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F1 Racing Magazine, complete collection value?

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#1 David Lightman

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:16

Bit of a random question I know but I have every issue of F1 Racing magazine since it launched in 1996 (over 200 issues) but I need to free up space in my house. Does a collection like this have any great value or am I wasting my time trying to sell it? Seems wrong to just take them all to the recycling point! I could only see single issues on eBay and they didn't appear to be selling.

Any advice appreciated.


#2 wiligates

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:27

People usually are only interested in buying particular issues rather a whole collection.Collectability value is next to zero as magazines have enough trouble selling them as it is.I've had large collections of car,guitar and other mags that i hung on to for sentiment but when that waned i gave them to like minded people who took them on.At least they are still keeping others amused and not just being thrown away.

#3 Sakae

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:44

Bit of a random question I know but I have every issue of F1 Racing magazine since it launched in 1996 (over 200 issues) but I need to free up space in my house. Does a collection like this have any great value or am I wasting my time trying to sell it? Seems wrong to just take them all to the recycling point! I could only see single issues on eBay and they didn't appear to be selling.

Any advice appreciated.

I would contact F1 Racing magazine and consult with them, because if any chances exist, if I would be a such nutter, no pan intended, and wanted full collection, they would be first on my list to contact, so, they might have names of other collectors, although in the age of internet this might be an uphill battle all the way. My second shot would be at motor-sport historians, journalists, etc.

Edited by Sakae, 18 April 2013 - 06:44.

#4 Desdirodeabike

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 07:09

Maybe try a pawn shop?

Posted Image

"Complete collection of F1 Racing magazines?
Let me call a buddy of mine who is an expert in that sort of thing."

Posted Image

"It's an amazing collection you got. Virtually priceless."

Posted Image

"Ill give you five bucks."

Edited by Desdirodeabike, 18 April 2013 - 07:09.

#5 David Lightman

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:49

Thanks guys :)

#6 danmills

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:05

Just my two cents, but over a year ago a similar guy tried to pass on his collection of F1 Racing Magazines as well as an almost complete set of the Official F1 Magazine for free.

Nobody was interested and he recycled the entire lot!

I was gutted, as I lived 20 minutes away and would have loved to have had them as I work with people who update Grand Prix 4 / Rfactor to current season specs. I was about 2 weeks too late lol.

A valuable resource but only to a select group it seems.

You might sell a few, but I too have seen job lots of these fail to sell on ebay. The odd single magazine special, but thats it.

I'm sitting on an almost complete set of F1 News Magazine and tons of mid to late 90's Autosports as a resource for game mods.

Keep them, but don't recycling them! Where are you located anyway?

#7 David Lightman

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:29

I'm in Kent and whoever wants them will have to collect :D

#8 Imperial

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:29

I likewise have every issue but keep them just for the occassional dip into past issues. It is quite interesting coming across interviews with some famous names, some that went on to be famous names and some that you forgot every existed.

What is their value? I don't think they have one at the moment to be honest. I've seen people writing into their letters page in the past offering their entire collection for free, just to be rid of them.

I'd be tempted to suggest that in years to come they could be worth something, but....I bought about 40 issues of Motorsport from the 1960s in a charity shop for £3.00 two years ago, so....

#9 David Lightman

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:47

To be honest I just don't want to recycle them. At the moment they just remind me of how great the magazine used to be.

#10 Rubens Hakkamacher

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 16:59

I was gutted, as I lived 20 minutes away and would have loved to have had them as I work with people who update Grand Prix 4 / Rfactor to current season specs. I was about 2 weeks too late lol.

I have an even better story.

I rented an apartment from a friend who had a room mate I obliquely knew. What I didn't know was he was more or less one of the few F1 fans in my area, which I found out a day after the guy said "oh man, I wish I had known, I just dumped all of my F1 Racing mags day before yesterday as I was moving out of here".

Being in the U.S. they're hyper-$$$$, I'd love to take such a collection off of someone's hands for a "get them out of my house" charge....

#11 Imperial

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:20

I'm actually surprised F1 Racing haven't made past editions available in digital format, I believe you can buy every edition (or at least from the very early days onwards) of Motorsport, which must have involved an awful lot of high quality scanning. F1 Racing, starting in 1997 I believe, has surely always been created digitally so is more or less 'ready' to be put out there.