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Winking emoticon glitch

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#1 Afterburner

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 00:35

Searched for a thread on this but couldn't find one. Just a small gripe, really.

When typed into a post, the code for the winking emoticon requires a space inserted before the actual characters for it to work, otherwise it doesn't show up.

For example

;) - no space
;) - space

If you want the emoticon to show up away from the end of a sentence, you need to use two spaces before typing in the characters that trigger the winking emoticon. Otherwise, it'll show up like this.;) More annoying still, the 'quick edit' feature removes this extra space, so your emoticon becomes attached to the end of your sentence if you don't remember to edit the extra space back in. (Test it out and see for yourself.)

Obviously this is a very minor complaint that only someone like me would notice, much less care about (:p), and it can probably be fixed quite easily by removing the space coded into the emoticon's activation code. Just thought I'd bring it to everyone's attention in case someone might care--I honestly don't think it's a gamebreaker, but figured I'd report it nonetheless. :lol:


#2 condor

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 15:23

Just thought I'd bring it to everyone's attention in case someone might care--

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Just seen this

First reported nearly 2 years ago


No -they don't care :lol:

#3 Zmeej

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 20:33

Even earlier than that, but not in a separate "issue specific" thread.