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Forza Motorsport 5

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#1 MikeV1987

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 13:35

It will launch along with the next gen Xbox in the fall/winter of 2013. Forza 4 was pretty much Forza 3.5, this game will be epic! We should be getting some details when they reveal the next gen xbox in late May, If not we'll have to wait until E3.



Hopefully they solve the in game freezing issue while playing multiplayer and fix the broken drivetrain conversion system once and for all!

Edited by MikeV1987, 29 April 2013 - 13:42.


#2 MattFoster

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 00:05

As long as Forza 5 isn't a Horizon 2 I will be happy. We need the game to go back to being racetrack based with an auction house as well. I rarely play my copy of Horizon as it's just too arcade like for me and the annoying nagging from the chick to buy more cars, even after just leaving the show room too much to bear.

#3 ApexMouse

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 11:50

1976 F1 Cars Announced https://twitter.com/...676827828207616

Hunt and Lauda's cars.

#4 Longtimefan

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 13:31

I love the Forza games and have been playing them since the first one, sadly I won't get to play this one. :(

I will be buying a PS4 rather than Xbox One, that is a hard decision and not one I'm really happy with as I love my 360 but my principles simply won't allow me to buy a One.

I don't want a kinect based system
I dislike the fact used games are not allowed
I dislike the fact I have to connect to the net daily with the Xbox or I cannot play any of my games.
I dislike the fact I cannot lend a friend games or borrow games off friends.

Sure as a PS4 owner I can play GT6 but you know what?
I really don't like that much, I prefer Forza.
I also prefer the 360 controller to the PS3/4 one.

It really sucks but I guess at least I can borrow games, buy used ones and not be tethered to the net to authenticate daily.


I will miss Forza though.

#5 ApexMouse

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 13:51


Though, you wont be able to play GT6 on PS4, at least not until mid-2014 and possibly not ever. No word on a PS4 GT.
Also, you can get PS gamepads that are shaped like Xbox ones, if you wernt aware.

#6 HaydenFan

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 01:12

Word is that IndyCar will be in the Forza 5. While the Grid 2 version of the DW-12 sucked (all the basic IndyCar livery and Indy Motor Speedway wing setup), I am actually hoping for some change here. I fear from at least the trailer is of the same rear wing though. Ruins the realism for the other venues that could be included in the game with it.

If things look good, an Xbox One might be my first purchase over the PS4. I love my PS3 and wouldn't go against it (mostly because of the free online), but if I can find a good group of racers to make the jump to Forza and IndyCar, I might be a buyer.

#7 Longtimefan

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 11:54

Word is that IndyCar will be in the Forza 5. While the Grid 2 version of the DW-12 sucked (all the basic IndyCar livery and Indy Motor Speedway wing setup), I am actually hoping for some change here. I fear from at least the trailer is of the same rear wing though. Ruins the realism for the other venues that could be included in the game with it.

If things look good, an Xbox One might be my first purchase over the PS4. I love my PS3 and wouldn't go against it (mostly because of the free online), but if I can find a good group of racers to make the jump to Forza and IndyCar, I might be a buyer.

You might want to read up on the Xbox One before diving in.. re: forced kinect, forced daily 'internet check' (or all games stop working after 24hrs), Terrible DRM. :(

#8 The Kanisteri

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 12:11

Out of topic, but meh! :p

Posted Image

#9 Longtimefan

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 14:29

lol :D

#10 MikeV1987

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 08:41

Yeah, with all the controversy involving the NSA recently, it makes me a little uncomfortable to have a camera constantly watching over my living room :lol:

#11 baddog

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 10:14


Though, you wont be able to play GT6 on PS4, at least not until mid-2014 and possibly not ever. No word on a PS4 GT.
Also, you can get PS gamepads that are shaped like Xbox ones, if you wernt aware.

PS4 GT is a given, it really is.

But they will maybe do as they did with the PS3, release a prologue or upscaled GT6 and then release a proper version a couple of years in to give the console a fresh boost. The GT5 release was a huge sales boost for the PS3 at a critical time.

#12 MikeV1987

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Posted 24 June 2013 - 16:37

Open wheel racers is exactly what I wanted Turn 10 to do as well, I think this just swayed me to the Xbox one.

Edited by MikeV1987, 24 June 2013 - 16:38.

#13 MikeV1987

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 17:53

Spa is officially in Forza 5, awesome.



#14 froggy22

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 21:23

I want this game so bad, but im not forking out all that money for a xbox one just for 1 game. Wish they would release it on 360.

#15 MaxisOne

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 18:35

Spa is officially in Forza 5, awesome.





Add in Mount Panorama !!!  :clap:



Edited by MaxisOne, 24 September 2013 - 18:36.

#16 MikeV1987

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 20:54

What a track selection we should have! If any of you guys are into organized online races, here are some sites to check out. I race in Forza Universe mostly, going to try VTCC soon though.







Edited by MikeV1987, 24 September 2013 - 20:54.

#17 Afterburner

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 16:15

Add in Mount Panorama !!!  :clap:




On one hand, I can't help but be over the moon that these tracks are going to show up in what is shaping up to appear as an all-conquering, all-purpose racing game, but on the other, I can't help but feel dejected that I'm going to have to shell out something close to $500 just to play it. Sorry, but it's not worth that much to me.


It would be nice if they'd have mapped them in a manner compatible with FM4 and released them as DLC for that game, too--I think a fair few people won't be leaping to get an Xbox One just for FM5 and would be quite content with shelling out $10 a track for something new on FM4, myself included.

#18 SinStorm

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Posted 05 October 2013 - 05:41

Bathurst in an Indycar no-assists is going to be heaven. Preordered the LE when it became available.

#19 SinStorm

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Posted 13 October 2013 - 21:51

First footage of Bathurst (apologies for poor quality:


#20 MikeV1987

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 16:21

Monza, Yas Marina, Long Beach GP Circuit & Pacific Raceways will apparently be in FM5, along with all other tracks from FM3 & 4.

Tracks like Laguna Seca, Silverstone, & Indianapolis have been rescanned.


Looking good, can't wait for this. I am surprised this game doesn't get more attention, it is simply epic. It has converted me from Gran Turismo that's for sure.


Car list so far...



Edited by MikeV1987, 31 October 2013 - 16:24.

#21 MikeV1987

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 16:30

Forza 5 trailer recreates the experience of driving an Audi supercar



#22 MikeV1987

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 09:41

 This is what has me addicted to Forza atm, right now I am doing the Touring Car Championship. It's really fun, but really competitive. To put it into perspective, the first race I participated in on Mugello short circuit, 42 cars were within a second of pole position. You are up against the best of Forza Motorsport regarding other racers, in this series I think their is around 70-80 people at each round with 150+ people signed up for the series. Their is usually quite a few lobbies, and you always get put in lobbies with people who have similar qualifying times as you to keep it balanced. 


I could ramble on about this place forever, but if you play Forza and want to try something more competitive than public lobbies, then this is where you want to be. 



  • The Online Racing Association is a class leader in the field of simulation racing and virtual motorsport. 
  • TORA is officially recognised as a governing body for virtual motorsport by an FIA National Sporting Authority, the MSA. The Motor Sports Association (MSA) is the sole motorsport governing body for the United Kingdom. 

Edited by MikeV1987, 05 November 2013 - 09:44.

#23 DanardiF1

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 11:19

I'm not an Xbox owner and have only played FM4 fleetingly on my brothers console, but to me FM5 is looking less hardcore and more towards the casual gamer, especially with the lack of any significant steering wheel support. Still no day/night transitions either which is strange considering it's a big part of the sportscar racing they feature so many cars from.


What's the feeling amongst those heavily into the series? Excited for this title or is shelling out for an Xbone not worth it just for this iteration of Forza?

#24 Afterburner

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 03:38

What's the feeling amongst those heavily into the series? Excited for this title or is shelling out for an Xbone not worth it just for this iteration of Forza?


I am both excited about it and also not planning on shelling out cash for an Xbox One--I'll wait a while 'til those come a long way down in price. If the game was released on 360, I'd pick it up in less than a heartbeat.

#25 PayasYouRace

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 08:41

I won't be going next gen until the consoles are established and I can make a more informed decision on which to go for. So I haven't been paying as much attention to F5 as I otherwise would be.

#26 MikeV1987

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 09:17

I didn't pre order, so I probably won't be getting an xbone until 2014 sometime. I'd rather wait a bit and let them work the bugs out, I got the 360 at launch and it was a piece of ****.

#27 MikeV1987

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 09:36





F1, Indy and all other race cars should be fully paintable too   :up:

Edited by MikeV1987, 07 November 2013 - 09:53.

#28 10e10

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 18:33





F1, Indy and all other race cars should be fully paintable too   :up:


If it has McLarens and Ferraris it is an instant win!

#29 PayasYouRace

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 18:53

No Pirelli branding on the tyres.

#30 Afterburner

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 20:19

No Pirelli branding on the tyres.


Good--we'll be able to run them for more than thirty-minute races. :p

#31 Afterburner

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 06:07

Well, my enthusiasm for this game has just hit zero. Read this.
How do they plan to sell a racing game like this with only 200 cars and 14 tracks when the previous installment had nearly twice as many of both? Sorry, but I'm not trading the ability to race so many cars on so many tracks for slightly better graphics and sounds to race open-wheelers and new hypercars on a smaller selection of tracks--I don't care what tracks they are. Forza 4's track selection was barely passable; I can't imagine myself being satisfied with Forza 5's.
They're headed in a worrying direction by cutting out so much content and reserving it for DLC. I understand why it's happening, but from a lay-man's perspective, it seems maddeningly annoying--I mean, what, we just got the Sauber C9 on FM4, and now you're scrapping it? Ridiculous.

Edited by Afterburner, 10 November 2013 - 06:09.

#32 MikeV1987

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 10:34

Quality over quantity

#33 The Kanisteri

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 06:54

Quality over quantity


Quality with Forza 5 will be quite questionable. There will be no good wheels for XBox-One. You can get some crap toy by Mad Catz. Workmate broke 3 of them (though under warranty) before he gave up and got Fanatec one for Xbox360. He was very surprised how much better wheel it was. And Micro$oft decide to not support Fanatecs wheels with new XBox....


Sure you can keep playing F5 fairly well with gamepad -  and game as it is, will be definetely best driving game what new Xbox will have available - but I laugh a lot, if claims how realistic it feels.

If M$ don't change their attitude on 3rd party good wheel makers, Forza 4 will be far more superior than Forza 5.

Edited by The Kanisteri, 13 November 2013 - 06:56.

#34 MikeV1987

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Posted 24 November 2013 - 16:25

Well i've been hyping this game up for the last while and it's A JOKE. The graphics and physics are nice, but the reviews for it are bullshit. As a long time Forza player I would give this game a 7/10 at best, it is missing so many things that FM4 had and it pretty much killed the community. No more auction house, no more storefront, no spectating, no replay saves, no gifting. This is a huge blow to the community they have gained over the years. Organized racing is not possible on Forza 5, the big leagues like Tora are going back to FM4 as a result. Very bummed, at least I have GT6 on order as well though.


If you happen to be a Forza player, vote this please.



Edited by MikeV1987, 24 November 2013 - 16:27.

#35 Myrvold

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Posted 25 November 2013 - 22:55


#36 Afterburner

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 17:36

Well i've been hyping this game up for the last while and it's A JOKE. The graphics and physics are nice, but the reviews for it are bullshit. As a long time Forza player I would give this game a 7/10 at best, it is missing so many things that FM4 had and it pretty much killed the community. No more auction house, no more storefront, no spectating, no replay saves, no gifting. This is a huge blow to the community they have gained over the years. Organized racing is not possible on Forza 5, the big leagues like Tora are going back to FM4 as a result. Very bummed, at least I have GT6 on order as well though.
If you happen to be a Forza player, vote this please.

I don't want to say 'I told you so', but... :p

#37 MikeV1987

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 12:42

The game is growing on me, it's more about hot lapping now than competitive racing, hopefully they patch it up soon. They gifted the E21 to all VIPs last week, it's great. And thanks to custom designs, theirs all sorts of liveries available, currently using the 2012 Williams livery.


The lack of cars and tracks is not really a problem, sure it would be nice to have more. But the cars and tracks we have are top quality, they take the complete opposite direction that PD does. I'll take +200 highly detailed cars that I actually want to drive over 1200 cars that look like they are mostly from PS2 games.


PI classes have changed a bit, for the better too.


FM4 - F-200, E-275, D-350, C-425, B-500, A-600, S-700, R3-800, R2-875, R1-998, X-999

FM5 - D-400, C-500, B-600, A-700, S-800, R-900, P-998, X-999

Edited by MikeV1987, 11 December 2013 - 13:24.

#38 The Kanisteri

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 10:35

 I'll take +200 highly detailed cars that I actually want to drive over 1200 cars that look like they are mostly from PS2 games.




I have to correct you a little. GT6's standard cars, at least those I've played with, lacks fine done dashboard, but they looks 95-100% such good than premium cars.

Outlook of - for example . Dodge Charger R/T '69 as standard car looks like premium cars in GT5. :)


Edit: 17 Dec 2013


GT6 has no F1 cars but here's two lend screenshots from GTPlanet about standard Formula GT car.



Edited by The Kanisteri, 17 December 2013 - 13:48.

#39 Afterburner

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 16:57

I have to correct you a little. GT6's standard cars, at least those I've played with, lacks fine done dashboard, but they looks 95-100% such good than premium cars.
Outlook of - for example . Dodge Charger R/T '69 as standard car looks like premium cars in GT5. :)
Edit: 17 Dec 2013
GT6 has no F1 cars but here's two lend screenshots from GTPlanet about standard Formula GT car.

Reminds me of the Krieger Racing WTR from Burnout Paradise... awesome car:



#40 MikeV1987

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 21:32

I've always loved those Formula cars in GT, we need more open wheel cars in games like this.

#41 MikeV1987

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 19:15

They have released some updates here and there, but they aren't addressing mine (and many others) complaints, and it doesn't look like they plan to either. They might as well remove "Motorsport" from the game title and call it Horizon 2, because the online experience is complete s**t.


Project C.A.R.S. can't come soon enough


edit: I really miss competitive racing, so I might take part in this.

Edited by MikeV1987, 19 January 2014 - 19:18.

#42 MikeV1987

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 21:36

FINALLY they released an update with a few tweaks that has a massive positive effect on the racing community, we can finally save replays so now steward inquiries (among lots of other things) are possible. Here is a series coming up at TORA, it's called GP Classics. Theres two cars to chose from, Lauda's Ferrari or Hunt's McLaren from the 76' season. Anybody can participate doesn't matter if you are veteran or a rookie at this game.


Their will be a lot of other series coming up including the Touring Car Championship (my favourite) and possibly a Lotus E21 series just to name a couple.


Here is a in car vid from a Touring Car race from FM4



Another vid, these guys are legit. I've only made it as far as lobby B as far as qualifying goes.


Edited by MikeV1987, 10 February 2014 - 21:40.

#43 MikeV1987

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 00:14

Long beach circuit will be released tomorrow, like Road America it will be free.



Edited by MikeV1987, 10 April 2014 - 00:14.

#44 Afterburner

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Posted 15 April 2014 - 16:05

Long beach circuit will be released tomorrow, like Road America it will be free.

Good--now, if we can get people to throw an epic freakout about all the missing cars that were in previous games, maybe we can get some of them back without having to pay money for them.

#45 MaxisOne

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Posted 09 May 2014 - 20:08

Bump the cars !!! This sim is till half assed without the Ring in it !

#46 MikeV1987

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 17:44

Nurburgring will be released today, for free again. It comes in three variations, Nordschliefe, Nordschliefe + GP & the GP circuit. I'm a little dissappointed they didn't release the short version of the GP track because I thought it was really good in the lower classes in FM4.

FM4 vs Fm5 comparison http://www.gamespot....4/2300-6419187/


along with 5 cars, all fully customizable 


1967 Brabham BT24
2013 Ford Formula Ford EcoBoost 200
1989 Audi #4 Audi 90 quattro IMSA GTO
1939 Maserati 8CTF
1956 Lous Eleven



Edited by MikeV1987, 10 June 2014 - 00:08.

#47 mahelgel

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 09:25

For those who have Forza5, is it possible to change the time of day you are driving? Seems to me like they have gone a bit overboard with the "low sun in youre face" effect. It looked quite annoying in the Nurburgring release :)

#48 MikeV1987

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 23:45


#49 MikeV1987

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 19:06






Edited by MikeV1987, 12 August 2014 - 19:06.