" to conclude that Petrov would say the following without having seen any footage?

“Karthikeyan didn’t do anything unnecessary - didn’t hit him, didn’t change direction sharply. Sebastian overtook him and started to turn. But Narain was going straight.”

this is just wrong

#2525 The Ragged Edge

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 15:48

Why should he apologise? IMO it wouldnt be genuine.

In this PC world, it doesn't matter if it is genuine, as long as he suffers the humiliation in doing so. Some people just want to see some contrition from Vettel and I think they're wrong. It's a deliberate tactic to heap external pressure on him, designed to make him face pressure on, as well as off the track. This type of pressure will wear anybody down after time. Look at Hamilton last year and Massa this year. Even McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh, made comments about Massa, regarding him being replaced by Perez, which was deliberately designed to put him under further pressure. :down: Vettel won't help his cause at all if he is caught up in any kind of racing incident, or makes another non-PC quote in the near future, because the press will descend on him like wolves. :rotfl:

#2526 fieraku

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 15:49

Not really. If im pissed at someone and really tell it to his/her face, then i wont apologise. Why? Because i think they are assholes who dont deserve it. Why should you apologise for something you truly feel?

We're not talking about what 'you' would do.Vettel was out of line with his bird and remarks,that's why.

#2527 mursuka80

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 15:56

We're not talking about what 'you' would do.Vettel was out of line with his bird and remarks,that's why.

Thats an opinion, so dont try to paint your opinion better than mine. No he shouldnt apologise, because he wasnt out of line. People scream for characters in F1, but when they show it, they get pessed on. Make up your minds . Do you wanna see corporate robots or human beings?

#2528 femi

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 15:56

In this PC world, it doesn't matter if it is genuine, as long as he suffers the humiliation in doing so. Some people just want to see some contrition from Vettel and I think they're wrong. It's a deliberate tactic to heap external pressure on him, designed to make him face pressure on, as well as off the track. This type of pressure will wear anybody down after time. Look at Hamilton last year and Massa this year. Even McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh, made comments about Massa, regarding him being replaced by Perez, which was deliberately designed to put him under further pressure. :down: Vettel won't help his cause at all if he is caught up in any kind of racing incident, or makes another non-PC quote in the near future, because the press will descend on him like wolves. :rotfl:

The statement by MW regarding Massa was completely uncalled for, he was speculating what was in the minds of Ferrari bosses. I found his choice of words very petty. I don't see why he would want to put pressure on Massa; he poses no threat to Mclaren. The only reason I could think of was pay back for LH last year but that is rather doubtful since he really doesn't like LH anyway.

#2529 Sakae

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 16:15

He doesnt have to apologise about the incident, but, as a Seb fan, I feel that an apology for the 'Idiot' remarks wouldnt be a bad thing at all.


#2530 Skinnyguy

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 17:53

How is it "sensible" to conclude that Petrov would say the following without having seen any footage?

“Karthikeyan didn’t do anything unnecessary - didn’t hit him, didn’t change direction sharply. Sebastian overtook him and started to turn. But Narain was going straight.”

It´s the most sensible thing to think because what he said doesn´t have anything to do with the footage avaliable.

Seb must apologize for what he said, it was completely unnecesary and isn´t going to do any good. But he has not any responsability on the incident. He left more than enough room for Narain to keep it full throttle and not lose further time on his race, and Narain messed up. And it was an especially lame mistake because it wasn´t exactly him not having enough grip to keep it straight and on the power, it was him turning because he wanted to.

Edited by Skinnyguy, 30 March 2012 - 17:55.

#2531 ivey

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 18:18


Brundle, Coulthard and Croft!

I've always liked how forum members act like they know more about racing than racing drivers themselves

#2532 Dunder

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 18:55

It´s the most sensible thing to think because what he said doesn´t have anything to do with the footage avaliable.

Petrov gave a description of the incident. That description does not match your interpretation of what happened, that's all.
It is quite normal (as this board should testify) for two people to have different interpretations of the same event/incident.

#2533 robefc

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:14

Just watching the F1 show, 2 things

1) I haven't understood all the stuff about Georgie being hot...until now, smoking
2) the view from the front shows the incident with NK was completely NK's fault imo

#2534 Vic Vega

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:38

The only apology due here is FIA's, for granting Karthikeyan a Super License.

#2535 krea

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:38

I've always liked how forum members act like they know more about racing than racing drivers themselves

Coulthard was the person who said Kobayashi drove into Hamilton in Spa 2011 for example, so I can't take him serious.

#2536 as65p

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:56

Lewis did have his fair share of meltdown, but he never called a fellow driver an "idiot" or "cucumber" or whatever in any language.

"monkeys" "frikking ridicolous" "stupid"

Guess you're right, no "idiot" or "cucumber" in there.

#2537 hammibal

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 20:18

Adrian is a great designer but the successes had a lot to do with Sebastian.
One might as well say - Without Sebastian where would Adrian be ?

He would be designing WDC winning cars for someone other than Vettel

A simple logical extension will give the answer to your own question (unless it was rhetorical in the first place) .... just assume that the car for the last 2 years was always like how its today - Designed by Newey but miles off the McLaren.
Would you rate Newey like you do now?

Well if the car was like it is now i'm guessing that Vettel wouldnt be a WDC, interesting you consider the 2nd fastest car a failure because Vettel cant make up the difference

Yeah Perez beat Vettel in the inferior car but he beat the 2 "greater" drivers in a greater car !! You know who I m talking about - Dont you :lol:

I dont recall Perez beating Alonso

Based on Vettel's 2008 win his wet races since are somewhat patchy which raises the question that his car was really very good

TC / EBD / Pirellis dont matter - There is no fixed purist formula in F1. You have to make the best of what you have.
Hamilton did whatever he had in 2008 and thus won the title - Kudos
Vettel raised the bar even higher in 2011 when he maximised the car and demolished the field.

Saying EBD helped Vettel is like saying the Steering Wheel helped all the previous champs ... EBD is just a part of the car and other cars had an even better versions of it.
Just the drivers were shall I say "little worse" to get the max out of it

Now that special skill of Vettel is not useful so he is suffering this slight dip in performance vis-a-vis his teammate who is no slouch in qualifying himself - never mind 2011.
But the best part is
If Button wins the teammate battle - we raise Button to top tier.
If Webber does so - we retrofit the argument that Vettel is average to begin with.

You keep with the arguement that Vettel was the best driver with the EBD when its just a simple matter that the Red Bull was the fastest car

In australia , Button had Lewis in his pocket in terms of pace. And Vettel would have had him in the overcut or at the most towards the end of the race - thats what really happened.

Lewis had a compromised race and Webber was just as quick as Vettel so Vettel didnt exactly do anything special

Thats another skill as far as I m concerned .... each should play to their strengths .

You're comparing Vettel's skills in comparison to Webber's you dont really have much idea how other drivers might have performed in the Red Bull last year

He'd be a leading designer who's created three WDC/WCC winning cars with three separate teams, that's where HE would be! Adrian was winning F1 championships while vettel was still sucking on his mum's boobies.

So what happened now ? Why are RB 1 sec off in the Q3

Shall we agree on drivers ? :)

You're sort of admitting that Vettel cant win without the best car and blaming everything on Newey this year, the Red Bull isnt that much slower than the McLaren

#2538 mursuka80

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 20:20

"monkeys" "frikking ridicolous" "stupid"

Guess you're right, no "idiot" or "cucumber" in there.


#2539 Skinnyguy

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 20:24

Petrov gave a description of the incident. That description does not match your interpretation of what happened, that's all.
It is quite normal (as this board should testify) for two people to have different interpretations of the same event/incident.

Interpretation??? :confused:

There´s video showing Vettel doesn´t turn left at any point. There´s video showing that Narain always had room to stay full throttle, and he DID turn right. That´s cold info, and that´s in what I base my interpretation: Narain messed up.

Petrov made his too, which is "Vettel messed up". But saying that "Narain didn´t move" or "Vettel cut across" is not interpretation, is just wrong.


#2540 tommyhjortasen

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 22:07

Bashing Seb is obvious fun for some reason. But he will be in the sharp end of the standings this year and probably the WDC.

#2541 Sakae

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 23:02

The only apology due here is FIA's, for granting Karthikeyan a Super License.


#2542 m0912329

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 23:15

The only apology due here is FIA's, for granting Karthikeyan a Super License.

Why not? He got 4th spot at Indianapolis in his first season (2005) in a Jordan, that is some achievement given a lot of drivers today haven't even finished that high in their career. :clap:

#2543 hammibal

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 23:43

"monkeys" "frikking ridicolous" "stupid"

Guess you're right, no "idiot" or "cucumber" in there.

It was general description though and not a personal attack on anyone

#2544 pinkypants

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:00

"monkeys" "frikking ridicolous" "stupid"

Guess you're right, no "idiot" or "cucumber" in there.

Look I think under the heat of the moment we are all capable of saying these we don't mean, or things we mean but won't rather not say out loud.

Doesn't mean it's acceptable behaviour, just means that unfortunately life happens!

I do think the media and fans have not reacted as harshly to Vettel's comments as they have done with LH. This is not to suggest that people should be more critical of Vettel's behaviour, but that maybe that the reaction to LH's comments was a little OTT.

I think Vettel just needs to focus his attention on his driving, accept the situation he's in as he has been and carry on pushing for 2012. The season has only just started, things can change very quickly and Vettel hasn't lost the personal qualities that allowed him to win back to back championships. This could be Vettel's (LH) 2009 season...or he could be 2012 treble WDC. Only time will tell :)

Edited by pinkypants, 31 March 2012 - 02:01.

#2545 Kelateboy

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:42

How is it "sensible" to conclude that Petrov would say the following without having seen any footage?

“Karthikeyan didn’t do anything unnecessary - didn’t hit him, didn’t change direction sharply. Sebastian overtook him and started to turn. But Narain was going straight.”

But Narain WAS NOT going straight, he turned right and hit Vettel. If Petrov did not have that fact correct, then it is a reasonable assumption to say that he did not see the footage of the incident before coming up with such a conclusion.

#2546 Kelateboy

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:51

Why not? He got 4th spot at Indianapolis in his first season (2005) in a Jordan, that is some achievement given a lot of drivers today haven't even finished that high in their career. :clap:

The race in which only 6 cars participated and he lost the podium to his teammate. :D

#2547 mprtc

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 04:44

The only apology due here is FIA's, for granting Karthikeyan a Super License.

no , apology from FIA for granting Vettel a superlicense

Edited by mprtc, 31 March 2012 - 04:48.

#2548 gillesthegenius

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 05:17

no , apology from FIA for granting Vettel a superlicense

Thats right. Apology from th FIA for granting Vettel a superlicence and making your life miserable for the last 2 years. :D

#2549 bourbon

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 06:55

Minidrivers are back! Lots of Seb - great stuff! This is the Malaysian.


#2550 sebomaniac

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 07:56

Have I missed any grand prix after the Malaysian one ? And if there was one how did Seb mess it up? All this talk of a Seb meltdown has left me wondering ...
