Michael C Brown RIP
Posted 27 December 2012 - 10:05
A proud husband and father, Michael was one of the genuine good guys.
My sincere condolences to his family and all those who, like me, counted him as a friend.
Rest in peace MCB. You will be hugely missed.
Posted 27 December 2012 - 10:18
I hadn't seen Michael all that often in recent years - although the last time was just a few weeks ago, when we were both working in Austin - but his company was always a pleasure. He was a wonderful photographer and an even better bloke.
Posted 27 December 2012 - 10:31
Edited by backfire, 27 December 2012 - 10:32.
Posted 27 December 2012 - 10:52
Posted 27 December 2012 - 10:58
Posted 27 December 2012 - 11:55
Posted 27 December 2012 - 12:32
I never met personally Mr. Brown; I even't spoke to him a lot of times on Facebook or by email; but everytime I contacted him he always had an answer for an amateur and unknown like me; he always had a word. When I started developing my contacts and searching fro drivers and other motorsport-related people, I found several through his wonderful albums, and he helped me when I asked for additional help identifying a driver, and contacting him. He was an amazing photographer, and a great man and he will be sadly missed. I can only spoke for professional things, because I feel bad for even speaking for more, as I never met or spoke often with him. But it's my tribute.
RIP Michael C. Brown
Posted 27 December 2012 - 13:22
A really nice Guy.
Posted 27 December 2012 - 13:51
Posted 27 December 2012 - 14:02
Edited by Phil Rainford, 27 December 2012 - 18:17.
Posted 27 December 2012 - 16:28
Which he generously shared in massive numbers - without captions, but always ready to answer the inevitable questions, as an ongoing & enjoyable WWW....a superb photographer whose images will prove an inspiration for generations of motor racing fans for years to come
Posted 27 December 2012 - 21:22

The best of Michael C. Brown: Formula 1 Photo Gallery
Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:24
Posted 28 December 2012 - 20:41

Posted 29 December 2012 - 21:06
I remember him from the US in the early nineties. He always seemed to have time for everybody and anything.
I notice from the link that his "introduction" to the sport was very much like my own - a Scalextrix set and a pricture of Jim Clark. Incredible. How many people, I wonder, started their interest that way?
Rest in peace, Michael.
Posted 06 December 2018 - 22:54
Does someone know hoe I may contact the family of Michael C. Brown?
I'd like to open my website with a tribute to him.
Best Regards
Posted 07 December 2018 - 10:14
Does someone know hoe I may contact the family of Michael C. Brown?
I'd like to open my website with a tribute to him.
Best Regards
Perhaps the best person to contact is Bryn Williams. They were BF
Posted 07 December 2018 - 13:28
Perhaps the best person to contact is Bryn Williams. They were BF
Many Thanks!!!!! It's something I'd really like to do, and as I'll put my website on definitively, I thought it was fit to start with something that will remember the person who introduced me to the FB racing scene and helped me on many steps. I never met him, but all 26th of December I wake up with the feeling of that day, when I opened the computer and TNF and saw the news.
Posted 07 December 2018 - 17:26