I’m looking for a good home for these motorcycling books. They belonged to my father, who was a mechanic at Cyril Williams’ Wolverhampton garage in the thirties, after Williams had retired from racing.
The Sunbeam Motorcycle, by Robert Cordon Champ (first edition, March 1980)
It’s a Triumph, by Ivor Davies (fourth edition, July 1987)
Motorcycling in the 1930s, by Bob Currie (second impression 1982)
Isle of Man Rider’s Guide, by Ray Knight (first edition paperback 1991)
The price has been cut off the inside fold of the dust jacket of the Triumph book only. All four have handwritten birthday or Christmas dedications on the front endpapers. The condition is as near to new as you could get, with no significant discolouration of the closed pages; not quite Persil white but not far off.
I would like £100 for the lot, plus £10 to cover postage.

Motorcycling Books for Sale
Started by
, Sep 06 2012 17:10
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