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Parallels betwen Sergio Perez and Pedro Rodriguez

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#1 mariner

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Posted 21 December 2013 - 16:17

Poor Sergo Perez has gotten some bad press among F1 fans over the last year.


Hired then fired by McLaren he has been condemned as bit of a failure and a "pay driver" due to the Carlos Slim money he reportedly enjoys.


I suddenly realised there are some parallels to Pedro Rodriguez. As I understand it his father was seriously wealthy by 1960's standards and bought his son's teh best cars.


Pedro was brilliant driver but I think it's fair to  say he was never at the very top in F1. He led BRM and went quick but I don't see him  him as, say, a  Team Lotus no 1 driver in his day.


Nonetheless Pedro went on to become one of the great Sports car drivers and his driving of the Porsche 917 was awesome.


Today older fans have great respect for Pedro, I wonder if Perez wil be better judged in futre if he, say went into Le mans racing?


#2 Richard Jenkins

Richard Jenkins
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Posted 21 December 2013 - 20:35

Perez seems to me to be very, very fast but not consistent and not, as yet, able to read a race that well. Being too young to see Rodriguez race, I can't compare the two, but I have a feeling that in the long run, Perez's year at McLaren and the lessons he will have learnt from the negative aspects of it, will be to his benefit.


On raw pace and general talent alone, he could be a winner yet - he's still young, so I think a move to sportscars would be a mistake for now.


One that might benefit from McNish's departure from racing and go from a back of the grid drive to a top winning WEC drive would be Charles Pic. It doesn't look like F1 is going to develop in the way it arguably should for him.