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Incorrect post count?

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#1 Disgrace

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 17:49

I've noticed that if I delete the occasional old message for whatever reason, the post count remains what it was prior to deletion. I guess a copy remains in a database or it is simply a fault? The post count does reduce on other forums in my experience.

Edited by Disgrace, 14 September 2012 - 17:50.


#2 as65p

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 14:37

I've noticed that if I delete the occasional old message for whatever reason, the post count remains what it was prior to deletion. I guess a copy remains in a database or it is simply a fault? The post count does reduce on other forums in my experience.

It plays up all the time. Haven't kept track, but I noticed my post count going back and forth a few hundreth, seemingly at random.

It's more like a rough guess, I reckon.  ;) The only half-logical explanation would be old posts (say, older than 3 years) falling out at predetermined intervalls.