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Olivers Mount. Any memories to share?

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#1 Telbert

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 11:13

The track i visited the most in my youth and i still have so many memories of the place, some of them slightly hazy unfortunately. The 1972 September meeting obviously stands out as it was the only time i saw Saarinen but some of the other highlights from that weekend were Ago setting off in the second wave in the 350 race (as he arrived late and missed some of the practicing) and absolutely thrashing the MV around the place. The sound was fantastic up Quarry Hill, The John Player Nortons briefly running 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the 750 race was another highlight as was Rudi Kurths CAT flying down the "back straight" like a rocket compared to the BMWs etc.


Other highlights through the years were the Sheene and Grant battles of the 70's which seemed so epic at the time but i was disappointed to read in later years were staged  ):

However one year, possibly 1976, Geoff Barry was giving them a real run for their money (and probably wasn't in on the charade) and i can still recall him leading the race much to my brothers delight as he was a massive Geoff Barry fan.


Graeme Crosby turning up on that Moriwaki Kawasaki with the high bars.


The real lowpoint was Phil Haslams accident in 73 but another sad sight was seeing Barry Scullys Triumph? smashed up after he has crashed on the run down to the start/finish line (what year would that be?). It was such a distinctive silver/aluminium bike and heartbreaking to see it in that state.


On a lighter note slipping and slithering my way down from the car park to the bridge at Quarry Hill was always memorable too if it had been raining  :lol:




Anyone else have any memories of the place? 


#2 Paul Collins

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 15:30

I was at that 1972 meeting, I was 12 years old and Saarinen became my hero from that day on, I remember most of the races from that day including Ago as you describe riding the wheels off the MV trying to catch Saarinen, I was staggered by the entry list that day, almost all the Grand Prix guys were there, the Scarborough team was always good at attracting the top GP privateers too.


It holds a special place in my heart and I still go to the Gold Cup each year, I absolutely loved riding there too, in the dry anyway, in the wet it was evil, my one regret is never managing a win there, I hit the top 6 a couple of times but the entry was always so strong there in the early 80's and I was never going to beat the likes of Phil Mellor, Steve Tonkin & co.


I've been retired since 1989 but often help people out and if I wheel a bike to the line for anyone even now I so badly want to start the race still, it doesn't bother me anywhere else, its a cracking venue, pretty unique amongst UK short circuits and I hope it continues for many years to come.


Going into Mount Hairpin (Now Drury's) in 1986, I think this is the race in which I ended up 4th after a bit of a moment over the jumps which it later turned out had broken the frame!! not sure why I only have half an image showing??



Edited by Paul Collins, 27 September 2013 - 15:46.

#3 greg1953

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 16:03

As I mentioned in another post the sight of Saarinen at Olivers Mount will live with me forever, Phil Haslams crash was very near to where I stood ( it was '74 btw ).

I entered in '76 but broke down on the way there, made it back home but didn't get to the track until Sunday and they wouldn't let me ride as I hadn't ridden there previously so we hung around and helped our mates, one of which was Steve Layton who was killed in the 500 race on Quarry Hill ,a very sad day.

I also witnessed the Barry Scully crash on what is now referred to as "Jefferies Jump ". 

The top German sidecar aces were also regulars at the Mount but Mac Hobson on the Yamaha over the jump made them all look tame.

The introduction of the chicane before the start - finish line has certainley slowed things down but I believe it was necessary, the thought of a bike going into the crowd at the speeds they used to pass the line doesn't bear thinking about.

Long may it continue,


#4 Paul Collins

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 16:38

As I mentioned in another post the sight of Saarinen at Olivers Mount will live with me forever, Phil Haslams crash was very near to where I stood ( it was '74 btw ).

I entered in '76 but broke down on the way there, made it back home but didn't get to the track until Sunday and they wouldn't let me ride as I hadn't ridden there previously so we hung around and helped our mates, one of which was Steve Layton who was killed in the 500 race on Quarry Hill ,a very sad day.

I also witnessed the Barry Scully crash on what is now referred to as "Jefferies Jump ". 

The top German sidecar aces were also regulars at the Mount but Mac Hobson on the Yamaha over the jump made them all look tame.

The introduction of the chicane before the start - finish line has certainley slowed things down but I believe it was necessary, the thought of a bike going into the crowd at the speeds they used to pass the line doesn't bear thinking about.

Long may it continue,


Yep the old start/finish area was a real thrill, from memory just about flat in 5th on a TZ350!! it always worried me first time through after the start in case anyone had dribbled anything whilst waiting on the line and it hadn't been spotted!!

#5 Telbert

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 19:06

I'll never get used to that harpin being called Drurys. When was it renamed and who after?


Unlike you guys i never raced there but as soon as i was old enough to ride a moped i rode there to do a few laps. As i screamed down the back straight on my little suzuki ap50 i thought i could get round the left hander at the memorial flat out (probably about 55mph?) but ended up flying across the grass with bystanders ducking and diving for cover. What a muppet :down: 

I'll never understand how the sidecar lads ever overtook anyone round Olivers Mount as it was so narrow. Didn't Chris Vincents outfit end up down the banking at the exit of Mountside one year?


Mellor and Tonkin were pretty useful round there so no disgrace in being beaten by them. Didn't Tonkin ride a Cotton or Armstrong or something similar for a couple of years as well as the obligatory Yamahas?


I was quite disappointed recently to read one of my heroes, Peter Williams, saying that he never liked the place because there were too many slow corners. I wonder how many genuinely did like the place?


Another thing that always made me chuckle was the circuit map they used to print in the program as it was rubbish.

#6 Paul Collins

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 07:19

I think Mount was re-named Drury's after a long serving Auto 66 club member who passed away, I cant get used to it either and still refer to it as Mount Hairpin.


Agree about the circuit map which show's Mountside hairpin as a nice sweeping bend!! If you can find a copy the book produced to celebrate 50 years of the Mount in 1996 is a great read, I have a copy and put it in the back of my car for the recent trip to the Gold Cup which kept my back seat passengers engrossed for most of the journey.


Not sure about Chris Vincent's incident but I vagely remember a legal case in the early 70's centred around a collision between Vincent's outfit and a recovery van parked in the slip road at Mere hairpin which I think badly injured his passenger.


I certainly remember half of the sidecar boys coming through the fence into the paddock one day after a shunt at the start of a sidecar race, I think in the mid to late 70's, and chairs were stopped for a few years after that.

#7 greg1953

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 08:35

I'll never get used to that harpin being called Drurys. When was it renamed and who after?


Unlike you guys i never raced there but as soon as i was old enough to ride a moped i rode there to do a few laps. As i screamed down the back straight on my little suzuki ap50 i thought i could get round the left hander at the memorial flat out (probably about 55mph?) but ended up flying across the grass with bystanders ducking and diving for cover. What a muppet :down:

I'll never understand how the sidecar lads ever overtook anyone round Olivers Mount as it was so narrow. Didn't Chris Vincents outfit end up down the banking at the exit of Mountside one year?


Mellor and Tonkin were pretty useful round there so no disgrace in being beaten by them. Didn't Tonkin ride a Cotton or Armstrong or something similar for a couple of years as well as the obligatory Yamahas?


I was quite disappointed recently to read one of my heroes, Peter Williams, saying that he never liked the place because there were too many slow corners. I wonder how many genuinely did like the place?


Another thing that always made me chuckle was the circuit map they used to print in the program as it was rubbish.


Tonkin winning on the Cotton,



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Edited by greg1953, 29 September 2013 - 08:37.

#8 Paul Collins

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 19:28

That shot brings back memories of the old pre chicane layout, it was a real adrenaline rush going through there!!


Tonkin had some great rides there including a few scraps with my old school mate Paul Tinker when they were both on the Randle Armstrong's in what commentator Tony Copeland still refers to as the 'Tink and Tonk' battles.


I think Steve Tonkin is still racing in classic events, I spotted him at the MGP recently trundling through the paddock on his Gold Star. 

#9 RC162

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 05:36

That shot brings back memories of the old pre chicane layout, it was a real adrenaline rush going through there!!


Tonkin had some great rides there including a few scraps with my old school mate Paul Tinker when they were both on the Randle Armstrong's in what commentator Tony Copeland still refers to as the 'Tink and Tonk' battles.


I think Steve Tonkin is still racing in classic events, I spotted him at the MGP recently trundling through the paddock on his Gold Star. 


Steve Tonkin has ridden at the 1000 Bikes for a few years now, usually on a goldstar. He also has his own version called the Typhoon or Tempest I believe

Edited by RC162, 30 September 2013 - 05:39.

#10 mfd

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 17:57

 I wonder how many genuinely did like the place?



I knew one chap, Steve Henshaw who absolutely loved the place. I think he went for the first time in 1979 & I remember being told in 1980, "you've got to come & see this".


We arrived in the paddock, you can't see anything but you can hear it, so I was told to scramble up the bank with the wooden fence next to Mere & have a look. I couldn't ****ing believe it :eek:


Steve liked it because it favoured the brave. Strangely although he took on the Island & the North West, he never went to the Ulster, which I'd say requires a certain attitude not unlike the one required at Scarborough.

#11 Paul Collins

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 20:21

I knew one chap, Steve Henshaw who absolutely loved the place. I think he went for the first time in 1979 & I remember being told in 1980, "you've got to come & see this".


We arrived in the paddock, you can't see anything but you can hear it, so I was told to scramble up the bank with the wooden fence next to Mere & have a look. I couldn't ****ing believe it :eek:


Steve liked it because it favoured the brave. Strangely although he took on the Island & the North West, he never went to the Ulster, which I'd say requires a certain attitude not unlike the one required at Scarborough.


Steve was a regular and went really well there, I have a vivid memory of him coming past me on the top straight during practice one morning, he was on Harold Coppock's TZ750, not the most nimble of tools for the circuit, and as anyone who has raced at the Mount will tell you, the top straight isn't straight at all (nor is the bottom one) anyway he was giving the 750 everything and throwing it from verge to verge, it was amazing to watch!!

#12 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 21:20

Not taken @ Olivers Mount, but nice one of Steve on the 750 Rottweiler in 1979.


Photo Copyrighted to Graham Etheridge.

#13 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 21:22

What are warning points!!? Found underneath my avatar, any one else got it under theirs?

#14 mfd

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 21:29

What are warning points!!? Found underneath my avatar, any one else got it under theirs?

Not on yours nor anyone else's, but underneath my own I have zero warning points. I'd hazard a guess they're for our own viewing but can't imagine why. We can talk about 1984 but don't expect to be in it :stoned:

#15 mfd

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 21:38

Not taken @ Olivers Mount, but nice one of Steve on the 750 Rottweiler in 1979.


That's exactly how it looked for the September? Scarborough race. Ex Kevin Stowe spec, but it looked quite different in 1980

#16 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 21:42

You got a photo of that year Mike? (1980)

#17 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 21:46

This one that was posted by Harolds Grandson a while back?


#18 fil2.8

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:02

This one that was posted by Harolds Grandson a while back?


Thats a great piccie , 1981 , I guess , Steve Manship in the background , I think , Donington Park 

#19 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:05

You think Manship Phil, I was thinking maybe Fred or Robin Riley?


#20 mfd

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:17

Thats a great piccie , 1981 , I guess , Steve Manship in the background , I think , Donington Park 


This one that was posted by Harolds Grandson a while back?


Phil's right :up: it is 1981 Donington, but think Manship earned the #1 plate on a 750? That looks like an RG with a white plate...durr moment.

Graham :wave: it is my photo, taken for "the sponsor pack" - if can you believe it? :p

#21 fil2.8

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:27

Phil's right :up: it is 1981 Donington, but think Manship earned the #1 plate on a 750? That looks like an RG with a white plate...durr moment.

Graham :wave: it is my photo, taken for "the sponsor pack" - if can you believe it? :p


Was looking at the leathers ......yes , he won on a 750 , beating Bill by a couple of points in 1980 , hence the #1 plate in '81 , when he also rode a RG  :up:  :up: ..... white and blue to start with , IIRC

#22 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:35

Phil's right :up: it is 1981 Donington, but think Manship earned the #1 plate on a 750? That looks like an RG with a white plate...durr moment.

Graham :wave: it is my photo, taken for "the sponsor pack" - if can you believe it? :p

Its a great shot of Steve & Harold, good memories eh! :)

#23 picblanc

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:38

I reckon your right, it is Manship as on the van it says Double M plumbing, Steve was/is a plumber, good work chaps!

#24 Paul Collins

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 22:57

One thing that sticks in my mind from Steve leaping past me that day at the Mount was he was running a strange single shock set up at the back, it looked like a large gas shock fitted on one side of the swing arm, it looked really odd and I clearly remember seeing it working overtime as the bike leapt around.

#25 mfd

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 23:42

One thing that sticks in my mind from Steve leaping past me that day at the Mount was he was running a strange single shock set up at the back, it looked like a large gas shock fitted on one side of the swing arm, it looked really odd and I clearly remember seeing it working overtime as the bike leapt around.

I knew most of the things he rode Paul, but can't imagine what you saw him on. There was only one 750 a D ex Stowe which over the course of 79-82 got up-dated as far as possible. Perhaps it was one of the older Coppock RG's? (but before the new Mk6 arrived)

#26 Paul Collins

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 00:05

I knew most of the things he rode Paul, but can't imagine what you saw him on. There was only one 750 a D ex Stowe which over the course of 79-82 got up-dated as far as possible. Perhaps it was one of the older Coppock RG's? (but before the new Mk6 arrived)


I'm pretty sure he was on the 750, and thinking back i'm sure MCN ran a photo and a bit of a story on it at the time, I seem to think it was an experiment which wasn't successful, it was a single shock mounted at a similar angle to the old RG 'laid down' set up.


Mind you, we are talking over 30 years ago now so memories fade :confused:

#27 fil2.8

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 10:09

Thought I had a piccie somewhere , up to my usual blurred standards , of Mr Manship , on the blue/white RG , hope this comes out  :well:








<img src="http://imageshack.us...1/img154jv2.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/><br/>

#28 picblanc

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 10:19

Where have the posting icons gone?..........getting sick of this now!!

#29 fil2.8

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 10:45

Where have the posting icons gone?..........getting sick of this now!!

can't you see the piccie ?? :confused:

#30 mfd

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 11:03

can't you see the piccie ?? :confused:

I can see a link (that works) Phil

#31 fil2.8

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 11:20

I can see a link (that works) Phil



yes , that's what I can see , Mike ,..................wonder why the piccie isn't there  :confused:  ??

Edited by fil2.8, 01 October 2013 - 11:20.

#32 joeninety

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Posted 06 November 2013 - 19:15

The track i visited the most in my youth and i still have so many memories of the place, some of them slightly hazy unfortunately. The 1972 September meeting obviously stands out as it was the only time i saw Saarinen but some of the other highlights from that weekend were Ago setting off in the second wave in the 350 race (as he arrived late and missed some of the practicing) and absolutely thrashing the MV around the place. The sound was fantastic up Quarry Hill, The John Player Nortons briefly running 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the 750 race was another highlight as was Rudi Kurths CAT flying down the "back straight" like a rocket compared to the BMWs etc.


Other highlights through the years were the Sheene and Grant battles of the 70's which seemed so epic at the time but i was disappointed to read in later years were staged  ):

However one year, possibly 1976, Geoff Barry was giving them a real run for their money (and probably wasn't in on the charade) and i can still recall him leading the race much to my brothers delight as he was a massive Geoff Barry fan.


Graeme Crosby turning up on that Moriwaki Kawasaki with the high bars.


The real lowpoint was Phil Haslams accident in 73 but another sad sight was seeing Barry Scullys Triumph? smashed up after he has crashed on the run down to the start/finish line (what year would that be?). It was such a distinctive silver/aluminium bike and heartbreaking to see it in that state.


On a lighter note slipping and slithering my way down from the car park to the bridge at Quarry Hill was always memorable too if it had been raining  :lol:




Anyone else have any memories of the place? 


#33 tdijam

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 09:01

One thing that sticks in my mind from Steve leaping past me that day at the Mount was he was running a strange single shock set up at the back, it looked like a large gas shock fitted on one side of the swing arm, it looked really odd and I clearly remember seeing it working overtime as the bike leapt around.

A good friend of mine Dave Rutzen who raced at Olivers Mount, had a Spondon framed Sparton that also had a single rear shock , and a very heavy braced Swinging Arm . My guess would be that Steve Henshaws bike would have had a similar Spondon Frame.


Edited by tdijam, 10 November 2013 - 09:10.

#34 greg1953

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 09:52

A good friend of mine Dave Rutzen who raced at Olivers Mount, had a Spondon framed Sparton that also had a single rear shock , and a very heavy braced Swinging Arm . My guess would be that Steve Henshaws bike would have had a similar Spondon Frame.


Top North East rider in the '70s , Neil Mason, from Shildon, had a Sparton with a single De-Carbon shock mounted on one side of the arm, he had quite a few wins at Croft on it, he also had a TZ350 , as did everyone at the time. 


#35 greg1953

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 17:22

Steve Henshaw at the esses, it's a bit scabby as it's scanned from an old print


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#36 greg1953

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 17:28

Another one of Steve Henshaw at the other side of the esses, Graham Wood behind


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#37 greg1953

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 17:38

Another old shot, a sad photo as both riders now dead...Andy McGladdery & Steve Henshaw at Mere Hairpinyt3z.jpg

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#38 greg1953

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 17:45

Tuxworth on the British Wicks at Mount Hairpin, I may have posted these previously in another section.



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#39 mfd

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 17:51

Thanks - Oliver's Mount is a great track for action photos


#40 tdijam

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 22:56

Photo of myself coming on to the Back Straight on my 350 TZ Maxton , the photo was taken by Mike Dowkes who is a former winner at Oliver's Mount . It's still my favourite short circuit . I get the chance to have a ride there every year, when I take part in the parades at the Barry Sheene event .



#41 picblanc

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 23:00

Greats photos guys thanks for sharing.

#42 greg1953

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 08:00

tdijam, on 10 Nov 2013 - 22:56, said:

Photo of myself coming on to the Back Straight on my 350 TZ Maxton , the photo was taken by Mike Dowkes who is a former winner at Oliver's Mount . It's still my favourite short circuit . I get the chance to have a ride there every year, when I take part in the parades at the Barry Sheene event .



Love those Maxtons, they didn't crack frames which was a big problem on the Yamaha frames, did this one have a metal crank or a special fablon one ?


#43 tdijam

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 00:40

A metal one of course! .....Fablon , as if .


#44 greg1953

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 07:55

Love those Maxtons, they didn't crack frames which was a big problem on the Yamaha frames, did this one have a metal crank or a special fablon one ?


Did you ever ride a standard Yam ? I thought my 250E was the best handling bike on the planet, I'm curious how it compared to the Maxton chassis.


P.S. I have a Maxton shock on my Honda Blackbird, I'm impressed with it's performance and it's beautifully made, just like the racing frames.

#45 bobness

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 09:00

A good friend of mine Dave Rutzen who raced at Olivers Mount, had a Spondon framed Sparton that also had a single rear shock , and a very heavy braced Swinging Arm . My guess would be that Steve Henshaws bike would have had a similar Spondon Frame.




I definitely remember this being in MCN when Steve won one of his Gold Cups, IIRC. Probably 1981?

I had a pic of it in my scrapbook (Steve's girlfriend, then wife, Val, lived up the road from me, so I always kept an eye out for him, and I was 13...).

Steve's TZ750 had an extra shock on the LHS of the swing arm, to counter the somewhat interesting shapes the bike got into at Scarborough.

The other photo in the story was Steve and Harold grinning like Cheshire cats with the trophy.

Blowed if I didn't chuck my scrapbooks last year in a clear out, they were mostly fairly secondhand anyway.

But Paul, you aren't going mad, least not on this story!

Looking above, the 30 September picblanc posted pic of Harold, Steve, the Rottweiler and the van is the very bike concerned (I remember the livery and the Tsubaki sticker) but obviously the shock would have been on the other side.




Anyone got MCNs from about 1981?

Edited by bobness, 12 November 2013 - 09:06.

#46 fil2.8

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 10:00



Anyone got MCNs from about 1981?



Yes , and many other years up to about 1990 , if anyone wants about 500 of them ............................................. :wave:

#47 bobness

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 10:48

Looking at the results, if it was a meeting he'd won at, it was probably the 1982 Ken Redfern?

Up in the loft you go, Phil...! :wave: 

Edited by bobness, 12 November 2013 - 10:48.

#48 mfd

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 12:10

Looking at the results, if it was a meeting he'd won at, it was probably the 1982 Ken Redfern?
Up in the loft you go, Phil...! :wave: 

You'll have to excuse me but I'm not saying you're wrong Bob, but first of all I'm not convinced 100% the single sided shock was on the bike that often. If you look at the two Scarborough photos they are definitely 1981. Tsubaki was a 1981 only deal (Regina in 1980 & Renold in 1982) The Union flag on the screen is the same flag carried at Mallory & Oulton Transatlantic 1981. At Brands it was on the fairing, but that bit the dust in the Chivington accident.

There were three meetings at Scarborough in 1981. May 10th where Steve didn't feature in the results, July where he won one & placed 2nd twice. That was possibly your "grinning Cheshire cat" photo as the Gold Cup in September it was a 5th place.

As for the Van photo, that was the first meeting at Donington in 1981. Everything was new. Leathers, fairing, truck design & looking at the bike a Spondon swing arm but in this photo it is attached to the standard Yamaha shock.

It was this meeting where previously having announced Joey in the T/A team instead of Mick Grant, Stavros fell & broke his wrist. Later in the week Ted Broad substituted Steve H rather than drafting in Grant who to some was the more obvious choice. In fact Steve got the place because he had two bikes (with the RG500) available where Grant had just one (or so we were told). The next few days were manic, apart from sorting bikes there was an interview at Radio Trent along with a trip to John Collier for a formal jacket for the press do at the US Embassy.

#49 fil2.8

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 12:46

Looking at the results, if it was a meeting he'd won at, it was probably the 1982 Ken Redfern?

Up in the loft you go, Phil...! :wave: 



Got them all in me workshop now , taking up space  :well:  , loath to throw them out , history lying there ...............shame no one wants them , or several years  of Classic Bike , if anyone wants them , for free , ( donation to a mutually agreeable charity ) they can either collect from Sunny Devon , or , I am coming up to the National Motorcycle Museum for the TTRA diner on the 27th November and will gladly bring them all up , i'm really not prepared to hunt for individual copies , sorry . 


Can't get to the workshop at the mo ......... short on prolonged time , i'm afraid , for a few days , but i'll look , if you want for the piccies you need  :up:

#50 Paul Collins

Paul Collins
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Posted 12 November 2013 - 15:18

Looking at the results, if it was a meeting he'd won at, it was probably the 1982 Ken Redfern?

Up in the loft you go, Phil...! :wave: 

My first race at Scarborough was the July 82 Cock of the North, followed by the Gold Cup in September, so that's the earliest Steve could have passed me on the 'phantom monoshocker' and I didn't ride there again until April 85 so wouldn't have seen it in 83 or 84.