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Off topic but totally "boys toys"

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#1 mariner

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 14:30

Its planes not cars but this BBC4 programme last night was such fun I recommend it to anybody who can access the BBC iplayer via the net.


Its the story of british military jet design from 1945 to 1965. Fast jets, test pilots, cutaways, wonderful stuff. I dont know how or why the British aircraft industry designed so many planes but it must have wonderful to be an aircraft engineer in those days. in 20 years they went from piston engines and 30,000 ft , through 600 mph Meteors , 60,000 ft Canberra jets and three not just one strategic bomber designs . Then came the totally " hotrod" Lighning interceptor supposedly capable of going supersonic vertically , to the ultra advanced but destroyed TRS 2. The final fling was the Harrier jump jet but what a finish!

its all gone now but a bit like ground effects and Turbos in 1970's F1 it may have been a bit crazy but such a design challenge.

BTW 2013 is the last year the Avro Vulcan can give flying displays due to fatigue limits. So if you are in, or will be in , th UK in summer 2013 you might want to catch it whille you can


#2 naiboz

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Posted 26 December 2012 - 10:16

I think I've seen that show before

It was amazing just how many fighters we were operating back then, I think at one point we were operating 10+ different jet fighters, from umpteen different manufacturers.

#3 275 GTB-4

275 GTB-4
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Posted 27 December 2012 - 08:03

I think I've seen that show before

It was amazing just how many fighters we were operating back then, I think at one point we were operating 10+ different jet fighters, from umpteen different manufacturers.

Sounds familiar...the car industry was similarly over-ambitious and was probably its downfall :blush: