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Podium versus winners' circle

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#1 biercemountain

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 12:47

I can't help but notice that American racing isn't very kind to anyone but the winner in post-race celebrations. Instead of having a podium you have the Winner and that's it, the rest are those who didn't.

Are there any other countries where this "Winner's Circle" tradition is the norm? Do most other countries (and racing series') use a podium ceremony?


#2 chdphd

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 13:28

They do podiums in IndyCar, .e.g


#3 nicanary

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 13:45

I'm reading Tony Brooks' autobiography at the moment, and he points out, by photograph, that when he won the 1958 Grosser Preis von Deutschland (how Jenks would have loved to see it called that) he was alone when presented with his garland.
No such thing as a podium back then. (Nor champagne spraying, come to that).

#4 biercemountain

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 14:20

They do podiums in IndyCar, .e.g


Do they always do podiums in IndyCar? I guess they must come later in the post-race because they never show them on TV.

Edited by biercemountain, 12 June 2012 - 14:21.

#5 chdphd

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 14:58

Do they always do podiums in IndyCar? I guess they must come later in the post-race because they never show them on TV.

I think so. Sky tends to leave the official American TV coverage after the winning driver interview and then do their own thing for a wee while.

#6 Option1

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 15:27

I think ALMS and possibly Grand Am do podiums as well. Certainly, in motorcycle racing, the AMA does podiums.


Edited by Option1, 12 June 2012 - 15:28.

#7 D-Type

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 16:14

I can't help but notice that American racing isn't very kind to anyone but the winner in post-race celebrations. Instead of having a podium you have the Winner and that's it, the rest are those who didn't.

Are there any other countries where this "Winner's Circle" tradition is the norm? Do most other countries (and racing series') use a podium ceremony?

I think it rather depends "When?" you are talking about. Prewar it seemed to be only the winners who got a laurel wreath and a trophy.

At Indianapolis I think it was only the winner who came into Victory Lane. Certainly after the drink the milk "tradition" was invented, it was only the winner who had to do so..

#8 biercemountain

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 16:55

I think it rather depends "When?" you are talking about. Prewar it seemed to be only the winners who got a laurel wreath and a trophy.

This of course begs the question, when was the first podium at a GP?

#9 Geoff E

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 18:35

This of course begs the question, when was the first podium at a GP?

Perhaps the answer is here http://forums.autosp...showtopic=31009

#10 Stephen W

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 08:13

Possibly a throwback to horse racing where motor sport has its roots.

In 1970 at Spa and Brands it was only the winner who was singled out for an award. It then became the first three and now we get a 'representative' of the team up there as well - next thing we'll have the Clerk of the Course, Chief Marshal, Paddock Marshal, Car Park Attendants and Jounalists all being presented with mind-blowingly naff trophies!

(Mind you some of the trophies are spectacular and would not be out of place in an art gallery!)


#11 Allan Lupton

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 08:46

Yes, trophies have gone the way of much of what we hanker after here!
I remember when the winner of a GP got a large silver cup, into which he could pour the champagne he'd also been given so that he could take a celebratory swig before handing it round to the runners-up and (perhaps) the car's owner.
This photo shows the sort of cup and "what happend next" would be the champers, and even if SCM didn't drink (as I recall) he'd have gone through the motions!
Posted Image

#12 David McKinney

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 11:49

Lest anyone should think Allan's photo shows an early "podium", Brooks and Moss were joint winners of the 1957 British GP, where the picture presumably originates

#13 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 12:15

Over-simplified, but in oval racing you have a winner and in road courses a podium. Though in Indycar I think they do podiums on some ovals, if not all of them but for Indianapolis.

NASCAR doesn't do podiums even at road courses.

#14 Allan Lupton

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 13:18

Lest anyone should think Allan's photo shows an early "podium", Brooks and Moss were joint winners of the 1957 British GP, where the picture presumably originates

That's it, David.
The panda look of the Vanwall drivers was well-known in period, and I now wonder how much (and which sort of) asbestos was in that brake dust.

#15 nicanary

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 13:23

That's it, David.
The panda look of the Vanwall drivers was well-known in period, and I now wonder how much (and which sort of) asbestos was in that brake dust.

Well, the two great men are still with us.....

#16 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 16:53

Does anyone else remember the 'good old days' when we jostled our way onto the circuit to watch the prize giving presentation which took place at the end of Silverstone meetings, including the British Grand Prix. No podiums or spraying of champagne in those times. :up:

#17 RA Historian

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 17:00

Do they always do podiums in IndyCar? I guess they must come later in the post-race because they never show them on TV.

Yes. All but Indianapolis.

I think ALMS and possibly Grand Am do podiums as well.


Over-simplified, but in oval racing you have a winner and in road courses a podium. Though in Indycar I think they do podiums on some ovals, if not all of them but for Indianapolis.

IndyCar has podiums for the top three for all races but Indianapolis. Even do the raising of the flags of country of the three drivers.


#18 Ray Bell

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 22:12

Originally posted by RA Historian
.....IndyCar has podiums for the top three for all races but Indianapolis. Even do the raising of the flags of country of the three drivers.

Doesn't that show the changeability and the falseness of the whole deal?

IndyCar (well, Championship...) races in the old days featured all US drivers, it was an all-US series, there'd be no need for this display of nationalism.

If I were at a circuit and it was time to hear something after the race, I'd only be interested in what the winner had to say, or maybe the second-placed man if it had been a long and drawn out battle for the win.

The 'podium' is undoubtedly a steal from Olympic Games competition. You wouldn't see one in football, of course, nor cricket. In a way it's inappropriate when relating to races in a series, as there are inevitably points going to at least sixth place. Why not have all the point-scorers up there?

#19 scheivlak

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 22:25

Possibly a throwback to horse racing where motor sport has its roots.

In 1970 at Spa and Brands it was only the winner who was singled out for an award.

I somehow think that I've read that there was some kind of a podium ceremony at Spa in 1968, when Jacky Ickx finished a rather lucky third - his first F1 podium.


#20 Stephen W

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 09:10

Does anyone else remember the 'good old days' when we jostled our way onto the circuit to watch the prize giving presentation which took place at the end of Silverstone meetings, including the British Grand Prix. No podiums or spraying of champagne in those times. :up:

... and they would load the winning car and driver onto a trailer and take them round so ALL the spectators could see them. BTW at the 1970 British GP the first three drivers were on the trailer.

I somehow think that I've read that there was some kind of a podium ceremony at Spa in 1968, when Jacky Ickx finished a rather lucky third - his first F1 podium.

Can't say what happened in '68 but at the 1970 Belgian GP it was only Pedro on the balcony above the pits, there were dozens of other people but I can only see the one driver up there in my photos.

#21 john winfield

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 09:43

... and they would load the winning car and driver onto a trailer and take them round so ALL the spectators could see them. BTW at the 1970 British GP the first three drivers were on the trailer.

Can't say what happened in '68 but at the 1970 Belgian GP it was only Pedro on the balcony above the pits, there were dozens of other people but I can only see the one driver up there in my photos.

I don't remember Brabham and Hulme on the trailer with Rindt in 1970. There again, we were at Clearways so perhaps they had jumped off before they reached us! Surely though Jack would have made sure that no Lotus mechanics leaned too heavily on the 72's rear wing?......
Here's a (Brian Watson ?) photo:


And here's a David Phipps shot of the podium at Spa in 1968:


It doesn't look as if the podium was arranged for Belgium and Ickx's benefit as they seemed to have three garlands ready. I see Pedro is wearing Luc's (Carlos's?) deerstalker for a bet.

Edited by john winfield, 14 June 2012 - 09:43.

#22 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 14:27

Does anyone else remember the 'good old days' when we jostled our way onto the circuit to watch the prize giving presentation which took place at the end of Silverstone meetings, including the British Grand Prix. No podiums or spraying of champagne in those times. :up:

And if you were lucky, you might have seen the great Alberto Ascari having a wash and brush up after winning the Grand Prix, using the same cold water stand pipe in the paddock that we used to fill our drinking bottles from before cycling home.

#23 scheivlak

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 23:14

Had a look at the 1978 Monaco and Belgian GP today. 


Only one guy congratulated by Rainier and Grace in Monaco and receiving his trophy - the winner, Patrick Depailler.


Belgian GP at Zolder: three guys on an informal podium spraying the champagne: Mario Andretti, Ronnie Peterson..... and Colin Chapman.