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Murray Walker's advertising career

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#1 Jackmancer

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 07:17

Hey guys, I came across an interview that said Murray Walker worked in advertising.

I work in advertising as well and I'm just extremely curious to what position Murray filled in. Was he an account, or copywriter, or something else?


If the latter, is there some work of him to show he made?

Thanks heaps in advance.


#2 David McKinney

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 07:41

Wikipedia answers your question at least in part

#3 Jackmancer

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 08:11

Ah, I should have checked it.

Wikipedia says:

Walker created the slogan "Trill makes budgies bounce with health" - a famous advertising slogan for bird seed in the 1960s as well as the slogan "Opal Fruits, made to make your mouth water."


But it doesn't state his position.
So he was a copywriter?

#4 Tim Murray

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 10:09

According to his autobiography Murray spent most of his advertising career on the management side. After WW2 he worked for Dunlop and soon became Advertising Manager for Dunlopillo. He performed similar roles at other companies before joining the Masius and Fergusson advertising agency where he spent the rest of his advertising career. Here he managed individual accounts for some of the firms who used the agency and eventually became a partner in the business. As I understand it he was not personally responsible for the creation of the famous slogans with which he's associated, but was in charge of the teams that did.

#5 Jackmancer

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:04

Alright, thanks Tim :)

(any coincidence on your last name? :p )

#6 P.Dron

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:13

Ah, I should have checked it.

Wikipedia says:

Walker created the slogan "Trill makes budgies bounce with health" - a famous advertising slogan for bird seed in the 1960s as well as the slogan "Opal Fruits, made to make your mouth water."


But it doesn't state his position.
So he was a copywriter?


He was indeed. Another budgie ad (ironic, considering his later collaboration with James Hunt, who had a "light green cock" according to the IPC publication Cage & Aviary Birds) had the slogan "An only budgie is a lonely budgie", cunningly urging people to get an extra dumb bird and thus double their Trill consumption.

   He also did, "A MARS a day helps you work, rest and play", thus proving conclusively that he was already at the head of the field, as far as talking b*****ks is concerned.