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We need some rivets ....

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#1 Nev

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 06:41

On the scrounge again.

Does anyone happen to have any original mid 1960s Advel Avex blind rivets about their person? These are the rivets used by Jaguar on racing cars and prototypes in the 1960s. I will keep you in beer for a week if you can steer me towards a supply :)

Although Advel are still in business, they transferred production to China in 2005.

There's a bit more detail of the project and what I am looking for here:

Building the Legend


#2 jcbc3

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 07:56

So having read the blog, I was about to post it to be 'Fascinating'.

English being my second language I looked the spelling up and two synonyms came up. 'Fascinating' and 'riveting'. I'll go with both then.

#3 Kelpiecross

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 14:24

On the scrounge again.

Does anyone happen to have any original mid 1960s Advel Avex blind rivets about their person? These are the rivets used by Jaguar on racing cars and prototypes in the 1960s. I will keep you in beer for a week if you can steer me towards a supply :)

Although Advel are still in business, they transferred production to China in 2005.

There's a bit more detail of the project and what I am looking for here:

Building the Legend

The Spitfire pictured in "Building the Legend" looks a bit odd - out of proportion - some sort of replica maybe?

#4 Charles E Taylor

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 20:00

On the scrounge again.

Does anyone happen to have any original mid 1960s Advel Avex blind rivets about their person? These are the rivets used by Jaguar on racing cars and prototypes in the 1960s. I will keep you in beer for a week if you can steer me towards a supply :)

Although Advel are still in business, they transferred production to China in 2005.

There's a bit more detail of the project and what I am looking for here:

Building the Legend

LAS have a good range of British AGS.



#5 packapoo

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Posted 04 October 2012 - 06:35

So having read the blog, I was about to post it to be 'Fascinating'.

English being my second language I looked the spelling up and two synonyms came up. 'Fascinating' and 'riveting'. I'll go with both then.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

#6 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 08:49

On the scrounge again.

Does anyone happen to have any original mid 1960s Advel Avex blind rivets about their person? These are the rivets used by Jaguar on racing cars and prototypes in the 1960s. I will keep you in beer for a week if you can steer me towards a supply :)

Although Advel are still in business, they transferred production to China in 2005.

There's a bit more detail of the project and what I am looking for here:

Building the Legend

I used to buy them here in Oz, but noone seems to have then here now either. Or even the normal Avdel rivets which do grip far better than any others.
Let me know if someone knows where I can buy them in Oz

#7 gruntguru

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 23:14

Not "ADVEL" - its "AVDEL".

I must admit Advel rolls off the tongue a little better.

#8 bigleagueslider

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 01:06

On the scrounge again.

Does anyone happen to have any original mid 1960s Advel Avex blind rivets about their person? These are the rivets used by Jaguar on racing cars and prototypes in the 1960s. I will keep you in beer for a week if you can steer me towards a supply :)

Although Advel are still in business, they transferred production to China in 2005.

Avdel US still markets the Monobolt rivet line. The materials and quality should be indistinguishable from those manufactured in the 1960's.

You might also try aviation surplus sales outfits that specialize in fasteners.


#9 Dipster

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 16:20

Not "ADVEL" - its "AVDEL".

I must admit Advel rolls off the tongue a little better.

From "Aviation Developments" I believe, who manufactured them as I recall. Avdel rivets were very good. No idea if they still are.