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Bradley Smith devastated as weather delays MotoGP debut

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#1 slideways

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 00:15

Bradley Smith devastated as weather delays MotoGP debut


Bradley Smith said he was devastated to lose his first day at a MotoGP rider to the adverse weather conditions at Valencia.

"To say I am disappointed is an under statement," Smith admitted.

"I've been looking forward to today for months, so to not even get out on track for one lap is a bit frustrating, but there is nothing I can do about it.

"When I got in my leathers yesterday and sat on the bike for the first time, it really hit home what a big day in my career this was.

"It is a shame that I'm still waiting to try the Monster Yamaha Tech 3 YZR-M1 for the first time but my chance will come."

"For most of the day the conditions were the worst possible - I was only going to get let out if the track was really soaking so I could get a feel for the bike," he said.

"It looks the weather is going to be even worse tomorrow but at least I'll get out for a few laps and that will be a bonus."

How do you get 'devastated' from 'a bit frustrating'?

The reason most of us pay subscriptions here is because you don't hyperbole or pander to an audience. This is a planet F1 style article. After around a decade of subscription I am really hanging by a thread. Any more articles like this and it will be cancelled.


#2 Risil

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 01:33

Well, he said that "disappointed" was an understatement. Is there an emotion between disappointed and devastated? :stoned:

On the other hand the headline on the main site reads "Smith gutted as weather delayed debut", which was a bit of a shocker. Herve Poncharal offering his young rider as a sacrifice to the great god Jupiter? Bradders expressing his devastation by committing seppuku? Idiomatic English, she has her tricks and wiles.

Edited by Risil, 14 November 2012 - 01:33.

#3 slideways

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 03:36

Yes I found 'gutted' to be somewhat unprofessional in terms of journalistic prose.

"Smith unhappy to miss his debut" would have been adequate.